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41 – 60 sur 451 résultats
Does Cash Assistance Help During Acute Food Insecurity?
Cash-based programming is an intervention commonly provided to people affected by humanitarian crisis. Although focusing on the relationship between cash transfers and intimate partner violence, this study also explored links between cash and food insecurity. It finds that seasonal cash for work may not...
Overcoming power imbalances: Community recommendations for breaking the cycle
Ground Truth Solutions has been tracking people’s perceptions in Somalia since 2017. Following a recent quantitative survey with cash and voucher recipients, as part of our Cash Barometer project, we carried out focus group discussions to discuss our findings with community members and gather their...
Adapter les transferts monétaires à l’inflation, à la dépréciation et à la volatilité économique
Le CALP Network a soutenu les groupes de travail nationaux sur les transferts monétaires (CWG) dans cinq pays africains - le Burkina Faso, le Malawi, le Nigeria, le Sud-Soudan et le Zimbabwe - afin qu'ils conviennent de processus clairs et prévisibles pour adapter les transferts monétaires à la...
Impact Evaluation of Cash-Based Transfers and Gender in Kenya: Inception report
Guidelines and Tools
Gender inequality in economic autonomy is pervasive, particularly in developing countries, and its potential welfare implications are concerning. The World Economic Forum’s (WEF) Global Gender Gap Report for 2022 ranks Kenya as 57th for the Gender Gap on Economic participation, and an opportunity index...
Inscription a une formation face a face prevue du 17 au 21 juillet 2023 a Bujumbura, Burundi
Événement membre
But de la formation Aider les participants à intégrer les transferts monétaires dans la conception, la mise en œuvre et le suivi des interventions humanitaires. Objectifs Comprendre comment les transferts monétaires sont guidés par les politiques, normes et directives clés. Décrire comment les...
Adapting Cash Programming to Inflation, Depreciation and Economic Volatility
The CALP Network supported country cash working groups (CWGs) in five African countries – Burkina Faso, Malawi, Nigeria, South Sudan and Zimbabwe – to agree on clear and predictable processes for adapting CVA programmes to economic volatility. These reports capture the resulting recommendations,...
Financial Literacy Training Minimum Standards
Guidelines and Tools
The Financial Literacy Training (FLT) minimum standards were developed by the Uganda Inter-Agency Cash Working Group (CWG) in collaboration with the CWG Financial Literacy Training Technical Core Team for training providers and FLT implementers in Uganda’s refugee response.
These minimum standards...
Alternative Approaches to Multi-Purpose Cash Assistance Delivery in Active Conflict Contexts
On April 15, 2023, violent clashes erupted between the Sudanese Armed Forces (SAF) and the Rapid Support Forces (RSF). This conflict has had dire consequences, forcing people to flee. Both displaced and host communities, as well as those who have chosen to remain in sheltered locations, are grappling with...
Saving Lives and Assets: The value of nexus “Cash” approaches to Anticipatory Action and Social Protection during climate-induced crises
As a follow-on reflection from an inter-agency panel presentation at the ECHO EHF 2023, panelists highlight the importance of drastically changing « gear » to scale up pre-crisis Anticipatory Action investment, leveraging the « nexus » enabler – cash. Humanitarian needs have reached an...
IOM Cash-Based Interventions Annual Report and Case Studies 2022
Since 2019, IOM has placed special attention on building capacity to increase the use and coordination of cash-based interventions (CBI) across the organization in line with the Grand Bargain commitments. Following the successful implementation of the IOM Strategy for Humanitarian CBI 2019–2021, the...
Exploring Spatial Patterns, and Identifying Factors Associated with Insufficient Cash or Food Received from a Productive Safety Net Program among Eligible Households in Ethiopia: A spatial and multilevel analysis as an input for international food aid programmers
In low-income countries, households’ food insecurity and the undernutrition of children are the main health problems. Ethiopia is vulnerable to food insecurity and undernutrition among children because its agricultural production system is traditional. Hence, the productive safety net program (PSNP) is...
Adapter les transferts monétaires humanitaires au contexte d’inflation et de dépréciation monétaire
Enregistrement webinaire
Le CALP vient de terminer une étude qui visait à capturer les différentes mesures d’adaptation de transferts monétaires (TM) humanitaires afin de répondre à l’inflation et la dépréciation de la monnaie dans différents pays. Dans la région de l’Afrique de l’Ouest et du Centre, l’étude...
East and Southern Africa CWG Leads and Co-leads workshop
Members event
CALP Network convenes annually the East and Southern Africa CWG leads and co-leads workshop with the main purpose of encouraging peer-to-peer learning among CWG leads and Co-leads to improve cash coordination. This year the workshop is scheduled to be face to face and will be held in Nairobi- Kenya on...
Manuel des transferts monétaires pour la réponse aux chocs cyclones et inondation Madagascar
Guides et outils
L’objectif de ce document de procédures de Transfert Monétaire est d’établir toutes les directives d’utilisation du transfert Monétaire pendant les réponses aux chocs liés aux cyclones et aux inondations, afin d’harmoniser et de coordonner toutes les interventions correspondantes.
Direct and Indirect Benefits of Food and Cash Assistance in Uganda
The United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) has the vision to escalate Cash Based Transfers (CBT) initiatives in coordination with the Government of Uganda. This study aims to gain a better understanding of the direct and indirect benefits of food and cash transfers to refugees and asylum seekers within...
Revisión de las buenas prácticas sobre asistencia en efectivo en contextos de alta inflación y depreciación
¿De qué se trata? Una recopilación de buenas prácticas para ayudar a los actores humanitarios a diseñar e implementar programas de transferencias monetarias, incluyendo transferencias monetarias multipropósito (TMM) y dinero para resultados sectoriales. La razón de ser de este documento es el...
Kenya Social Protection Conference
Members event
The Government of Kenya through the State Department with other actors in social protection will be hosting the third Kenya Social Protection Conference in the week 3-6th April 2023. The theme of the conference is “accelerating inclusive and integrated social protection system in Kenya, strategies for...
Étude des bonnes pratiques en matière d’assistance monétaire dans des contextes d’inflation et de dépréciation monétaire élevées : étude de cas sur le Zimbabwe
Cette étude de cas accompagne l’étude des bonnes pratiques du CALP sur l’assistance monétaire dans des contextes d’inflation et de dépréciation monétaire élevées. Elle a pour but d’illustrer le processus d’analyse de la situation, d’analyse de la réponse et de sélection des options...
عملية التشاور مع الجهات الفاعلة المحلية لتطوير إستراتيجية التعلم والتدريب الخاصة بشبكة CALP
بهدف دعم تقديم مساعدات نقدية وقسائم مؤثرة وفعالة ورفيعة المستوى، تعمل شبكة CALP بالتعاون مع الجهات الأخرى لتطوير وتنفيذ مجموعة متنوعة من أنشطة التعلّم والتدريب. يتم...
Consultation process with local actors to develop CALP’s learning and training strategy
To support the delivery of impactful, effective and high-quality cash and voucher assistance (CVA), CALP works with others to develop and deliver a variety of learning and training activities. Learning activities are delivered via online-facilitated workshops, face-to-face trainings and self-driven...