
The Assessment Capacities Project (ACAPS) is dedicated to improving assessments of humanitarian needs in complex emergencies and crisis through the provision of context-specific information and analysis.

Action Against Hunger/ACF International
Action Against Hunger/ACF International has been implementing cash transfer programmes since the 1990s, with increased coverage and scale since 2003. Cash transfer programmes have become an essential core element of ACF’s integrated programme approach, mostly facilitating food security and livelihoods, and water and sanitation activities for and with the community and participating households.

Action Aid
Action Aid is an international organisation, working with over 15 million people in 45 countries for a world free from poverty and injustice.

Action pour le Développement du Sahel (ADESA)


Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA)
The Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA) is the global humanitarian organization of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. Through an international network, ADRA delivers relief and development assistance to individuals in more than 130 countries—regardless of their ethnicity, political affiliation, or religious association. By partnering with communities, organizations, and governments, ADRA is able to improve the quality of life of millions through 9 impact areas.



British Red Cross
The British Red Cross Society is the United Kingdom branch of the worldwide impartial humanitarian organisation the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement formed in 1870, and is a registered charity with more than 32,500 volunteers and 3,500 staff. At the heart of their work is providing help to people in crisis, both in the UK and overseas. The Red Cross is committed to helping people without discrimination, regardless of their ethnic origin, nationality, political beliefs or religion.

Building Foundation for Development (BFD)
C. Mike Daniels
C. Mike Daniels
Mike Daniels is an independent consultant with over 15 years’ experience in humanitarian management, training, evaluation, and organizational development for NGOs, Red Cross and UN agencies. He now specializes in Cash Transfer Programmes and inter-agency collaboration. A professionally certified trainer, Mike has developed and delivered a range of CTP and other training courses. His programme evaluations have included both whole-of-country CTP impact in complex emergencies and single agency or sector-specific performance. He developed the 2016 version of the CALP Network’s Organizational Capacity Assessment Tool and related guidance, and has designed and facilitated similar cash readiness assessments for a range of clients. Mike has a Master in Public Administration (International Development).

Founded in 1945, CARE is a leading humanitarian organization fighting global poverty. CARE has more than six decades of experience helping people prepare for disasters, providing lifesaving assistance when a crisis hits, and helping communities recover after the emergency has passed. CARE places special focus on women and children, who are often disproportionately affected by disasters.

Caritas Switzerland
Founded in 1901, Caritas Switzerland (CACH) has the mission to prevent, combat, and alleviate poverty. Combining humanitarian assistance and long-term development cooperation, CACH aims to strengthen resilience, enhance equity, and enable human development. As an independent non-profit NGO, we work through local partnerships in 28 countries. CACH is determined to enhance the application and build institutional knowledge of cash-based interventions and employs a dedicated cash advisor.
Caritas Westminster
Caritas Westminster

Catholic Relief Services
Catholic Relief Services assists the poor and vulnerable overseas through our work in emergency response, agriculture and health, as well as microfinance, water and sanitation, peace and justice, capacity strengthening, and education. We work with local, national and international Catholic institutions and structures, as well as other organizations, to assist people on the basis of need, not creed, race or nationality. We also serve Catholics in the United States as they live their faith in solidarity with their brothers and sisters around the world.

CBM Global Disability Inclusion

Cesvi is an Italian humanitarian organization, non-confessional, independent, participatory and non-profit foundation, founded in Bergamo in 1985, operating in 22 countries with the main objective of supporting vulnerable people following the principles of impartiality, neutrality and independence. Cesvi works on every continent to transform humanitarian aid into a chance to set up long-term projects promoting self-development and involvement among the beneficiary communities. In the name Cesvi, the words “cooperazione e sviluppo” (cooperation and development) underline the fact that Cesvi's philosophy is based on the idea of giving aid recipients a leading role, working together for their own natural benefit

CGA Technologies

Christian Aid
Christian Aid is a Christian organisation that insists the world can and must be swiftly changed to one where everyone can live a full life, free from poverty.We work globally for profound change that eradicates the causes of poverty, striving to achieve equality, dignity and freedom for all, regardless of faith or nationality. We are part of a wider movement for social justice.We provide urgent, practical and effective assistance where need is great, tackling the effects of poverty as well as its root causes.

Concern Worldwide
Concern Worldwide works with the world’s poorest people to tackle hunger and transform lives. Since its foundation in 1968, Concern has gone on to work in over 50 countries, responding to major emergencies as well as implementing long term development programmes. Today, with more than 3,900 staff of 50 nationalities, Concern operates in 26 of the world’s poorest countries, helping people to achieve major and long-lasting improvements in their lives.

COOPI – Cooperazione Internazionale
Founded in 1965 in Italy, COOPI – Cooperazione Internazionale is a humanitarian organization committed to reducing poverty and contributing to the development of the communities it cooperates with around the world. COOPI combines a flexible, integrated approach and decades of expertise in implementing humanitarian programs and medium-long-term actions to the ultimate benefit of building resilience and reducing poverty of the communities affected by crisis.

Corinna Kreidler
Corinna Kreidler
Corinne Grainger
Corinne Grainger

Crown Agents Bank

Danish Church Aid
Founded in 1922 DanChurchAid (DCA), is a faith-based, non-missionary agency striving for a world without hunger, poverty and oppression in places where needs are greatest. A member of the ACT Alliance, DCA assists communities’ to build on their own capacities to strengthen resilience, be it towards risks from natural hazards or threats from violence and conflict. Multi-purpose Cash transfer programming is DCA’s preferred response methodology wherever possible. Since 2010 CTP has been a key strategic priority in our Humanitarian Action Policy and the majority of our programs now have a cash component.

Danish Refugee Council
The Danish Refugee Council is a private, independent, humanitarian organization working on all aspects of the refugee cause in forty countries throughout the world. The aim of DRC is to protect refugees and internally displaced persons (IDPs) against persecution and to promote durable solutions to the problems of forced migration, on the basis of humanitarian principles and human rights. The protection and assistance to conflict population is provided within a long-term, regional and right-based approach in order to constitute a coherent and effective response to the challenges posed by today’s conflicts.

Edge Effect
Edge Effect is a specialist diverse SOGIESC (aka LGBTIQ+) humanitarian and development organisation, working to ensure the rights, needs and strengths of people with diverse SOGIESC are addressed through sector policy and programs.


Finn Church Aid
Finn Church Aid (FCA) is Finland's largest international aid organisation with operations in 14 countries and over 70 years of experience. FCA specialises in quality education, sustainable livelihoods and peace, and works with the most vulnerable people, regardless of their religious beliefs, ethnic background or political convictions.


Give Directly GiveDirectly allows donors to send money directly to the extreme poor in East Africa, no strings attached. Our approach is guided by rigorous evidence of impact and by our core values of efficiency, transparency, and respect. We also aim to serve as a knowledge laboratory by optimizing and expanding the use of cash transfers, answering key policy questions posed by the field. Through this work, we seek to reshape international giving by forcing donors to always ask whether they are doing more good for the poor with each donated dollar than the poor could do for themselves.

Global Communities
Global Communities is a global development organization committed to working in partnership with communities worldwide to bring about sustainable, impactful changes that improve the lives and livelihoods of the vulnerable. Development is not something we do for people; it is something we do with them. We believe that the people who understand their needs best are the people of the community itself.We make a difference by engaging with communities, governments, the private sector, and NGOs as partners for good—bringing together complementary strengths and shared responsibilities to work toward common goals.

Global Insight

GOAL is an international aid agency founded in 1977. To date, they have spent in excess of $1 billion on the delivery of aid to more than 50 countries. They currently employ approximately 4,000 staff working across circa 20 countries.GOAL has responded to almost every major natural and man-made disaster since 1977, and sent almost 3,000 international staff to the developing world. They have also employed tens of thousands of local staff across their countries of operation, providing much-needed livelihoods and boosting countless local economies.

GSMA Mobile for Development

HelpAge International

Humanity and Inclusion
HI is an independent and impartial aid organization working in situations of poverty and exclusion, conflict and disaster. HI works alongside people with disabilities and vulnerable populations, taking action and bearing witness in order to respond to their essential needs, improve their living conditions and promote dignity and fundamental rights.


IMPACT Initiatives
IMPACT Initiatives is a leading Geneva-based think-and-do tank that works to improve the effectiveness and impact of humanitarian, stabilisation and development action through data, partnerships, and capacity-building programmes.

International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC)
The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) is an impartial, neutral and independent organization whose exclusively humanitarian mission is to protect the lives and dignity of victims of armed conflict and other situations of violence and to provide them with assistance. The ICRC also endeavours to prevent suffering by promoting and strengthening humanitarian law and universal humanitarian principles. Established in 1863, the ICRC is at the origin of the Geneva Conventions and the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement. It directs and coordinates the international activities conducted by the Movement in armed conflicts and other situations of violence.

International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC)
The International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) is the world’s largest humanitarian and development network, with millions of volunteers in 189 member National Societies. The IFRC is guided by Strategy 2020 – our collective plan of action to tackle the major humanitarian and development challenges of the present decade. We will continue ‘saving lives and changing minds’ by focusing our work in three key areas: 1) disaster response and recovery, 2) development and 3) promoting social inclusion and peace.

International Rescue Committee (IRC)
The International Rescue Committee (IRC), an international non-profit, responds to the world’s worst humanitarian crises, helping to restore health, safety, education, economic wellbeing, and power to people devastated by conflict and disaster. Founded in 1933 at the call of Albert Einstein, the IRC is at work in over 40 countries and 26 U.S. cities helping people to survive, reclaim control of their future and strengthen their communities. The IRC helps lead the way from harm to home.


IrisGuard's contact-free iris recognition technology finds and authenticates one person out of millions, anywhere in the world, with 100% certainty in less than three seconds, without any form of ID. It delivers a transparent, error-free, secure, safe, contactless method for on boarding and verification. The IrisGuard EyePay® Cash platform is being actively used by millions of users worldwide including more than 2.5m refugees and asylum-seekers benefitting from the multi-purpose cash assistance program of UNHCR in different countries. The ability to operate their mobile verification device in a full offline mode enables this incredibly sophisticated technology to be deployed at speed and in remote locations, with very little infrastructure required.

Islamic Relief Worldwide
Islamic Relief Worldwide was established in 1984 by Dr Hany El-Banna and fellow students from the University of Birmingham in the UK in response to the famine in Africa. Launching an appeal, they went door to door and from mosque to mosque asking for money, and this paid for food for people affected by the famine.
James Shepherd Barron
James Shepherd Barron

Juba Foundation
Juba Foundation is a local NGO operating and registered in Somalia for humanitarian activities with CVA involved activities

Jumuiya Women Fund

Karkara is an NGO based in Niger. Karkara's mission is to support development actors in their production, marketing, advocacy / lobbying activities and building capacities in order to decide to act and access production potentials, in a stable environment.

Key Aid Consulting
Key Aid Consulting is an agile international consulting group based in France, with partnerships across the globe. Key Aid specialises in cash and market based programming for both humanitarian and social protection purposes. Key Aid services focus on delivering innovative programme support and evaluations, designing customised guidance and inspiring training materials for key stakeholders in the humanitarian world. Key Aid is a the CALP Network-training partner organisation and a member of its Technical Advisory Group.
Louisa Seferis
Louisa Seferis
Humanitarian Consultant

The Mastercard Foundation seeks a world where everyone has the opportunity to learn and prosper. All people, no matter their starting point in life, should have an equal chance to succeed. We believe that with access to education, financial services, and skills training, people can have that chance. Our focus is helping economically disadvantaged young people in Africa find opportunities to move themselves, their families and their communities out of poverty to a better life.

Medair is a humanitarian organisation inspired by Christian faith to relieve human suffering in some of the world’s most remote and devastated places. We bring help to people in crisis, regardless of race, creed, or nationality. As signatories of the ICRC Code of Conduct, we believe that aid should be given to everyone who is in need, and not be used to further any political, social, or religious viewpoint. We save lives in emergencies and then help people recover from crisis with dignity through services in health care and nutrition; water, sanitation, and hygiene; and shelter and infrastructure.

Mercy Corps
Mercy Corps is a leading global organization powered by the belief that a better world is possible. In disaster, in hardship, in more than 40 countries around the world, we partner to put bold solutions into action helping people triumph over adversity and build stronger communities from within. Now, and for the future.

Muslim Hands
Muslim Hands is a UK based international humanitarian relief and development NGO, established in 1993 with objective of providing relief from poverty and sickness in an ethical, effective, efficient and transparent manner. Muslim Hands works both directly and with partners in over fifty countries, carrying out short and long-term projects in emergency relief, education, child protection, primary health care, WASH and Livelihood.

Nahda Makers Organisation (NMO)

Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs
The Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs is responsible for Norway’s humanitarian aid programming. In line with our Humanitarian Strategy, Norway will champion cash-based humanitarian assistance internationally in order to increase the use of, and improve coordination of, this type of assistance and thus promote reform of the humanitarian sector.

Norwegian Refugee Council
NRC uses cash and voucher programming as one particular programme modality with high potential for enhancing the specificity and impact of interventions responding to a range of needs and opportunities (from saving lives to developing capacities to repatriate/re-settle). Displaced populations face a wide range of challenges, as they have often left their homes, assets and institutions behind them. Key to understanding the needs of the forcibly displaced and host communities is an understanding of their food security situation. However, NRC also responds with shelter, WASH, education and legal assistance: NRC is interested in using cash and voucher programming as a modality across all these areas of programming and across all phases of refugee/displaced settings.

OCHA is the part of the United Nations Secretariat responsible for bringing together humanitarian actors to ensure a coherent response to emergencies. OCHA also ensures there is a framework within which each actor can contribute to the overall response effort.


Oxfam GB
Oxfam GB’s experience of using cash transfer programming in humanitarian situations dates back to early 1990s, when `cash for work’ was a prominent form of transferring cash to vulnerable households. Since then, cash transfers have been used in many forms by Oxfam GB to respond to a range of acute and chronic needs of people affected by disasters. Today, cash transfer programming forms a significant part of Oxfam GB’s work in food insecurity, and is an emerging response mechanism in shelter and water and sanitation sectors.

People in Need (Člověk v tísni, o.p.s.)

Philanthropy Serbia
Founded in 1991, Philanthropy, the Charitable Foundation of the Serbian Orthodox Church, performs emergency humanitarian and development programs. Philanthropy provides humanitarian assistance to the people affected by disasters and conflicts, refugees and internally displaced persons, poor and vulnerable and marginalized persons with limited resources to meet their needs.

Plan International
Founded in 1937, Plan International is a development and humanitarian organisation that advances children’s rights and equality for girls. We strive for a just world, working together with children, young people, our supporters and partners.

Première Urgence Internationale (PUI)

Proxifina Niger SA
Rachel Eichholz
Rachel Eichholz


Red Rose
Red Rose is a secure, easy to use, digital software platform that enables humanitarian organisations to manage all their cash programs to improve operational efficiency and ensure programs remain relevant and fit for purpose. The Red Rose system operates in both offline and online environments and fully integrates beneficiary management, program management [including; e-vouchers, paper vouchers, Cash for work, SMS mobile money, in-kind Aid, and pre-paid master cards] and M&E.

Relief International
Relief International is a nonprofit organization whose sole mission is to reduce human suffering. We respond to natural disasters, humanitarian emergencies and chronic poverty. We are non-sectarian and non-political. With legal standing both in the United States as a not-for-profit 501(c)(3) organization and in the United Kingdom as a registered Charity, Relief International has a global board of directors who bring an informed perspective to the communities we serve. We work in 19 countries across Asia, Africa and the Middle East.
Roeland Hemsteede
Roeland Hemsteede

Safe Road for Peace & Development (SRPD)

Save the Children
Save the Children is a founding member of the CALP Network and has over 10 years experience in implementing cash transfer programmes in humanitarian settings within various contexts. Save the Children has played a key role in the design and implementation of hunger safety nets in several countries suffering chronic food insecurity such as in Ethiopia, Kenya and Niger. In 2009 Save the Children implemented more than 15 donor-funded emergency cash and voucher programmes.

Self Help Africa (SHA)
Self Help Africa is a leading international development charity with an expertise in small-scale farming and growing family-farm businesses. We are motivated by injustice, by our expertise in small-scale agriculture and family-farm business, and the opportunity we have to help small farmers change the lives of their families.
Shannon Doocy
Shannon Doocy
Shannon Doocy is an Associate Professor in the Department of International at the Johns Hopkins School of Public Health. Her research focuses on populations affected by disasters and conflict, including both refugees and internally displaced populations. Within the emergency context, her areas of interest include population based assessments, mortality, nutrition and food security, livelihoods and cash interventions, and monitoring and evaluation of health and humanitarian assistance programs. She has worked in numerous countries in collaboration with UN agencies, governments and non-government organisations and published extensively on humanitarian assistance programming and population health and well-being in humanitarian emergencies.



Solidarités International
For over 35 years, the humanitarian aid organization Solidarités International has been committed to providing aid in the event of conflict and natural disasters. Our mission is to provide aid as quickly and as efficiently as possible to endangered populations by meeting their vital needs: drinking water, food and shelter. After providing emergency aid, our humanitarian teams accompany the most vulnerable families and communities until they recover their livelihoods and self-sufficiency and to reinforce the resilience capacities to enable them to deal with the challenges of an uncertain future with dignity.

Stellar Development Foundation

Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida)

Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC)
The Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) is Switzerland’s international cooperation agency within the Federal Department of Foreign Affairs (FDFA). In operating with other federal offices concerned, SDC is responsible for the overall coordination of development activities and cooperation with Eastern Europe, as well as for the humanitarian aid delivered by the Swiss Confederation.
Tamdeen Youth Foundation
Tamdeen Youth Foundation

Tearfund is a Christian international relief and development agency with more than 40 years' experience. We work with partners and the local church across the world to tackle the complex challenges of poverty. Tearfund is recognised as a leader in its work, integrating community development, disaster response and recovery, disaster risk reduction and advocacy. Tearfund works in more than 50 countries worldwide, in partnership with communities, churches and local organisations, to overcome poverty and injustice.

Trócaire was established by the Catholic Church in 1973 as a way for Irish people to donate to development and emergency relief overseas. Our dual mandate is to support the most vulnerable people in the developing world, while also raising awareness of injustice and global poverty in Ireland. Trócaire works with local and church partners to support communities in over 20 developing countries with a focus on food and resource rights, women's empowerment and humanitarian response.

Turkish Red Crescent
Turkish Red Crescent is providing aid for needy and defenseless people in disasters and usual periods as a proactive organization developing cooperation in the society, providing safeblood and decreasing vulnerability. The Society is a not-for-profit, volunteer-based social service institution providing unconditional aid and service, and is a corporate body governed by special legal provisions. It makes no discrimination as to nationality, race, religious beliefs, class or political opinions. It endeavors to relieve the suffering of individuals, being guided solely by their needs, and to give priority to the most urgent cases of distress.

UNFPA is the United Nations sexual and reproductive health agency (the United Nations Population Fund). UNFPA's mission is to deliver a world where every pregnancy is wanted, every childbirth is safe and every young person's potential is fulfilled. In 2018, UNFPA launched efforts to achieve three transformative results, ambitions that promise to change the world for every man, woman and young person: Ending unmet need for family planning, Ending preventable maternal death and Ending gender-based violence and harmful practices

UNHCR’s vision is that refugees and other people of concern can meet their needs in dignity, are protected and can transition to solutions through the expanded use of innovative, efficient and effective cash-based interventions. Cash is not new to UNHCR. Its registration and biometric identity management systems, complemented by community-based protection approaches, provide crucial insight into who people are, where they are and what they need. This is the essential foundation needed for cash programming.

UNICEF promotes the rights and wellbeing of every child, in everything we do. Together with our partners, we work in 190 countries and territories to translate that commitment into practical action, focusing special effort on reaching the most vulnerable and excluded children, to the benefit of all children, everywhere.

USAID is the lead U.S. Government agency that works to end extreme global poverty and enable resilient, democratic societies to realize their potential. USAID/OFDA: The Office of U.S. Foreign Disaster Assistance (OFDA) is responsible for leading and coordinating the U.S. Government’s response to disasters overseas. OFDA experts worldwide and in D.C. help countries prepare for, respond to, and recover from humanitarian crises. OFDA works with the international humanitarian community to give vulnerable populations resources to build resilience and strengthen their own ability to respond to emergencies.

War Child
War Child UK mission is to support and improve the protection and care of children and young people who live with a combination of insecurity, poverty and exclusion in some of the worst conflict affected places. War Child UK was founded in 1993 and works in the most hostile environments to protect, educate, support through food security and livelihoods activities and advocate to build the resilience of children and their families affected by armed conflict. Together with its sister organisation in the Netherlands, War Child has operations in 16 countries benefiting hundreds.

WASDA was established as a non-governmental organization under Kenyan Law in 1995. its work is to supplement the efforts of government and other stakeholders to address some of the developmental challenges facing the Horn of Africa.In its 20 years working with Pastoralist, WASDA has reached 1.5 million people in Northern Kenya and Southern Somalia with improved sources of livelihood, food security, water, sanitation and hygiene.

Women Empowerment for Self Employment (We4Self) is an indigenous Liberian Non-Governmental Organization with focus on women issues in the context of social change.

Assisting 80 million people in around 80 countries each year, the World Food Programme (WFP) is the leading humanitarian organization saving lives and changing lives, delivering food assistance in emergencies and working with communities to improve nutrition and build resilience. WFP’s efforts focus on emergency assistance, relief and rehabilitation, development aid and special operations. Two-thirds of our work is in conflict-affected countries where people are three times more likely to be undernourished than those living in countries without conflict.

Women’s Refugee Commission (WRC)
The Women's Refugee Commission advocates for the rights and protection of women, children, and youth fleeing violence and persecution. WRC researches their needs, identifies solutions and advocates for programs and policies to strengthen their resilience and drive change in humanitarian practice. Since its founding in 1989, the WRC has been a leading expert on the needs of refugee women and children, and the policies that can protect and empower them. The WRC envisions a world in which refugee and internally displaced women, children and youth are safe, healthy and self-reliant; have their human rights respected and protected; and inform and drive their own solutions and development

World Vision
World Vision is a Christian humanitarian organisation dedicated to working with children, families, and their communities worldwide to reach their full potential by tackling the causes of poverty and injustice. We work in nearly 100 countries, serving all people, regardless of religion, race, ethnicity, or gender. We believe in a full solution to poverty and injustice. We provide emergency assistance to children and families affected by disasters and conflict, partner with communities for long-term solutions to alleviate poverty, and advocate for justice on behalf of the poor.

YCash (National Cash Transfer Company)

Yemen Family Care Association (YFCA)
Yemen Family Care Association (YFCA) is a humanitarian, independent, non-profit, non-governmental organization founded in 1976 that works across Yemen. YFCA provides direct assistance for conflict-affected populations, IDPs, host communities and vulnerable groups in the conflict areas. YFCA, in partnership with international agencies, takes action during crisis situations, and goes the extra mile to engage in other contexts where its competencies will add value. YFCA promotes durable solutions for conflict-affected populations and helps to restore services, education, economic, wellbeing and health.