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Communautés de pratique
La liste ci-dessous comprend les groupes sur les transferts monétaires actifs se réunissant régulièrement. Utilisez les informations disponibles pour chaque groupe afin d'en savoir plus et participer.
Groupes de travail sur les transferts monétaires
Un répertoire des Groupes de travail sur les transferts monétaires à travers le monde.
Forums de discussion en ligne
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1 – 8 sur 8 résultats
CALP TAG (Technical Advisory Group) Meeting
Background The TAG helps shape and steer the CALP Network’s technical and policy priorities within the overall strategic vision for the network. All TAG Representatives are from CALP member organizations or are independent members of CALP. The TAG meets quarterly to: Review and provide feedback on key...
“What’s Good Enough?” Webinar Series 2/3 – Designing Locally-Led Cash Responses
Members event
The LLR & CVA Global Working Group kicked off a webinar series titled "What's Good Enough?" in September 2024 that aims to discuss and have open conversations around key components of localization and locally led CVA responses. Each webinar brings together the insights and expertise of different...
CALP’s Core Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA) Skills for Programme Staff Training – Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh
Members training
CALP’s Core Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA) Skills for Programme Staff Training - Cox’s Bazar - Bangladeshi participants only
This is a five-day face-to-face course, from 24th to 28th November 2024, which intends to gather CVA implementers working in Cox’s Bazar,...
Global Cash Forum
Agenda to be confirmed in November.
CALP Board Meeting
The CALP Board provides strategic leadership and operational oversight of CALP. It operates on the basis of the Operational Framework and Code of Conduct. The CALP Board meets a minimum of four times a year, online. For more information, go to the Board page.
CALP Online: Core CVA Skills for Programme Staff – Key Aid Consulting – January
Members training
CALP Online: Core CVA Skills for Programme Staff – Key Aid Consulting – February
Members training
CALP Online: Core CVA Skills for Programme Staff – Key Aid Consulting – April
Members training