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101 – 120 sur 451 résultats
استعراض الممارسات الجيدة في المساعدات النقدية في سياقات ارتفاع معدلات التضخم وانخفاض قيمة العملة
ما هو هذا التقرير؟ مجموعة من الممارسات الجيدة لمساعدة الجهات الإنسانية الفاعلة في تصميم وتنفيذ البرامج النقدية ، بما في ذلك النقد متعدد الأغراض (MPC) والنقد مقابل...
Next Level Integration with Financial Service Providers in Kenya and The Netherlands
When collaborating with Financial Service Providers (FSP) it might be challenging to oversee the process, especially when having to scale up. By using software-based integrations, often with the use of Application Programming Interfaces (APIs), NGOs can now provide Cash-Based Aid more efficiently and at...
CVA in migration context – Voices of migrants in Kenya
This report summarizes community consultations that were conducted in Kakuma refugee camp and Kalobeyei integrated settlement. It introduces the local context and the current user journey, experiences and preferences around cash and voucher assistance and digital identity solutions.
Applying the Common Approach ‘Resourcing Families for Better Nutrition’ in Humanitarian Responses. Cross-Country Learning Report
From 2021 to 2022, Save the Children implemented ‘Cash + for Nutrition’ in programming in three countries at risk of famine: Afghanistan, South Sudan, and Yemen.
With funding from Save the Children Italy and technical support from Save the Children UK and the consulting firm InformEd International,...
Enablers and Challenges when Integrating Cash, Nutrition and WASH Interventions in Humanitarian Contexts: A case study from South Sudan
This case study is one of a series of three. They were produced by Save the Children UK within the cross-country learning initiative on ’Resourcing Families for Better Nutrition (RF4BN) in humanitarian settings’, implemented in 2021 and 2022 in Afghanistan, South Sudan and Yemen.
Focused on South...
Role of International Organisations in promoting localisation agenda: case study of social protection in South Sudan
Humanitarian organizations have been constantly aiming to enhance efficiency and effectiveness of response. Standards, codes and frameworks have evolved. Still, long lasting dichotomy has plagued international humanitarian architecture. In recent times, there have been growing realization for the need to...
Cash at a Crossroads: Getting It Right for Affected Communities
The great increase in the use of cash assistance has been one of the humanitarian sector’s success stories. Just as cash offers more flexibility for affected communities, it demands more ingenuity from the humanitarian sector. With the modalities of cash programming now receiving attention at the...
Financial Literacy Training In Uganda’s Refugee Response – A Learning Brief
The Financial Literacy Training (FLT) Learning Brief draws together experiences and lessons learned from the U-Learn Financial Literacy Training analysis, the FLT discussion paper and a learning event. It provides an overview of FLT practices and experiences in Uganda, and includes recommendations that...
What Does Gender-sensitive Cash and Voucher Assistance Look Like? 2.0: Multi-Country Study
In 2019, CARE commissioned the study “What Does Gender sensitive Cash and Voucher Assistance Look Like?” to evaluate the extent to which CARE’s programming with cash and voucher assistance (CVA) met the strategic intent. It guided the agency-wide definition and design of subsequent guidelines on...
Linking Forecast-based Financing and Social Protection: Why should national societies care?
This advocacy brief aims to provide National Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies with an overview of how linking Forecast-based Financing (FbF) and social protection (SP) approaches can help in early action and preparedness. It showcases examples from National Societies in Kenya, Malawi and the...
Assessment of Financial Service Providers – Cash and Voucher Assistance in Uganda
Under the Uganda Refugee Response Plan (RRP) 2018-2022, both international partners and local government place a strong emphasis on shifting the response paradigm “from care and maintenance to inclusion and self-reliance.” In pursuit of this objective, cash-based interventions are marked as a modality...
Slides for the Global CWG meeting – Oct 2021
The enclosed slides for the 28 October meeting feature presentations from WFP, the Uganda and CAR CWGs and GSMA , as well as key links to key resources discussed.
استعراض الممارسات الجيدة في مجال المساعدات النقدية في سياقات التضخم الهائل وانخفاض القيمة: دراسة حالة جنوب السودان
تأتي دراسة الحالة هذه مع استعراض للممارسات الجيدة لشبكة CaLP في مجال المساعدات النقدية في سياقات ارتفاع معدلات التضخم وانخفاض القيمة. الغرض من ذلك هو توضيح عملية تحليل...
Good Practice Review on Cash Assistance in Contexts of High Inflation and Depreciation: Case Study Zimbabwe
This case study accompanies CALP’s Good Practice Review on Cash Assistance in Contexts of High Inflation and Depreciation. It is intended to illustrate the process of situational analysis, response
analysis and response option selection presented in the GPR. The learning from this case study has also...
Good Practice Review on Cash Assistance in Contexts of High Inflation and Depreciation: Case study South Sudan
This case study accompanies CALP’s Good Practice Review on Cash Assistance in Contexts of High Inflation and Depreciation. It is intended to illustrate the process of situational analysis, response analysis and response option selection presented in the Good Practice Review. The learning from this case...
Good Practice Review on Cash Assistance in Contexts of High Inflation and Depreciation
What is this? A compilation of good practices to assist humanitarian actors designing and implementing cash programmes, including multipurpose cash (MPC) and cash for sectoral outcomes. The rationale for this document is the growing challenge of inflation and currency depreciation in contexts in which...
Lessons Learnt Event on CVA Coordination In Kenya
This event objective was to provide space for reflection and dialogue on the learning points of the overall CVA response during 2020 – 2021 with particular attention to coordination. The key questions included: Why was CVA coordination still a challenge in Kenya? What improvements were needed going...
Eastern Africa Regional CWG meeting
This meeting will provide space for National CWGs to share updates on the use of CVA in the various ongoing crisis in the region, ongoing work by the CWGs and challenges faced. The CWGs will also collectively set a research agenda for the CALP Network and the Regional Cash Working Group based on what the...
Strengthening locally led humanitarian action through cash preparedness
This research, produced by the Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement’s Cash Hub and CashCap, looks at the links between CVA and localisation to understand how cash, and cash preparedness, can help to further localisation and strengthen locally led humanitarian action. It examines three questions: 1) How...
Disability Inclusive Cash Assistance: Learnings from Practice in Humanitarian Response
Guidelines and Tools
This case study collection describes lessons learned from seven inclusive humanitarian cash transfer projects implemented from 2015 – 2020 in Niger, Zimbabwe, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Philippines, and Indonesia, and five ongoing projects from the 2020 Covid-19 pandemic responses. This good practice...