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81 – 100 sur 451 résultats
Supporting Digital Payments in Cash Programming
This report is intended to assist the Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC) and other humanitarian actors to leverage digital payment systems such as mobile money in their humanitarian cash transfers. FSD Africa commissioned Strategic Impact Advisors (SIA) to examine the challenges and opportunities of...
Executive Summary of the Resourcing Families for Better Nutrition (RF4BN) Endline in South Sudan
From August 2021 to April 2022, Save the Children South Sudan implemented the RF4BN project to support families of severely and moderately malnourished children under-five years and moderately malnourished pregnant and lactating women (PLWs) in Lafon, Torit, and Magwi. The project aimed to improve the...
Eastern Africa Regional CWG meeting
Members event
This July, the RCWG will consider linking Cash and Voucher Assistance and Social Protection to the Horn of Africa drought response. If you’d like to attend the meeting please email for zoom joining information.
Country Workshops: CALP’s real-time learning on cash-preparedness within the 2022 Horn of Africa drought response
What’s your view on the Horn of Africa cash response? How quickly is cash getting to recipients? Could it be quicker and if so how? This is an invitation to engage in a real time study on ‘Cash Preparedness within the 2022 Horn of Africa Drought’, led by CALP consultants. The quality of this study...
A Global Mapping of GOAL’s Cash, Vouchers and Social Protection Interventions Linked with Health
This mapping identified ways GOAL are providing financial assistance (including CVA and social protection assistance) to support access to health related goods/services and improve people’s health/nutrition status. It reviewed GOAL projects in Africa, the Middle East, Latin America and the...
Feasibility study on cash and voucher assistance programming in the Borena zone, Oromia, and Zone One, Afar regions in Ethiopia
OCHA reports close to seven million people living in the lowlands of Oromia, Somali, SNNP and Southwest regions continue to experience the effects of drought (including 3 million people in So-mali Region, 2.4 million in eastern Oromia and 1 million people in southern Oromia).
Following three consecutive...
A Learning Paper on Gender Responsive Cash and Livelihood Programming in South Sudan
This paper captures learning outcomes from Islamic Relief South Sudan’s year gender-responsive relief assistance and community recovery integrated humanitarian response funded by Swedish International Development Corporation Agency (Sida). It particularly examines cash programming and livelihoods, to...
East and Southern Africa Cash Working Group Leads and Co-Leads Meeting
The CALP Network East and Southern Africa Office closely engages with and supports Cash Working Groups in the region. Each year, the CALP Network organizes a meeting of Cash Working Group Leads and Co-Leads from a variety of countries in East and Southern Africa. The meeting brings CWG Leads and Co-Leads...
Outsmarting La Niña: Lessons and Recommendations for Strengthening Resilience Through the Drought Response in the Horn of Africa
One of the worst droughts in a generation is currently unfolding in the Horn of Africa. The impacts of the drought are exacerbated by, and in some cases further fueling, increases in conflict in the region. As a result, more than 13 million people in Ethiopia, Kenya, and Somalia are already experiencing...
Financial Services In The Uganda Refugee Response – An Assessment Of Users’ Perspectives
This assessment of user experiences and perspectives on digital financial services and assistance mechanisms aims to inform actors in Uganda’s humanitarian response and other stakeholders. The data collected is representative at the settlement level for refugees and at district level for refugee hosting...
Uganda Refugee Response Cash And Voucher Assistance (CVA) User Perspectives – Research Brief
This brief presents the summarised findings of the study on Financial Services and Humanitarian Mechanisms in the Uganda Refugee Response: An Assessment of User Perspectives in Uganda.
The assessment intends to inform actors and key stakeholders in Uganda’s refugee response about peoples’ existing...
East and Southern Africa Regional Cash Working Group Leads and Co-leads Workshop Report
This is the East and Southern Africa Regional Cash Working Group Leads and Co-leads Workshop Report that took place on the 29th and 30th of March 2022. The main purpose of the workshop was to encourage peer‐to‐peer learning among the CWG Leads and Co‐leads in the region.
Digital Financial Literacy Training in the Uganda refugee response
The Digital Financial Literacy Training (DFLT) Learning brief concludes the Digital FLT learning review and provides an overview of what DFLT is already in place in Uganda; it reflects the exchange of experience, practices and learning that happened between existing implementers; supports the...
2021 Cash And Voucher Programming (CVP) Roadmap Milestones Achieved
Summary Report of World Vision’s global progress report and milestones (against WV’s global Cash Roadmap Strategy) in Cash Voucher Assistance (Cash Voucher Programming-CVP) facilitated by World Vision in over 44 countries, reaching more than 6.7 Mio vulnerable people (78 % in Fragile Contexts) in...
كيفية إجراء مسح لمقدمي الخدمات المالية
أنتم مدعوون لحضور ندوة « كيفية إجراء مسح لمقدمي الخدمات المالية » والتي سيتم عقدها عبر الإنترنت في 9 فبراير في الساعة 12:30 بتوقيت جرينتش. من المعيقات التي نواجهها عند...
How to Map Financial Service Providers
Webinar recording
When it comes to effective delivery of Cash and Voucher Assistance, are you making the most of financial services in your context? Are you struggling with assessing and making the best use of financial service provider (FSP) expertise? We were delighted to share with you an event on Financial Service...
Comment cartographier les Prestataires de Services Financiers (PSF)
Vous êtes invité.e au webinaire « comment cartographier les Prestataires de Services Financiers » qui se déroulera le 9 février 2022 à 12h30 GMT. Les connaissances limitées du paysage des prestataires de services financiers sont souvent un frein lors de contrat avec ces derniers. De ce fait, la...
Cómo mapear proveedores de servicios financieros
La contratación de proveedores de servicios financieros (PSF) competentes y relevantes a menudo se ve obstaculizada por un conocimiento limitado del panorama de PSF. Por lo tanto, el mapeo de PSF es crucial, ya que permite a los trabajadores humanitarios desarrollar una buena comprensión de las opciones...
Feasibility Study on Cash and Voucher Assistance in Amhara and Gambella regions of Ethiopia
The feasibility study was conducted in the regions of Amhara and Gambella evaluating the different enabling parameters (preconditions) as to understand the suitability of CVA in relation to protection, education, MHM and livelihood outcomes. Objective of the study To assess the feasibility of the use of...
East and Southern Africa Regional Cash Working Group Leads and Co-Leads Workshop Report
Cash Working Group Leads and Co-Leads from different countries in East and Southern Africa came together to exchange learning, share experiences and discuss global and regional trends in cash and voucher assistance. The topics covered which are available in this report were; Minimum Expenditure Baskets...