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Eastern Africa Regional Cash Working Group Meeting
Join us for an insightful and engaging session as we delve into key developments and best practices in cash programming in the region. This meeting will focus on two important topics that are critical to the future of cash and voucher assistance (CVA) in the region:
1.)The new cash for protection...
Lessons Learned and Best Practices for Delivering Cash Assistance at Scale in Famine-like Situations » Hybrid Workshop
Members event
In collaboration with Eastern Africa Regional Cash Working Group (RCWG)and key implementing Partners, the ECHO Regional Office and Country Offices (Sudan-Somalia) have organized an open session to present some of the lessons learned and best practices from the ongoing ECHO funded consortia in the region. ...
Strengthening Market Monitoring Workshop in Kenya
Members event
The Kenya Cash Working Group (KCWG), in collaboration with the CALP Network, invite you to a half-day workshop to facilitate discussions by members of the group with the aim of strengthening the Kenya Joint Market Monitoring Initiative (JMMI). The face-to-face event is designed to set the stage for...
Cash for Loss and Damage Case Study: Report
In 2023, GiveDirectly and the Scottish Government sent cash transfers to survivors of Tropical Cyclone Freddy to address the losses and damages they had experienced. They provided $766 to 2676 households in Nsanje District in southern Malawi who had relocated to higher ground fo lowing the cyclone. This...
Review Paper on Targeting Shift in Humanitarian Cash Assistance for Somali Cash Consortium
The Somali Cash Consortium (SCC) has been in operation since 2017, providing Multipurpose Cash Assistance (MPCA) to newly displaced populations and critically underserved individuals in Operational Priority Areas. After October 2022, Somalia’s Humanitarian Country Team (HCT) adopted a...
Cash and Voucher Assistance in the Uganda Refugee Response
The CVA infographic summarises key facts and figures about cash-based assistance on the Uganda refugee response. It also showcases the humanitarian actors implementing Cash and Voucher assistance, as well as Financial Service Providers (FSP) in refugee settlements across Uganda.
Paving the Way Towards At-Scale Cash Assistance in South Africa
Climate change presents severe threats in South Africa where droughts, floods, storms, and fires are becoming more frequent and intense, exposing vulnerable populations to heightened risks. After storm surges caused severe flooding of the KwaZulu and Free State provinces in January and April 2024, the...
Group Cash Transfers in South Sudan: Case study and learning brief, South Sudan Red Cross
Group Cash Transfer (GCT) is an approach that provides resources in the form of cash transfers to community groups to implement projects that can contribute to the immediate survival and recovery needs of crisis-affected populations. The approach seeks to transfer decision-making power to the groups,...
Assessing the Impact and Lessons from Cash Plus Interventions in Humanitarian Contexts in Mozambique
In 2023, Save the Children became the first NGO in Mozambique to launch multiple Cash Plus pilot projects. Cash Plus initiatives combine household cash transfers with complementary interventions to address the various drivers of childhood deprivation and maximise outcomes for children. Save the Children...
East and Southern Africa Cash Working Group Leads and Co-Leads Workshop 2024 Report
This report provides a detailed summary of the strategic discussions at the East and Southern Africa Leads and Co-Leads Workshop 2024. It highlights efforts to enhance cash coordination, improve quality, and promote unified approaches in the region. The document analyzes collaborative planning aimed at...
IOM Cash-Based Interventions: Annual Report and Case Studies 2023
In recent years, IOM has placed special attention on increasing the use and coordination of cash-based interventions (CBI) across the organization in line with the Grand Bargain commitments and the IOM CBI Strategy 2022–2026.
In 2023, IOM continued to increase the use of CBI modalities to empower aid...
Digital Lifelines: How the Kenya Red Cross Society transforms cash assistance with the 121 platform
As a result of climate-induced extreme weather, large populations in Kenya are experiencing acute food insecurity. To protect lives and livelihoods, the Kenya Red Cross Society has been distributing cash among affected communities so they can meet their needs autonomously and with dignity. With the...
Refugee Debt and Livelihoods in Northern Kenya
While humanitarian assistance to refugees has increasingly focused on fostering self-reliance, refugees are highly exposed to economic shocks that make self-reliance difficult to achieve. With limited access to employment and low wages, refugees are rarely able to put aside savings in case of emergency....
Cash Works: Time to act and save lives amid starvation in Sudan
As unprecedented hunger grips Sudan, countless lives hang in the balance. Previous humanitarian efforts have fallen short, but a shift to cash-based interventions such as multi-purpose cash assistance and group cash transfers could be the lifeline needed to prevent widespread deaths.
Save the Children Cash for Education Impact Evaluation in Malawi
Save the Children implemented a Catch-up Club (CuC) project, funded by the Swedish Postcode Lottery (SPL), in 20 schools in Lilongwe, Malawi. CuCs are a short-term, data-driven intervention to build foundational skills in literacy, numeracy and Social and Emotional Learning (SEL), during learning...
Scoping the Cash and Climate Landscape in East Africa and Kenya: Focusing on cash and anticipatory action
In February 2024, NORCAP’s CashCap and Climate action teams undertook a joint East Africa regional and Kenya country level scoping mission about the potential of cash in anticipatory action to climate-related shocks. The main objective was to: Analyse the needs, capacity and adequacy for the CashCap and...
From Feasible to Life-Saving: The urgent case for cash at scale in Sudan
About 18 million people are currently facing crisis (IPC 3) or emergency (IPC 4) levels of food insecurity across Sudan. This means more than one in three people are suffering from acute hunger in the country. As the conflict rages on, food insecurity is rapidly deteriorating, and communities in many...
Cash and Vouchers Assistance (CVA) and Child Protection: Summary of practice and evidence from Save the Children programmes 2023 Edition
In an effort to increase global knowledge and learning, Save the Children conducted a global review of twenty Country Offices and their programs in order to assess and highlight the impact that different forms of Cash and Vouchers Assistance (CVA) have on Child Protection (CP) outcomes, to identify...
South Sudan Joint Markets Monitoring Initiative (JMMI) Workshop Report
Meeting minutes
The South Sudan Cash Working Group in collaboration with REACH and the CALP Network East and Southern Africa Regional Office held a virtual workshop on Enhancing Market Monitoring in South Sudan on February 28, 2024.
The South Sudan Joint Market Monitoring Initiative (JMMI) plays a crucial role in...
Cash and Voucher Assistance: Breaking down barriers to SRH care in humanitarian settings
Global commitments to universal health coverage mean that all people should have access to a full range of quality health services without financial hardship. Despite these commitments, populations affected by emergencies often face heightened barriers to accessing health services due to disruptions to...