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Minding the (financial and digital) gap! – How informal social safety nets leverage digital & cash enablers in COVID-19 pandemic

17 May 2021 — By Kathryn Taetzsch (WVI), Angeline Munzara (WVI), Martina Crailsheim (VisionFund), Sarah Ward (SEEP Network), Wes Wasson (DreamStartLabs)

Minding the (financial and digital) gap! – How informal social safety nets leverage digital & cash enablers in COVID-19 pandemic:

In every context, strengthening the links between cash transfers, savings groups and digitisation contributes to resilient recovery from COVID-19.

Representatives of multi-stakeholder partnerships from humanitarian cash, voucher assistance to microfinance and digital technology start-ups presented this during the “Nexus” Priority Topic Session at the Humanitarian Network Partnerships Week (HNPW) 2021 Conference, and subsequent blog (