Programme Quality Toolbox
The CVA programme is actively coordinated via relevant strategic, technical and operational fora, as well as with national systems of social protection.
Terminology is used consistently throughout the programme in accordance with the CALP Network's Glossary and activities are tracked and reported in line with relevant data standards.
The implementing agency assesses and invests in organisational capacity to deliver quality CVA programmes.
Relevant CVA assessments are undertaken pre-crisis, prioritizing collaborative assessment initiatives where feasible and appropriate.
Establish formal, equitable partnerships with relevant stakeholders in a timely manner.
Situation Analysis
Sufficient and suitably disaggregated information is gathered to effectively assess needs and preferences of affected communities, prioritizing collaborative assessment initiatives where feasible and appropriate.
Functionality and accessibility of critical market systems is assessed.
Potential payment solutions are assessed, including FSP options for delivery, supporting infrastructure and regulatory environment.
Risks and opportunities related to the implementation of CVA programmes are identified, assessed and suitably mitigated.
Response Analysis
Response analysis includes a suitable analysis of market system access and functionality, to inform appropriate interventions using and supporting local markets.
Response analysis includes suitable analysis of vulnerabilities present among people affected by crisis, for incorporation in the needs assessment.
Response analysis includes a suitable analysis of CVA feasibility and appropriateness in the given operational context.
Programme Design
Sufficient, appropriate programmatic, market and risk indicators are defined and incorporated in a central programme monitoring plan.
CVA-specific considerations are included when determining an effective and transparent targeting approach.
Transfers are designed to maximize programme efficiency and effectiveness, bearing in mind budgetary and contextual constraints, as well as opportunities to link with national systems of social protection.
Suitable delivery mechanism(s) are identified and related FSP contracts in place to support timely and effective delivery of CVA, whilst ensuring suitable management of recipient data.
Establish systems for registration and identification of CVA recipients, informed by principles, policies and best practices on the protection of personal data.
The process for delivering CVA is clearly documented and remains effective throughout the programme, including sufficient, appropriate evidence being gathered to demonstrate compliance with donor and/or agency requirements.
A suitable exit strategy is established and enacted, including measures to sustain programme outputs and outcomes, as well as mitigate associated data protection risks.
Risks and opportunities related to participation by and accountability to affected populations are mitigated and maximized respectively
Markets are regularly monitored, and requisite adaptive action taken on a timely basis.
Programme processes, outputs and outcomes are regularly monitored, and requisite adaptive action taken on a timely basis.
Risks are regularly monitored, and requisite adaptive action taken on a timely basis.
CVA programmes are systematically evaluated, with results being suitably disseminated and used to enhance quality of future CVA programmes.