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The CVA programme is actively coordinated via relevant strategic, technical and operational fora, as well as with national systems of social protection.

Key actions

How To Do It

The CALP Network Working with cash-based safety nets in humanitarian contexts

2.5 Options for Engagement & 2.6 Contexts with Potential for Linking Social Assistance with Humanitarian cash based Response.

Connecting Humanitarian CVA with Government Social Safety Nets

Guidelines and Tools

The objectives of this document elaborated by the regional platform for Social Protection is to : Help actors at national level locate and analyse their countries in terms of context and systems; Identify key aspects to consider and guide national actors towards resources and tools; Support national actors to take operational decisions contributing to connect humanitarian CVA with Social...

15 April 2020

Responding to Shocks Using Social Protection: Principles and a Framework for NGOs

Guidelines and Tools

This overview provides an initial operational framework to guide decision-making as NGOs engage with SP systems and programmes. It outlines key guiding principles and specifies the value-add of NGOs engaging with systems of SP. It aims to complement and balance the considerable existing work aimed at, where possible and appropriate, supporting governments’ system strengthening and the UN to...

26 October 2021

SPACE Overcoming barriers to coordinating across social protection and humanitarian assistance – building on promising practices

Policy paper

The importance of strong coordination between actors preparing, designing and implementing shock responses is well accepted. This has been highlighted specifically concerning shock responsive social protection (SRSP) as well as linking humanitarian action and social protection (HA-SP). However, despite unanimous professed acceptance of the principle of coordination, practical experiences of...

30 June 2021