Key actions
How To Do It
Cash Coordination Tip Sheet
Guidelines and Tools
This tip sheet sets out established best practice, key guidance and resources for all aspects of cash coordination, intended as a clear, accessible and action-oriented guide for those engaged in coordination of cash and voucher assistance (CVA) at the field level.
ERC Operational Guidance and Toolkit for Multipurpose Cash Grants
Part 5 - Coordination
Food specific
Food Security Cluster Coordinator Cash Transfers Briefing Package Plan and Implement Cluster Strategies
OCHA internal guidance – cash in HRPs
Guidelines and Tools
The enhanced 2020 Humanitarian Programme Cycle (HPC) approach offers a unique opportunity, through its focus on producing a joint inter-sectoral analysis, to provide a holistic understanding of the relationship between needs in the Humanitarian Needs Overview (HNO). Additionally, the strengthened focus on response analysis during the preparation of the Humanitarian Response Plan (HRP) should...
How To Do It
Cash Coordination Tip Sheet
Guidelines and Tools
This tip sheet sets out established best practice, key guidance and resources for all aspects of cash coordination, intended as a clear, accessible and action-oriented guide for those engaged in coordination of cash and voucher assistance (CVA) at the field level.
ERC Operational Guidance and Toolkit for Multipurpose Cash Grants
Part 5 - Coordination
Food specific
Food Security Cluster Coordinator Cash Transfers Briefing Package Plan and Implement Cluster Strategies
How To Do It
Cash Coordination Tip Sheet
Guidelines and Tools
This tip sheet sets out established best practice, key guidance and resources for all aspects of cash coordination, intended as a clear, accessible and action-oriented guide for those engaged in coordination of cash and voucher assistance (CVA) at the field level.
ERC Operational Guidance and Toolkit for Multipurpose Cash Grants
Part 5 - Coordination
Food specific
Food Security Cluster Coordinator Cash Transfers Briefing Package Plan and Implement Cluster Strategies
How To Do It
The CALP Network Working with cash-based safety nets in humanitarian contexts
2.5 Options for Engagement & 2.6 Contexts with Potential for Linking Social Assistance with Humanitarian cash based Response.
Connecting Humanitarian CVA with Government Social Safety Nets
Guidelines and Tools
The objectives of this document elaborated by the regional platform for Social Protection is to : Help actors at national level locate and analyse their countries in terms of context and systems; Identify key aspects to consider and guide national actors towards resources and tools; Support national actors to take operational decisions contributing to connect humanitarian CVA with Social...
Responding to Shocks Using Social Protection: Principles and a Framework for NGOs
Guidelines and Tools
This overview provides an initial operational framework to guide decision-making as NGOs engage with SP systems and programmes. It outlines key guiding principles and specifies the value-add of NGOs engaging with systems of SP. It aims to complement and balance the considerable existing work aimed at, where possible and appropriate, supporting governments’ system strengthening and the UN to...
SPACE Overcoming barriers to coordinating across social protection and humanitarian assistance – building on promising practices
Policy paper
The importance of strong coordination between actors preparing, designing and implementing shock responses is well accepted. This has been highlighted specifically concerning shock responsive social protection (SRSP) as well as linking humanitarian action and social protection (HA-SP). However, despite unanimous professed acceptance of the principle of coordination, practical experiences of...
Available Tools
The CALP Network Cash Coordination tip sheet: Examples of CWG ToR
IFRC/ICRC CiE Toolkit M1_1_2_3 CTP 4Ws matrix template
Connecting Humanitarian CVA with Government Social Safety Nets
Guidelines and Tools
The objectives of this document elaborated by the regional platform for Social Protection is to : Help actors at national level locate and analyse their countries in terms of context and systems; Identify key aspects to consider and guide national actors towards resources and tools; Support national actors to take operational decisions contributing to connect humanitarian CVA with Social...