Market Assessment
Key actions
How To Do It
IRC's Market Framework
Labour Market Analysis to support the construction sector in humanitarian settings
Market Based Programming (MBP)
Guidelines and Tools
Market Based Programming (MBP) in Oxfam’s work means we always consider existing markets – through assessments, analysis and programming – across all phases of a response and across all technical sectors. You can also watch the videos below which are available in English, Spanish, Arabic and French.
Multi-sector Market Assessment Guidance and Toolkit
How To Do It
Multi Sector Market Assessment Companion guide and toolkit (MSMA)
Step 2. Prioritize Core Goods and reference Markets
Step 3. Confirm Core Goods Specifications and reference market places
Market Based Programming (MBP)
Guidelines and Tools
Market Based Programming (MBP) in Oxfam’s work means we always consider existing markets – through assessments, analysis and programming – across all phases of a response and across all technical sectors. You can also watch the videos below which are available in English, Spanish, Arabic and French.
Multi-sector Market Assessment Guidance and Toolkit
How To Do It
Key Action 3: Data Collection
Multi-sector Market Assessment Guidance and Toolkit
Available Tools
IRC Decision tree for selecting an Emergency Market Analysis Tool
RAM Tool 1: Gathering secondary information
Annexe 1: Market Analysis Checklist. MiSMA
RAM Tools:
· Tool 7: Recommendations for conducting interviews.
· Tool 8: Discussion with market representatives or key informants.
· Tool 9: Discussions with traders (wholesalers/retailers).
Box 4.9 Sample Questions. EMMA Toolkit
Emergency Market Assessment Tool from the Remote Cash Project
Multi-sector Market Assessment Guidance and Toolkit