The CALP Network is supported by a staff team and has offices in Jordan, Kenya, Philippines, Senegal, the UK and USA, plus a number of staff working from home in different locations.
The CALP Network team

Abdoulaye Hamidou

Amadou Diop

Angel Entenza

Cate Turton

Céline Sinitzky Billard

Crys Chamaa

Greg Rodwell

Hazar Alei

Holly Welcome Radice

Jerome Balinton

Jo-Anne Witcombe

Juliana Asprilla

Kate Hart

Lynn Yoshikawa

Manal Shehade

Michael Belaro

Mirko Tommasi

Moath Jafar

Monity Odera

Oksana Davis

Pauline Pérez

Rana Nassar

Rory Crew

Rose Smith

Rowena Nambio

Ruth McCormack

Sapenzie Ojiambo

Sara Shouib

Sokhna Faty Mbacké

Sophie Faye

Steph Roberson