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It's time for bold action on cash and voucher assistance - learn more

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Jo-Anne Witcombe

Head of Communications and Digital Platforms

Location: United Kingdom

Jo-Anne Witcombe

Jo-Anne Witcombe joined the CALP Network in June 2020 to lead on its communications work. Her previous 11 years were spent in the campaigns division at Oxfam GB. Her roles were diverse but at heart involved crafting campaigns, organising campaign stunts and engaging the public with intractable problems such as climate change, food insecurity and economic inequality. Her role as a Campaigns Project Manager for the Behind the Barcodes campaign saw her posing outside Lidl HQ, waving a banner whist dressed as a tomato!

She’s also an advocate for waste reduction, having previously worked with children across Greater Manchester to ‘reduce, reuse and recycle’.

Her passion lies with using digital communications to advance social justice causes. She particularly enjoys presenting complex information in a way that is accessible to all whilst also retaining important subtleties.