Cash 101: Cash and Voucher Assistance Explained
All your questions about humanitarian Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA) answered. The Cash 101 is designed to help emerging cash enthusiasts or experts to build, consolidate and strengthen their CVA related knowledge.
Cash and Voucher Assistance: What is CVA?
What is CVA? How is CVA delivered? What are the benefits of CVA? We answer key questions about humanitarian cash and voucher assistance.

Types of cash and voucher assistance (CVA)
Confused about the different types of humanitarian cash and voucher assistance (CVA)? We look at cash, vouchers and other types of CVA programming.

Cash, Vouchers and In-Kind Goods and Services
What is better for a humanitarian response: cash transfers, in-kind assistance or vouchers? We explore the pros and cons of each type of aid.

Financial assistance for people in crisis
In a crisis what financial flows are available to people? From remittance, microfinance, savings, loans and humanitarian cash and voucher assistance.

What are the benefits of Cash and Voucher Assistance in humanitarian action?
Cash and voucher assistance is a popular and effective type of humanitarian aid. We explore the benefits of CVA including how it is usually preferred by crisis affected people.

The Risks of Cash and Voucher Assistance
Is cash and voucher assistance risky? We look at the risks involved and debunk the myths that it is a riskier form of humanitarian aid.

Cash & Voucher Assistance Design and Delivery
At the heart of impactful humanitarian cash and voucher assistance, is effective programme delivery. Find out more about how and when CVA is delivered and by whom.

CVA and Development Programmes
Discover the link between Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA) and longer-term development programmes. Explore examples and benefits of linking CVA with social protection.

Cash and Voucher Assistance Policy and Funding
Explore cash and voucher assistance policy and funding, including its rapid growth and potential to reach 30-50% of humanitarian aid.

Videos from the Cash 101
Sokhna from the CALP Network outlines four big picture changes needed in the humanitarian system to ensure effective cash and voucher assistance.
Does humanitarian cash and voucher assistance offer choice and dignity? A lot depends on how it’s delivered – Diego from the CALP Network unveils four key pieces of programme advice for anyone delivering CVA to people in crisis.
CALP staff member Jerome describes three positive feedback loops which occur when power, money and resources are managed directly by local actors and people affected by crisis.