16 January 2020
Social protection in emergencies: Strengthening the normative framework for cash transfer delivery
This document reflects the process and results of the collaborative analysis carried out between humanitarian and government actors on the normative framework for the use of Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA) to respond to emergencies and disasters through the social protection (SP) system in Guatemala. The process was promoted by the Guatemala CWG, designed and facilitated by CashCap-NORCAP,...
November 2024
Humanitarian Cash and Voucher Assistance in Ukraine: Recommendations for a Better Cash Response
Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA) became a cornerstone of the humanitarian response after the full-scale invasion of Ukraine, providing critical support to over 6.1 million war-affected individuals in 2022, and 5.3 million in 2023. CVA support is provided to people affected by war-related idiosyncratic shocks. Unlike in-kind assistance, such as food or blankets, CVA empowers people to purchase...
October 2024
Simulation Exercises: Shock Responsive Social Protection – Key insights from the first iteration
This document is about a Shock Responsive Social Protection (SRSP) simulation exercise conducted in Anguilla in June 2024. It details key insights and lessons learned from this first iteration of the simulation, which was designed to improve disaster preparedness and response capabilities in the Caribbean.
Key points of the document include:
The exercise promoted the integration of...
1 September 2024
Alignment and Complementarity Between Humanitarian Cash Transfers and the Social Protection System in Ukraine
There are significant similarities between humanitarian cash transfer programmes and the social protection system in Ukraine, but key obstacles impede leveraging the social protection system to deliver humanitarian cash transfers. This report examines the alignment and complementarity between humanitarian cash transfers and Ukraine’s national social protection system in meeting the needs of...
29 August 2024
Post-Distribution Monitoring of MCPA to Sudanese New Arrivals – Egypt 2023: A two-time UNICEF-funded cash assistance programme implemented by UNHCR
UNHCR provided a multipurpose cash assistance funded by UNICEF to the most vulnerable new arrivals from Sudan, who were on UNHCR waiting list, to support them in covering their immediate needs, and mitigate potential protection risks, and also to reduce their resorting to negative coping strategies. The cash assistance was meant to cover four months and was funded by UNICEF. It was distributed...
February 2024
Unified Cash+ Framework of Bangladesh: For anticipatory action and response
This document presents a proposal for a harmonised inter-sectoral approach to cash+ (cash and other forms of support) in anticipation of rapid onset hazard events as well as the response phase. The formulations are based on the HCTT pre-crisis survey conducted in June 2023 and the workshop on the 22nd of June where the initial proposal was formulated. The aim of this initial proposal is to be...
October 2023
Pre-crisis Assessment of Monsoon Flooding in Bangladesh
Shifting the focus from response to anticipation of monsoon floods, the Office of the UN Resident Coordinator (RCO) and Humanitarian Coordination Task Team (HCTT) with support from NORCAP/CashCap implemented a pre-crisis survey to understand at-risk people’s perceptions and preparations for monsoon flooding and help define a unified intersectoral cash+ approach for Anticipatory action and...
28 September 2023
Cash and Voucher Assistance to Improve Maternal and Child Nutrition Outcomes in Emergency Contexts of Nigeria
In Nigeria, nearly 12 per cent of children under 5 years are wasted according to the National Food Consumption and Micronutrient Survey (2021). Wasting is largely concentrated in the North with 58 per cent of all cases residing there. In the Northeast and Northwest regions of Nigeria, the prevalence of wasting is 17 per cent and 12 per cent, respectively. In 2023, it was projected that nearly...
July 2023
“Aid is Inadequate because No One Consults us.” Perceptions of humanitarian aid in Chad
Chad is a diverse and dynamic place. It is the fifth-largest country in Africa and is rich in gold, uranium, and oil. The country is home to a mixture of languages, ethnicities, and religions, creating a vibrant mosaic. However, it is also marked by protracted humanitarian, economic, and climate crises. At the time of this report’s publication, 6.9 million people need humanitarian...
June 2023
New cash coordination – Frequently asked questions
All your questions answered about the new cash coordination model, the new Cash Advisory Group and how they both relate to Cash Working Groups.
Operational Guidance for Use of Cash and Voucher Assistance to Improve Nutrition Outcomes in Northwest Syria
Guidelines and Tools
This Operational guidance was developed collaboratively with NWS Nutrition sector member agencies with close collaboration with the Cash Working Group (CWG) and Food Security Cluster. The guidance aims at providing a set of operational guidance, using lessons learnt across the sector and NWS humanitarian Response to contextualize, harmonize and standardize commonly agreed approaches and...
September 2022
Gender Responsive social protection post- Covid 19
See the publication here Social protection has been a key policy response to address pandemic-related social and economic crises; however, attention to gender has been insufficient. Less than one in five global social protection measures during COVID-19 has addressed gender, such as supporting women in informal employment, mitigating risks of violence, and confronting the unequal distribution...
18 March 2022
Armenia Cash Transfer Standard Operating Procedures to support Government-led cash based programmes
The sub-working group on humanitarian cash transfer programming, within the UN Coordination Steering Group, gathers more than 20 organizations – comprising UN agencies, humanitarian NGOs and development partners. The group is working together to develop common and aligned approaches to cash-based interventions to provide support to families affected by the Nagorno Karabakh conflict. In...
25 September 2021
Market-Based Programming in Wash – Technical guidance for humanitarian practitioners
Guidelines and Tools
The purpose of this document is to provide practical guidance on market-based programming (MBP) in humanitarian WASH responses. This guidance is intended for: Humanitarian WASH practitioners Cash and markets practitioners Humanitarian business support teams supporting WASH programmes WASH Cluster/Sector coordinators. This document introduces concrete steps that can be followed and...
8 September 2021
UN Common Cash Statement Progress Report – September 2021
This report outlines key progress and challenges under the UN Common Cash Statement (UNCCS) and the vision and priorities ahead. It builds on more than two years of implementation, the UNCCS Q&A and a number
of surveys and lessons learned workshops conducted with countries in 2021. While the focus has largely been on implementation in the seven focus countries, the UNCCS continues to grow...
September 2021
Cash Transfers: Past, present and future – Evidence and lessons learned from the Transfer Project
Since 2009, the Transfer Project has generated rigorous evidence on the impacts of cash transfers in sub-Saharan Africa and has supported their expansion. The Transfer Project is a collaborative network comprising UNICEF (Innocenti, Regional and Country Offices), Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, national governments and...
July 2021
Data Responsibility Toolkit: A Guide for CVA Practitioners
This updated toolkit builds on ELAN’s widely-used 2016 Data Starter Kit, which was one of the first resources providing orientation on data privacy and security in humanitarian work. The new toolkit offers a range of ways to work data responsibility into programme planning, design, implementation, monitoring, evaluation, accountability and learning) activities. The toolkit offers...
10 March 2021
Sudan – Gedaref Joint Cash Risk assessment
Since the crisis in the Tigray region of Ethiopia in November 2020 over 60,000 people have sought refuge in neighbouring Sudan and were mostly accommodated in camps re-established in Gedaref State. Cash is has been utilised as a response modality and is being considered further by several agencies. This report, led by UNICEF on behalf of the sub-national Cash Working Group (CGW) in Gedaref, is...
17 February 2021
How to Incorporate Cash and Voucher Assistance into a Nutrition Response
Guidelines and Tools
There is a growing recognition that Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA), i.e. the provision of cash transfers and vouchers to targeted beneficiaries, can contribute to improving maternal and child nutrition by impacting on the underlying determinants of adequate nutrition. The main purpose of this Guidance Brief is to provide the nutrition sector generic guidance to more routinely consider, and...
21 December 2020
Response analysis tool: Effective decision making on the use of CVA for education outcomes in emergencies
Guidelines and Tools
This Response Analysis Tool aims to equip education actors with guidance and tools to undertake effective response analysis, contributing to the design and implementation of quality, effective and consistent cash and voucher assistance (CVA) for education outcomes. Guidance is presented under four steps of the response analysis process.
15 December 2020
Cash and voucher targeting for education outcomes: How to select beneficiaries to advance equity and maximize results
Guidelines and Tools
UNICEF has developed this targeting guidance to support scaling up of CVA in a way that maximizes outcomes for education in emergencies (EiE) responses, especially regarding the retention of girls in education. This is in recognition of the wider barriers to accessing and remaining in school that girls, particularly adolescent girls, face and of the transformative power that education can have...
15 December 2020
How Effective are Cash Transfers in Mitigating Shocks for Vulnerable Children? Evidence on the impact of the Lesotho Child Grant Programme on multiple deprivations
Shocks can pressure families into negative coping strategies with significant drawbacks for children’s lives and development, particularly for children living in disadvantaged households who are at greater risk of falling into a poverty trap. This paper investigates if unconditional cash transfers can be effective in protecting children against unexpected negative life events. Using two...
November 2020
Supporting the Linkages Between Humanitarian Cash and Voucher Assistance and National Social Protection Systems
This tipsheet aims to support country-level coordination efforts to strengthen the engagement between humanitarian coordination groups that implement cash and voucher assistance (CVA) and existing social
protection or disaster risk reduction coordination actors and groups. In particular, it seeks to offers inter-cluster and cash working group coordinators simple practical tips for engaging...
September 2020
Guidance Brief: How to incorporate cash and voucher assistance into a nutrition response
Guidelines and Tools
The Guidance Brief is the shorter version of the Evidence and Guidance Note on the Use of Cash and Vouchers for Nutrition in Emergencies. It provides easy to access operational guidance on considering and using cash and voucher modalities in nutrition in emergencies response. It further provides entry points on how to improve the potential of household cash transfers, including multipurpose...
September 2020
Evidence and Guidance Note on the Use of Cash and Voucher Assistance for Nutrition Outcomes in Emergencies
Guidelines and Tools
The main purpose of this document is to provide the nutrition sector with evidence and guidance to more routinely consider and, if appropriate, use cash and voucher modalities in nutrition in emergencies response in order to better address the nutritional needs of vulnerable populations. It consists of the following parts: Part 1 – Evidence Note: Provides an overview on the evidence base on...
August 2020
LOUISE Learning Review
This report presents the outcomes of the learning review on the Lebanon One Unified Inter-Organizational System for E-cards (LOUISE) platform commissioned by UNICEF on behalf of the LOUISE agencies (WFP, UNHCR, UNICEF) in 2019 to build on the LOUISE experience and conduct a stock-taking exercise. The study documents the development of the LOUISE operational model and processes, and develops a...
15 April 2020
Cost-Efficiency and Cost-Effectiveness Study of UNICEF “Cash Plus” Interventions in Lebanon and the Democratic Republic of Congo.
The combination of basic services delivery and cash transfers is known among humanitarian practitioner as “cash plus”. This approach represents a solid comparative advantage for UNICEF considering its footprint in basic services delivery as well as its commitment to scale up humanitarian cash transfers. Following UNICEF’s efforts to achieving better results for children in a more...
7 April 2020
Memorandum Of Understanding Template for use by government and partners, for provision of financial assistance for social support
Guidelines and Tools
Evidence-building for Cash and Markets for WASH in Emergencies: Practices in market-based programming in the sanitation subsector
This report presents an overview of practices related to the use of market support and cash and voucher assistance (CVA) for sanitation in emergencies. These market-based approaches can have a number of advantages, such as improving the efficiency and effectiveness of emergency sanitation response while also supporting the existing local market systems that will continue to deliver sanitation...
Harmonized Post-Distribution Monitoring Tool for cash based support
Guidelines and Tools
Evidence-Building for Cash and Markets for WASH in Emergencies: Practices in market-based programming in the hygiene subsector
This report presents an overview of practices related to the use of market support and cash and voucher assistance (CVA) modalities for hygiene in humanitarian crises. These market-based approaches can have a number of advantages, such as improving the efficiency and effectiveness of emergency hygiene response while also supporting the existing local market systems that will continue to...
Evidence-Building for Cash and Markets for WASH in Emergencies: Practices in market-based programming in the water subsector
Humanitarian water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) practitioners are increasingly using market-based programming (MBP) to deliver safe water in emergency response, with interventions that are designed to work through, or support, local water markets. These market-based approaches have a number of advantages, such as improving the efficiency and effectiveness of emergency water response while...
Social Protection System Readiness Assessment Tool and User Guide
Guidelines and Tools
The tool is designed for use in countries with some form of social transfer programmes, and a medium to high risk of disasters (refer to the webinar for more details). It aims to:
i. Assess the political, technical, operational and financial feasibility, or ‘readiness’, of the country’s cash-based social transfer programme(s) (and potentially public works/cash for work schemes where...
Grand Bargain Workshop: Linking Humanitarian Cash and Social Protection
Over the past decade, the use of cash transfers in humanitarian crises has increased. Moreover, humanitarian interventions now increasingly move beyond immediate crisis response and link to recovery and development initiatives – such as social protection – as part of the humanitarian-development nexus.
Linking humanitarian cash and voucher assistance (CVA) with social protection, however,...
Memorandum of Understanding Between Ministry Of Labour And Social Protection Of Mongolia And Unicef
Guidelines and Tools
This Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) sets forth the terms and understanding between the MLSP and UNICEF Mongolia to collaborate to implement a Child-focused Shock-Responsive Social Protection (SRSP) Pilot (the Climate Emergencies Child Grant), which will be separate from but based on the implementation systems of the Child Money Program (CMP)
Draft Report On Child Focused Shock-responsive Social Protection Pilot Options
UNICEF seeks to work together with other development partners to support the Government of Mongolia (GoM) to pilot a shock-responsive social protection (SRSP) program in order to demonstrate the value of mainstreaming SRSP into the national social protection system and to generate lessons on whether and how to scale up the pilot program. In Mongolia, the increased frequency and severity...
Tripartite Agreement Template Between Government, Partner And Financial Service Provider For Provision Of Financial Assistance To Beneficiary Accounts
Guidelines and Tools
Quantitative assessment of the social assistance system of the Kingdom of Eswatini
Analysis of social assistance needs, coverage of needs by existing programs and identification of social assistance gaps in Eswatini
Operations Manual: Shock Responsive Social Protection Pilot
Guidelines and Tools
The pilot is a test of the program design. The main objective of the pilot is to test and refine the program design, operational processes and data management systems in order to inform a decision of whether and how to scale-up.
Global Cash Policy Network Call: the UN Common Cash System
On 5 December, Principals of UNICEF, UNHCR, WFP and OCHA announced the launch of a joint system for the design, delivery and monitoring of cash assistance. This is a welcome step towards improved collaboration between United Nations agencies, with the potential to increase the effectiveness, efficiency and accountability of UN cash operations and better support those affected by humanitarian...
14 December 2018
“Min Ila” cash transfer program for displaced Syrian children in Lebanon
“Min Ila” is a cash transfer program that was implemented by UNICEF and the United Nation’s World Food Program (WFP) in coordination with the Ministry of Education and Higher Education (MEHE), between 2016 and 2018 covering two (and later three) Lebanese governorates. The program, also known as “No Lost Generation” (NLG), was aimed at reducing financial barriers to the school...
June 2018
My Needs, Our Future
Since the beginning of the 2017-2018 school year in Jordan, the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) Child Cash Grant (CCG) launched its new phase, an equity-driven, integrated social protection programme for all children in Jordan called Hajati, or ‘my need’ in Arabic. The new programme built on lessons learned from the CCG and the recommendations from the most recent Overseas...
March 2018
Joint Emergency Cash Transfer for Dominicans Most Affected by Hurricane Maria Stocktaking Exercise Report
A workshop was organized in Roseau, Dominica on 3-4 May 2018, to bring together all the stakeholders involved at different levels and stages in the joint Emergency Cash Transfer programme that was implemented from December 2017 to March 2018 as part of the emergency response to Hurricane Maria. The report takes stock of key achievements and challenges, identify best practices and lessons...
Children in Indonesia: An analysis of poverty, mobility and multidimensional deprivation
This report by Indonesia’s Central Bureau of Statistics and the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) with technical support from Development Pathways investigates the incidence, causes and effects of child poverty and poverty dynamics in Indonesia, and explores alternative policy options for tackling it.
Assessment of the Geographical and Community-based Targeting of WFP’s Cash and Food for Assets Programme in Kenya
This report provides an in-depth assessment of the targeting mechanisms used for the cash and food for assets programme by the World Food Programme (WFP) and the National Drought Management Authority (NDMA). Assessment of the Geographical and Community-based Targeting of WFP’s Cash and Food for Assets Programme in Kenya aims to answer the following questions: How effective are the targeting...
Gender and Cash Transfers: Implications of Intrahousehold Decision Making on Nutrition of Women and Children in Ethiopia
From ‘Collected Papers on Gender and Cash Transfer Programmes in Humanitarian Contexts’. Existing gender inequalities mean that disasters and conflicts impact women, men, girls and boys differently. Cash-based assistance is one of the most significant developments in humanitarian assistance in recent years. But the relationship between gender and cash-based assistance in humanitarian...
Child Vulnerability and Social Protection in Kenya
Kenya’s Social Protection Secretariat has highlighted new evidence showing the need for a universal child grant for Kenyan children. The evidence in Child Vulnerability and Social Protection in Kenya highlights that targeting social protection at orphans, 7.5% of Kenya’s children, with a Cash Transfer for Orphans and Vulnerable Children inadvertently leads to the exclusion of other...
Transfer Values in Kenya’s National Social Security System
This report, commissioned by the World Food Programme (WFP) and United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) seeks to examine the current transfer values of Kenya’s tax-financed social security schemes and assess whether they are set at an appropriate level. Transfer Values in Kenya’s National Social Security System, authored by Bjorn Gelders and Stephen Kidd from Development Pathways,...
A mixed-method review of cash transfers and intimate partner violence in low and middle-income countries
There is increasing evidence that cash transfer (CT) programs decrease intimate partner violence (IPV); however, little is known about how CTs achieve this impact. We conducted a mixed method review of studies in low- and middle-income countries. Fourteen quantitative and nine qualitative studies met our inclusion criteria, of which eleven and six respectively demonstrated evidence that CTs...
Social protection in Madagascar – The Case of Cash Transfers: Capacity to respond to shocks and options for harmonization
The report has been prepared as commissioned by the Government of Madagascar (Ministry of Population, Social protection and Women’s Promotion and the National Office of Risk and Disaster Management) in coordination with the members of the emergency cash group and with UNICEF’s funding and technical support. The results of this report have been presented and discussed with the Government...
The State of Evidence on Social Cash Transfers in Africa. Transfer Project Workshop Brief 2017
The annual workshop of the Transfer Project, “The State of Evidence on Social Cash Transfers in Africa” focused on new challenges arising from moving from fragmented programmes to integrated social protection systems, combining cash transfers with complementary (also referred to as ‘plus’) interventions, as well as the assessment of social protection in emergency contexts. This...
Humanitarian Cash Transfers in the Democratic Republic of the Congo: Evidence from UNICEF’s ARCC II Programme
From March 2013 to September 2015, UNICEF and three partner organizations (Concern Worldwide, Mercy Corps, and Solidarités International), collaborated to deliver what was at the time the single-largest unconditional cash transfer programme for humanitarian response in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC). Funded primarily by UKaid from the United Kingdom government, UNICEF’s...
Myth-busting? Confronting Six Common Perceptions about Unconditional Cash Transfers as a Poverty Reduction Strategy in Africa
This paper summarizes evidence on six perceptions associated with cash transfer programming, using eight rigorous evaluations conducted on large-scale government unconditional cash transfers in sub-Saharan Africa, under the Transfer Project. Specifically, it investigates if transfers: 1) induce higher spending on alcohol or tobacco; 2) are fully consumed (rather than invested); 3) create...
Effects of Unconditional Cash Transfers on the Outcome of Treatment for Severe Acute Malnutrition (SAM): A Cluster-Randomised Trial in the Democratic Republic of the Congo
Cash transfer programs (CTPs) aim to strengthen financial security for vulnerable households. This potentially enables improvements in diet, hygiene, health service access and investment in food production or income generation.The effect of CTPs on the outcome of children already severely malnourished is not well delineated. The objective of this study was to test whether CTPs will improve...
Cash and Education in Somalia, Somalia Education Cluster (October 2017) – CTP in the education response
Two-page briefing on cash and education in Somalia
A promise of tomorrow.The effects of UNHCR and UNICEF cash assistance on Syrian refugees in Jordan
Despite the generous hosting by the Government and people of Jordan of Syrian refugees, more than 650,000 registered Syrian refugees in the country, continue to face a highly uncertain future. They cannot go home, given the ongoing conflict and insecurity in Syria; many of the most vulnerable struggle to find suitable employment that would enable them to support themselves and their families...
How to Make ‘Cash Plus’ Work: Linking Cash Transfers to Services and Sectors
The broad-ranging benefits of cash transfers are now widely recognized. However, the evidence base highlights that they often fall short in achieving longer-term and second-order impacts related to nutrition, learning outcomes and morbidity.In recognition of these limitations, several ‘cash plus’ initiatives have been introduced, whereby cash transfers are combined with one or more...
The Transformative Impacts of Unconditional Cash Transfers: Evidence from two government programmes in Zambia
Unconditional cash transfers are on the rise in Sub-Saharan Africa, with recent estimates indicating a doubling of programmes between 2010 and 2014.This brief provides an overview of the comprehensive impacts across eight domains of two unconditional cash transfer programmes implemented by the Zambian Government: The Child Grant Programme (CGP) and the Multiple Category Targeting Programme...
Field manual for humanitarian e-voucher programs in Turkey
Guidelines and Tools
Welthungerhilfe has been active using e-vouchers in response to the Syrian refugee crisis since 2014, and has provided more than 100,000 individuals with unconditional cash transfers funded by the Federal German Foreign Office, ECHO, the European Commission’s Humanitarian Aid Office, and UNICEF. Intervention areas covered urban and rural settings in southern Turkey and featured various...
November 2016
Pintakasi. A review of shelter/Wash delivery methods in post-disaster or recovery interventions
Catholic Relief Services conducted an in-depth study to assess the efficiency, effectiveness and appropriateness of the modalities for delivering shelter and Wash assistance in its Typhoon Haiyan Recovery Program. This study, Pintakasi hopes to contribute valuable lessons learned and share best practices from the program with the shelter/WASH recovery communities of practice in the...
Baseline Assessment for Education Cash Transfer Programming for IDPS in Dahuk Governance
REACH, in collaboration with UNICEF, conducted a Baseline Assessment of Access to Education among Internally Displaced Persons in the Dahuk Governorate of Iraq. This assessment aimed to improve the efficiency of humanitarian cash assistance by implementing partners for increased access to education in the target areas. This was done by ascertaining baseline location-specific information on...
The Road to Recovery: Cash transfers as an emergency response to Nepal’s earthquake of 2015 and a catalyst for consolidating Nepal’s social protection floor
On 27 May, the Nepal Ministry of Finance issued a decision: “Approval of top up cash transfer for early recovery for vulnerable population affected by the Earthquake”. This marks the beginning of a crucial intervention. Proposed interventions: This paper outlines a proposal to address the economic impact of the two earthquakes experienced in Nepal in April and May 2015 and possible further...
June 2015
A Review of UNICEF’s Role in Cash Transfers to Emergency Affected Populations
This paper is part of an ongoing process exploring UNICEF’s engagement with cash-based responses in emergencies. The main aim of the paper is to stimulate discussion on the potential role of cash transfers within UNICEF’s response to emergencies.
20 April 2015
Strategies and Options for Scaling Up and Enhancing the Child Grant Nationally in Nepal
The objective of this study is to offer to the Government of Nepal (GoN) a set of reflections and options regarding the continuation, scale-up and enhancement of the Child Grant (CG), a cash transfer program for children under the age of 5 introduced by the GoN in 2009. While the original intention was to cover all children nationally, the first phase of implementation was geographically...
February 2015
Cash, Care, Prevention and Adherence for Adolescents: Latest evidence from southern Africa
This presentation looks at cash, care, prevention and adherence for adolescents using the National Longitudinal study of Adolescents in Southern Africa.
Voices and Views of Beneficiaries on Unconditional Cash Transfers – Democratic Republic of Congo, Nepal and the Philippines
Providing cash in humanitarian emergencies is expanding and the topic is well under discussion within the humanitarian sector with topics ranging from high-level consideration of cash as a tool to transform humanitarian aid, the significance of cash as a way to support beneficiary choice and dignity while stimulating livelihoods and economic recovery, and the retooling of aspects of the...
Social Protection Programmes Contribute to HIV Prevention
Social protection programmes reduce poverty and vulnerability while strengthening a broad range of developmental impacts. This brief describes the pathways through which social protection – especially cash transfers – contributes to HIV prevention, particularly in addressing the social, economic and structural drivers of HIV in adolescents. This brief is important for policymakers and...
January 2015
Regional Learning Event: “Links between emergency cash transfer programming and social safety nets in the Sahel.”
Cash transfers are nowadays widely used in response to the food and nutrition crises that affect the Sahel. Since the crisis of 2012, many stakeholders (including governments, United Nations agencies, international or local non-governmental organisations) have made use of them – at scale, in some cases.
July 2014
Policy brief – Policy options for the Lesotho Child Grants Programme
The Lesotho Child Grants Programme (CGP) is an unconditional social cash transfer targeted to poor and vulnerable households. The objective of the CGP is to improve the living standards of Orphans and Vulnerable Children (OVC) so as to reduce malnutrition, improve health status and increase school enrolment among OVC. Households are selected through a combination of proxy means testing and...
What is social protection?
This presentation was made on behalf of UNICEF at the social protection framework validation meeting that took place at the Jacaranda Hotel in Nairobi, Kenya on 26 September 2014. It looks at components and dimensions of social protection, lessons from global experiences and some limitations of the approach.
Final Evaluation of the Unconditional Cash and Voucher Response to the 2011–12 Crisis in Southern and Central Somalia
This report sets out to determine the effectiveness of the unconditional cash and voucher interventions in southern and central Somalia. This evaluation however cannot be limited to the interventions at hand. It necessarily considers the broader context that led to the failure of the humanitarian community to respond in a timely and adequate manner to the suffering of the Somali people. And...
Cash Transfers and Resilience: Strengthening Linkages Between Emergency Cash Transfers and National Social Transfer Programmes in the Sahel – Discussion Paper
This discussion paper has been inspired by the exchanges that took place during the course of the learning event. It seeks to extend the discussion to include other actors working within the region, as well as in other regions confronted with the same questions. It proposes an initial approach to the issue, presents some of the conclusions of the workshop and suggests several courses of...
Child Grants Programme Impact Evaluation Follow-up Report
The Lesotho Child Grants Programme (CGP) is an unconditional social cash transfer targeted to poor and vulnerable households. It provides every quarter a regular transfer of between M360 and M7501 to poor households with children that are selected through a combination of Proxy Means Testing (PMT) and community validation and registered in the National Information System for Social Assistance...
Social Protection System: An Afghan case study, analysing the potential of a child-focused social protection Cash Transfer Programme in Balkh
UNICEF is considering the development of a social protection programme with a specific focus on children, within the already existing framework developed by the World Bank and MoLSAMD. With the end goal of articulating children-sensitive programming with the World Bank’s own safety net programme in mind, the first step in this direction is for the organisation to launch a pilot programme in...
Child Grants Programme Impact Evaluation Follow-up Report – Executive Summary
The Lesotho Child Grants Programme (CGP) is an unconditional social cash transfer targeted to poor and vulnerable households. It provides every quarter a regular transfer of between M360 and M7501 to poor households with children that are selected through a combination of Proxy Means Testing (PMT) and community validation and registered in the National Information System for Social Assistance...
Final Monitoring Report of the Somalia Cash and Voucher Transfer Programme
This report presents the findings of Phase 2 of a monitoring exercise of the Cash and Voucher Monitoring Group (CVMG), a unique partnership involving non-governmental organisations (NGOs) providing cash-based interventions in response to famine and humanitarian emergencies in South Central Somalia. It was the first large-scale cash-based response to be implemented in Somalia, and – at a...
Examining Differences in the Effectiveness and Impacts of Vouchers and Unconditional Cash Transfers
The objective of this study is to examine the differences in the effectiveness and impacts of vouchers versus unconditional cash transfers in the Bushani camp of the Masisi territory of the Democratic Republic of Congo. As part of this research, the study team collected household data from over 230 households in the Bushani camp in September 2011 (before the start of the program), November...
The Use of Cash Transfers in Emergencies: A focus on the HoA response strategies
A focus on the HOA drought response strategies
11 August 2011
Cash Transfer for Protection of Blanket Feeding: Maradi and Tahoua regions
The Project ‘Cash Transfer to Protect Blanket Feeding’ in Niger was launched by UNICEF in June 2010. The Project was a direct response to the growing evidence that blanket supplementary feeding rations distributed to children of 6 to 23 months of age in food insecure communities were consumed by older children as well and in many cases all household members. The effectiveness of the...
March 2011
Support to IDP Education and Pupils Transition from ABE to Formal School in Puntland
This report discusses the findings and recommendations from the final evaluation of a pilot project that aimed at: (i) enabling 1,000 displaced and other vulnerable children in IDP settlements around Bossaso, Puntland, to access quality primary education and (ii) improving the learning environment in 10 partner schools. The evaluation focused on assessing the effectiveness of providing...
Gender Tip Sheet for UNICEF’s Cash Transfer Programme in the Horn of Africa Crisis
Guidelines and Tools
The content for this note was drawn primarily from Walking the Talk: Cash Transfers and Gender Dynamics, prepared by Carol Brady, commissioned by Concern Worldwide and Oxfam GB, 12 May, 2011. Drafted for UNICEF staff, this note outlines gender-related lessons learned from past CTPs and provides tips on key gender considerations to take into account when designing and implementing CTPs.
Cash Transfers in Emergencies: A Review Drawing upon the Tsunami and Other Experience
This 2006 document from the Social Policy and Economic Analysis office of UNICEF (East Asia and the Pacific Region) draws upon examples from the tsunami and other contexts to explore cash transfer experience in emergencies. It presents existing evidence of impact of cash transfers on children; reasons that cash transfers have been under-utilized; and suggestions for how UN agencies could...