Evidence and Guidance Note on the Use of Cash and Voucher Assistance for Nutrition Outcomes in Emergencies
The main purpose of this document is to provide the nutrition sector with evidence and guidance to more routinely consider and, if appropriate, use cash and voucher modalities in nutrition in emergencies response in order to better address the nutritional needs of vulnerable populations. It consists of the following parts:
Part 1 – Evidence Note: Provides an overview on the evidence base on the use of CVA for nutrition outcomes in emergencies and identifies the most common approaches and best practice to integrate CVA in nutrition response.
Part 2 – Guidance Note: Provides operational guidance on considering and using cash and voucher modalities in nutrition in emergencies response. It further provides entry points on how to improve the potential of household cash transfers, including multipurpose cash to contribute to nutrition outcomes. It concludes with recommendations to the nutrition sector and other humanitarian actors on key actions that are required to more routinely consider and, if appropriate, use cash and voucher modalities in nutrition in emergencies. The Guidance Note draws from key findings in the Evidence Note and includes cross-references relevant sections. It can however be read as a stand-alone document.