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Le b.a.-ba des transferts monétaires : tout ce que vous devez savoir

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321 – 340 sur 4746 résultats

Dr. Anas Alkaddour


Dr. Anas Al Kaddour brings over 24 years of extensive experience in agriculture, food security, livelihoods, and early recovery sectors, humanitarian assistance programming and coordination, with a strong track record of bridging research and development initiatives and managing emergency operations. Dr....

Chiara Genovese


Chiara has worked as Cash Advisor at Mercy Corps in Lebanon since September 2023. She supports the delivery of multi-purpose cash assistance to poor and vulnerable Lebanese families that fall through the cracks of the social safety nets. Previously, Chiara worked in CAMEALEON for five years, conducting...

حالة المساعدات النقدية في العالم 2023: مجموعة أدوات الحوار


يمكنكم العثور على جميع الموارد للمشاركة والتحدث عن تقرير “حالة المساعدات النقدية في العالم 2023” داخل شبكتكم أو مؤسستكم أو مع زملائكم.

16 novembre 2023

The State of the World’s Cash 2023. Chapter 8: CVA Design


Summary  Key findings Multi-purpose cash (MPC) The use of MPC has increased but not to the extent anticipated. The lack of multisectoral needs assessments and response analysis is still seen as the largest barrier to increasing MPC. Concerns remain regarding the extent to which MPC will achieve...

The State of the World’s Cash 2023. Chapter 1: People-centred CVA


Summary Key findings There is a growing commitment to putting people at the centre of CVA. Challenges remain with communication, participation, and feedback. Increased attention is being given to inclusion, with more focus on people with disabilities; gender, particularly the needs of women; and...

The State of the World’s Cash 2023


This flagship publication represents a neutral and authoritative assessment of the current context of Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA) as part of humanitarian aid.

Un nouveau rapport tire la sonnette d’alarme sur le devenir des transferts monétaires


Un nouveau rapport tire la sonnette d’alarme sur le devenir des transferts monétaires humanitaires Libérer le potentiel des transferts monétaires pour répondre aux besoins humanitaires des populations nécessitera davantage d’efforts et de changements. En 2022, 7,9 milliards de dollars ont été...

The State of the World’s Cash 2023. Chapter 5: Cash Preparedness and Capacity


Summary Key findings CVA preparedness and capacity remains a priority, though needs are changing. Economic volatility, including inflation and depreciation, has emerged as a challenge for emergency preparedness. Adapting CVA in contexts of high inflation and depreciation requires inter-agency planning...



The State of the World’s Cash 2023 was commissioned and developed by CALP. A core research and writing team led the development of the report, working collaboratively with a huge number of people who provided invaluable input and support. We thank the many individuals and organizations that generously...

مقدمة ونظرة عامة


مقدمة بقلم سمروتي باتيل في الثلاث سنوات التي مضت منذ تقديم تقرير حالة النقد في العالم في عام 2020، شهدنا تغييرات هائلة في السياق العالمي، وتزايدت الاحتياجات...

Foreword and Overview


Foreword by Smruti Patel In the three years since the State of the World’s Cash report in 2020, we have seen huge changes in the global context, and humanitarian needs have grown. Massive floods, unprecedented wildfires, and record-breaking heat are becoming more frequent and severe, providing a clear...

The State of the World’s Cash 2023. Chapter 2: CVA Volume and Growth


Summary Key findings The global volume for CVA programming expenditure increased by 41% from 2021 to 2022 to US$10.0 billion, with US$7.9 billion transferred as CVA to crisis-affected people. The large-scale use of cash in the Ukraine response was a key driver of growth, but other crises also saw...

Le b.a.-ba des transferts monétaires : tout ce que vous devez savoir

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