África Occidental y Central
101 – 120 of 3545 resultados
Gaza Rapid Market Assessment (August 2024)
The Rapid Market Assessment in Gaza was a collaborative effort led by the operational and technical teams of Save the Children, CRS, and Mercy Corps, with Save the Children coordinating the overall process. On-site data collection was carried out by these organizations along with the Arab World Research &...
Movilidad humana, transferencias monetarias y localización: Estudios de caso en Perú y Ecuador
En los últimos años, los programas de transferencias monetarias (PTM) se han consolidado como una herramienta clave para mejorar la eficacia y eficiencia de la acción humanitaria, con un enfoque centrado en las personas y el liderazgo local. Sin embargo, el uso de PTM para asistir a personas en...
Solving for Deduplication and Referrals – Our learning to date
Members event
On behalf of the Collaborative Cash Delivery Network (CCD), I’d like to invite you to our webinar on Wednesday, 16th October at 1:00 PM UK time.
Join our webinar to hear about our experience of solving the challenge of deduplication and referral across multiple stakeholders involved in cash...
USA & Canada Community of Practice Meeting
CALP will host a meeting with members of the USA & Canada Community of Practice on Wednesday October 16, 2024, from 14:00 to 15:30 (EST). The event will be online. The meeting will explore the topic of CVA cash risks under scrutiny. We will be discussing how cash is being put under fire in some...
Enfocarse en el viaje – La necesidad de un enfoque regional para el monitoreo de la migración en América Latina
Es necesario un enfoque transfronterizo de investigación y respuesta humanitaria en América Latina dada las características de los movimientos.
La financiación de las capacidades locales para el manejo de información de migración es clave para reforzar la programación y la respuesta basadas en...
Norma Mínima para el Análisis de Mercado
Guía y herramientas
Con el creciente reconocimiento de la importancia del análisis de mercado en el sector humanitario, se ha desarrollado una gran cantidad de herramientas y orientación para apoyar tales ejercicios. Si bien esto ha brindado la oportunidad de reflexionar sobre la evolución de la práctica, también ha...
Improving the Impact per Dollar of USAID Programming: The power of cost-effectiveness evidence to improve lives
Webinar recording
Join USAID and the Center for Global Development to launch USAID’s first-ever Position Paper on Cost-Effectiveness and Position Paper on Direct Monetary Transfers, two new Agency policy documents.
USAID Deputy Administrator for Policy and Programming Isobel Coleman will deliver a keynote address on...
Humanitarian Crisis in the DRC: Why Cash is Best
The policy brief, “Humanitarian Crisis in the DRC: Why Cash is Best” draws on from evidence and years of first-hand experience of implementing humanitarian programmes in the DRC to demonstrate that cash programming is critical to the effectiveness of the response in the country, where humanitarian...
Movilidad humana, transferencias monetarias y localización: Estudios de caso en Perú y Ecuador
Este informe analiza el potencial de los Programas de Transferencias Monetarias (PTM) en contextos de movilidad humana, con un enfoque en las rutas migratorias de Perú y Ecuador. A través de encuestas, mapeos participativos y grupos focales con actores humanitarios y gubernamentales, se examinaron las...
Cash from the Ground up: Community cash grants in the Philippines
The Philippines faces a complex landscape of recurring hazards such as tropical cyclones, flooding, earthquakes, and volcanic eruptions, and was identified as the most disaster-affected country in the world in the 2023 World Risk Report. Some communities are more vulnerable due to higher exposure to...
The Role of Misinformation on Cash and Voucher Assistance for Social Cohesion in Lebanon
This report, commissioned from Key Aid Consulting by CAMEALEON, investigates the role of misinformation surrounding CVA in influencing perceptions and its subsequent effects on social cohesion in Lebanon. It focuses on the social cohesion between and within Lebanese and Syrian communities since the 2019...
Cash and Voucher Assistance in the Uganda Refugee Response
The CVA infographic summarises key facts and figures about cash-based assistance on the Uganda refugee response. It also showcases the humanitarian actors implementing Cash and Voucher assistance, as well as Financial Service Providers (FSP) in refugee settlements across Uganda.
Unconditional Cash Transfers (UCT) in the DRC: A pilot study assessing the socio-economic effects in an artisanal mining zone of Maniema Province
‘Housing’ is one of the indicators that is used to measure the Multidimensional Poverty Index (MPI) of people: a household is considered deprived regarding housing if at least one of the three materials for roof, walls or floor are inadequate. The endline study confirms a significant increase in...
Humanitarian Cash and Voucher Assistance in Ukraine: Recommendations for a Better Cash Response
Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA) became a cornerstone of the humanitarian response after the full-scale invasion of Ukraine, providing critical support to over 6.1 million war-affected individuals in 2022, and 5.3 million in 2023. CVA support is provided to people affected by war-related idiosyncratic...
Implementation Guide: Cash transfers to promote access to adult labour in cocoa communities
Guidelines and Tools
Increasing the availability of affordable adult labour in cocoa-growing communities is key for addressing child labour. One approach proven to be effective in stimulating the use and availability of adult labour is encouraging farming families to hire adult labour groups by providing them with cash...
Understanding the Views of Major Foundations on Humanitarian Cash and Voucher Assistance
This report explores foundations’ behaviours, patterns and potential regarding CVA. To do so, the study is responding to three main research questions as follows:
1. To what degree are major foundations that support humanitarian work supportive of CVA?
2. Are there any common barriers or issues of...
Trusting People with a Large Cash Payment – Exploring evidence on cash lump sums vs flow payments
Members event
This webinar will bring together social protection policy specialists and researchers to discuss the evidence base around lumpsum payments for poverty reduction versus regular social assistance payments. GiveDirectly will share the initial findings from the world’s longest Universal Basic Income (UBI)...
Hacia delante: los PTM humanitarios en las Américas en los próximos cinco años
Contexto Los programas de transferencias monetarias (PTM) humanitarios crecieron en volumen y alcance considerablemente en 2018-2023. Con al menos cinco años de PTM humanitarios generalizados en las Américas, existe la oportunidad de revisar la madurez del uso de las modalidades, las tendencias y...
Cross-Country Collaboration in Cash Assistance: Worthwhile or wasted effort?
Blog Post
This blog explores the regional dynamics of the Sudan crisis and cash and voucher assistance in the different countries affected by the crisis. It examines the potential advantages of collaboration between Cash Working Groups across borders and how this might be achieved.
Ya miramos hacia atrás: ahora avancemos. Los PTM humanitarios en las Américas 2018–2023
Entre 2018 y 2023, el panorama de la ayuda humanitaria se transformó en las Américas, en particular con el aumento de la implementación de PTM en la región.