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Safety Net and Humanitarian Cash in the Emergency Response in Lebanon – What can we learn?
Lebanon is facing a severe humanitarian crisis exacerbated by economic turndown, widespread poverty, and displacement resulting from the escalation of the hostilities into war between Hezbollah and Israel on September 23, 2024. 1 A ceasefire was reached in the early hours of November 27, 2024, for a...
Minutes and presentations from the WCAF regional CWG – January 2025
Meeting minutes
Minutes and presentations from the WCAF regional CWG – 25 January 2025 Watch the recording here or on YouTube
Los Programas de Transferencias Monetarias “son vitales»: necesitamos urgentemente defender los argumentos
Blog Post
Solo la ayuda "vital" está cubierta por la última exención de USAID sobre la congelación de fondos. Debemos seguir argumentando claramente que los Programas de Transferencias Monetarias (PTM) encajan firmemente en esta categoría.
RUTAS DE ESPERANZA: Bienestar y Protección Familiar
Rutas de Esperanza: Bienestar y Protección Familiar - Informe del Proyecto Piloto de Transferencias Monetarias
Este informe presenta los resultados del proyecto piloto "Rutas de Esperanza", una iniciativa de “Esperanza sin Fronteras” de World Vision en colaboración con CALP Network. Este proyecto...
Congelación de fondos por parte de EE. UU. – Un mensaje de la Directora de CALP
Blog Post
La Directora del CALP, Cate Turton, comparte un mensaje de solidaridad con todos los socios y miembros de CALP y los trabajadores humanitarios.
CALP staff share some of their plans for 2025
Blog Post
We asked seventeen members of the CALP staff team to highlight at least one thing they had in store for the year ahead.
Cash and Voucher Assistance’s Unfinished Business: CALP’s role in delivering on the big promise
This report explores the opportunities cash presents to catalyze change in the humanitarian system, examining CVA's journey and highlighting its potential to drive positive change.
How can we Distinguish a ‘supporting community led response’ from a Group Cash Transfer?
This document aims to contribute to our understanding of the similarities and differences of supporting community led response (sclr) and Group Cash Transfers (GCTs), given their increased use in recent years. This is an evolving space and not every practitioner will agree with every nuance presented.
UNFPA Cash Assistance in Ukraine: Providing cash within GBV case management and to support pregnant and lactating women in times of conflict
Cash and voucher assistance (CVA) has proven to be feasible and effective in contributing to the humanitarian response in Ukraine since 2022. UNFPA Ukraine has focused its cash assistance on its two main mandate areas for women and girls in emergencies: gender-based violence (GBV) response, through...
Mis primeros 100 días como nueva Directora de CALP
Blog Post
En este blog, la Directora de la CALP Network, Cate Turton, comparte sus reflexiones iniciales sobre los retos que se avecinan para la agenda de los programas de transferencias monetarias (PTM).
Post-distribution Monitoring: Cash for protection
This PDM survey, conducted by Türk Kızılay, evaluated the effectiveness, accessibility, and impact of the CfP assistance provided to individuals following the February 2023 earthquakes in Türkiye. The survey collected insights from individuals across the most affected provinces, focusing on their...
The Use of Multisectoral Electronic Vouchers to Reduce Protection Risks for People in Transit in Colombia
This best practice document describes ZOA Colombia's journey towards better protection programming for people in transit in the migration setting in Colombia. By using multisectoral e-vouchers, people in transit are served as quickly as possible to cover their most urgent protection needs along the...
Common Donor Messages on the Cash Response to the Escalation of Hostilities in Lebanon
he severe escalation of conflict in Lebanon since September 2024, resulted in a dreadful death toll, widespread destruction of civilian infrastructure, and the mass displacement of people. Many sought refuge in collective shelters, primarily repurposed public schools while others fled across the border...
Endline 2023 Report Multipurpose Cash Assistance for Syrian Refugees in Lebanon: Post Distribution and Outcome Monitoring
This report presents the endline post distribution and outcome monitoring (PDOM) results for the UNHCR multi-purpose cash assistance program (MCAP) targeting Syrian refugees in Lebanon implemented between January and November 2023.
Cash and Voucher Assistance for Health: Partner experiences in Ukraine
Humanitarian cash has a long history in Ukraine and has evolved along the contours of the crisis. In December 2014, the Humanitarian Cluster Coordination System was activated following the outbreak of armed conflict in the Donetska and Luhanska oblasts earlier that year. At the time, humanitarian cash...
Perspectiva desde del terreno y taller de evaluación de factibilidad de Programación Basada en Ruta – Ruta: Norte de Centro américa y Sur de México.
Este informe es la continuación del reporte de mitad de periodo sobre la implementación de la Programación Basada en Rutas de CashCap en América Latina y el Caribe, abarcando el trabajo realizado entre junio y noviembre de 2024.
Este evalúa la viabilidad de la Programación Basada en Ruta (PBR)...
CALP da la bienvenida al nuevo Coordinador de Ayuda de Emergencia, Tom Fletcher
La Directora y los Copresidentes de la CALP Network han dirigido una carta de bienvenida a Tom Fletcher al asumir su nuevo cargo como Secretario General Adjunto de Asuntos Humanitarios y Coordinador de Ayuda en Emergencia en la OCHA. La carta completa puede consultarse a continuación.
Reflexiones del Foro sobre protección social en contextos de fragilidad y conflicto
Principales conclusiones del Foro Mundial sobre Protección Social celebrado en octubre en Roma, en el que se analizó cómo la protección social puede ser una herramienta vital para hacer frente a las crisis agudas y los conflictos prolongados.
¿Cómo podemos implicar mejor a las fundaciones en las iniciativas de los PTM?
Blog Post
Según el nuevo estudio de la CALP, los actores que trabajan con los PTM pueden estar pasando por alto y excluyendo a un grupo clave de actores influyentes a la hora de ampliar el alcance de los PTM. Este blog explora el potencial desaprovechado de las fundaciones en los PTM y lo que los agentes que...
Episode 3.6: Scaling-up the use of CVA
This episode is different from others in the series. Here, we explore the journey of one organisation that embraced cash from its outset, eliminating the need to transition from other aid modalities. Did this cash-centric approach pave the way for smooth scaling-up, or were there challenges along the way?...