The most useful tools, reports, guidance and research related to cash and voucher assistance in humanitarian response.

Glossary of Terms
The CALP Network's annually updated list of terms and definitions used in cash and voucher assistance, designed to facilitate a common understanding and harmonized use.

Submit your content
You can use our website to share jobs, blogs, publications or events with other people working on cash and voucher assistance

Programme Quality Toolbox
A curated set of common standards and actions to support the design and delivery of quality cash and voucher assistance throughout the programme cycle.

Upcoming training and events
Eastern Africa Regional CWG Meeting
Join us for the Eastern Africa Regional Cash Working Group (CWG) Meeting, where stakeholders from across the region will come together to explore the critical theme: “CVA and Social Protection in Conflict Situations.” This timely session will delve into the intersection of CVA and social protection systems in conflict affected contexts, sharing best practices, lessons learned, and...
CALP Online: Core CVA Skills for Programme Staff – Key Aid Consulting – February
Members training
Discussion regarding the US freeze on humanitarian funding
The agenda will focus on the following:
1. Context Update
2. Impact of the freeze your organizations and your CVA programming including sectoral CVA
3. What is CALP doing?
4. What are local organizations doing? – NEAR network to discuss what they are doing
5. Questions and open discussions
The invitation is open to local/national organizations in the Middle East and North...
CALP Online: Core CVA Skills for Programme Staff – Key Aid Consulting – April
Members training