WASH and Cash and Voucher Assistance
How can Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA) support WASH outcomes? Please find a brief summary below, and for the very latest information, refer to the WASH Cluster’s Cash and Markets Technical Working Group.
Affordable and sustainable access to Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) is key for public health. At times of crisis most vulnerable people are susceptible to illness and death from diseases that are often caused by lack of sanitation, inadequate safe water and poor hygiene. Without access to basic water and sanitation services, and without the practice of good hygiene, the risk of diarrhoea, cholera and other disease outbreaks is high.
Whilst CVA cannot replace all traditional WASH activities, it has been used to increase access to drinking water through water vendors or small shops, or through the use of kits for treating and storing water. In some cases, Multipurpose Cash Assistance can aim to fulfil basic needs, including the supply of water and hygiene items, and cash for work has also been used for the repair and recovery of piped water networks.
To find out more please refer to the WASH Cluster’s Cash and Markets Technical Working Group, who work to scale up quality CVA in the WASH sector.
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