WVI Cash Roadmap 2.0 – New Avenues – Leveraging, multiplying “Nexus” cash to take children and their families further than imagined
WVI’s strategic global Cash Roadmap 2.0 (2024-2027) speaks to the organisations’ commitment that amidst polycrises and resourcing constraints, there is urgency to maximise and multiply World Vision’s capabilities, assets and cash voucher programming (CVP=CVA) is a powerful tool to do so.
Increasing needs (339 Million people require live-saving humanitarian assistance) are triggered by “polycrises”, and thus more protracted and large-scale humanitarian and poverty-linked vulnerabilities, exacerbated by climate change, conflict, and economic volatility and hunger crisis, all directly and indirectly negatively affect children’s prospects for a positive and thriving future. This is highly critical at this point of limited resources and a potentially widening gap between humanitarian and development funding allocations, considering more drive towards the cost-efficiency and “economic multiplier”5 function of CVP.
• World Vision’s 2.5-times increase (from 2018’s 3 Million to 2022’s 7.8 Million people (53% children) supported through CVP in over 46 countries) in coverage and impact opens an opportunity to continue to drive World Vision’s momentum, shifting focus to the next frontier of leveraging CVP beyond humanitarian disaster management for mitigation of devastating impacts of climate, conflict, economic instability on children.
• World Vision emphasises its determination to enhance cost-efficiency, effectiveness and stronger consideration of CVP as and where appropriate in development programming to further drive reach, impact and diversify income with direct and sustainable donor and supporter engagement for Child Well-being and growth. This will include expanding the use of CVP in World Vision’s development programming, across child-sponsorship and Gift-Notification support in Area Programmes, as well as with local community cash transfer grants. CVP will also be a vital tool for cost-efficient, effective Anticipatory Action (AA), build stronger linkages with Financial Inclusion and referrals as well as quality system strengthening6 of national Government-led Social Protection mechanisms.
How to facilitate a “cash-drive” to “avenues” of sustainability Children, their families and communities are central to what we do. Deepening our commitment to serve most vulnerable boys and girls, with organisational assets, capacities and capabilities better to strengthen local partners’ leadership and agency for sustainability, will be a key focus area for the “Cash-Drive”. World Vision will not only further mobilise and leverage its unique systems, functions, programmatic and operational models and approaches in an organisation-wide effort, but will
• Intensify its capacity investment for affected people, partner CBOs and WV frontline staff through new academic partnerships, mentoring, regional disaster management training and bespoke CVP learning support
• Strengthen the complementarity of systems, products and service offerings by building on in-house digital solutions (e.g. LMMS), mobile money, API-based digital registration, transfer, tracking and impact measurement capabilities in collaboration with local financial institutions
• Invest in collaboration with local Community-and Faith-Based Organisations, local and national Governments, local private sector and other market-place actors to build economic resilience through inclusive financial assistance
• Drive innovation with regional, global FinTech aggregators, like GSMA, Vision Fund, DreamStart Labs etc., networks (CaLP, CCD, Global Cash Advisory & national Cash Working Groups) and anchor and expand partnerships at global level with multilaterals, e.g. WFP, UNHCR, UNICEF, OCHA, to FAO and UNDP, World Bank to scale quality impact and multi-stakeholder partnerships for resilience.
• Deepen relationships with bilateral donors, Foundations, private sector and individual
sponsors, and strategic policy priorities, capabilities, as informed by operational research
What is the next Destination?
Our goal is to reach at least 11 million disaster- and conflict-affected people (out of which 6 million will be most vulnerable children) with 55 % of our humanitarian disaster assistance portfolio spent and poverty-affected children, their caregivers and communities in 40 % of child sponsorship-supported countries through cash/ voucher facilitated programmes by 2027. Read further details in the Cash Roadmap 2.0 document.