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Well-functioning markets are a lifeline for people affected by crises. Effective cash and voucher assistance (CVA) uses and supports local markets. Market analysis must therefore be a key part of the response cycle, for cash programming and other forms of humanitarian assistance.

When designing a humanitarian intervention and deciding whether to use CVA, a market analysis should be part of the overall response analysis. Supporting markets to function well has been shown to lead to faster recovery and increased resilience in disaster affected areas.

Many organizations have invested in the development of tools to support market analysis and are considering market-based programming more holistically. This includes interventions that use the market (such as cash transfers to affected populations), as well as interventions that directly support markets (such as conditional grants to traders to get their market back up and running).


Feasibility Study on Cash Transfer Programming for the Returnees and the Host Communities in Gedeo and West Guji in Ethiopia


This document reveals the outcome of a feasibility study on cash transfer programming targeted for the returnees and the host communities in Gedeo and West Guji Zones. The major objectives of the study were as follows:
1. Understand general cash transfer environment in Ethiopia
2. Validate the needs of...


Mobilising cash and voucher assistance programmes: The case for mobile money

Guidelines and Tools

This report offers recommendations for both humanitarian organisations and mobile money service providers regarding the partnerships required to enable effective and efficient use of mobile money in humanitarian contexts.


Somali Safety Net Design: Designing a Scalable Safety Net Program for Somalia Using Household Economy Analysis (HEA)


The aim of the study was to use existing household economy analysis (HEA) data to help in the design of a scalable cash-transfer-based safety net program for Somalia. The study made use of a recently completed 15-year (30-season) time series analysis covering 13 livelihood zones in Somalia.


Effects of Cash on Social Cohesion in Kalobeyei Settlement, Kenya – A Do No Harm Assessment – Executive Summary


The document outlines key findings on the effects of cash on social cohesion between refugee and host communities, and some considerations when planning cash assistance. The research was carried out by CDA Collaborative Learning Projects, founder of the Do No Harm Framework. UNHCR’s cash for shelter...


Vanuatu Cash Transfer Feasibility Assessment


Oxfam conducted this Vanuatu Cash Transfer Feasibility Assessment in partnership with Youth Challenge Vanuatu, Department of Agriculture & Rural Development, and the Vanuatu National Statistics Office with funding from the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) through the Australian...


Vanuatu Cash Transfer Feasibility Assessment – Report summary


This is a summary of the findings of the Vanuatu Cash Transfer Program (CTP) Feasibility Assessment that was conducted to build a context-specific evidence base to guide preparedness initiatives related to the use of cash and vouchers as a means of humanitarian assistance for response, recovery and...


Introductory Research on the Feasibility of Cash and Voucher Assistance in Rural Fiji


This report presents the findings of a study into the general feasibility of using Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA) in responding to disasters in Fiji. The term “Cash and Voucher Assistance” or CVA, is used in the report in line with the the CALP Network definition, so it refers to programs where...


Cash for Shelter in Kenya – A Field Experience


A study of a cash for shelter project in Kalobeyei that highlights how UNHCR uses cash assistance to help the refugees to transition to more durable solutions, in this case, integration with the host community. The project presents a paradigm shift from the traditional refugee camp planning process.

December 2018

Standards on Cash and Markets: Time to raise the bar

Blog Post

Humanitarian action is changing fast, and an updated set of shared standards will be crucial in upholding quality among a new generation of responders.  The launch of the new Sphere Handbook on November 6th represents the most comprehensive effort to date review the humanitarian standards, to keep...

20 November 2018

Basic Needs Assessment Guidance and Toolbox Part 1: Background and Concepts

Guidelines and Tools

This document covers humanitarian aid activities implemented with the financial assistance of the European Union. The view expressed herein should not be taken, in any way, to reflect the official opinion of the European Union and the European Commission is not responsible for any use that may be made of...

5 September 2018

Kenya Enhanced Market Analysis


Between May and July 2018, the Famine Early Warning Systems Network (FEWS NET) carried out an Enhanced Market Analysis (EMA) in Turkana, Marsabit, Isiolo, Baringo, Samburu, and Kitui counties, Kenya. Following the scope of work, the assessment covered five broad themes: (1) households’ access to food...

3 September 2018

New Markets Support Tip Sheet and Webinar

Blog Post

Have you heard about market support programming but don’t quite understand what it is or how to put it into practice? The CALP Network has developed a tip sheet with Catholic Relief Services (CRS) and our Markets Working Group, and will share tips and tricks from the community of practice in a launch...

5 July 2018

ERC Learning Event: Scaling up our tools and approaches for multi-purpose cash grants

Blog Post

Watch the videos and read the recommendations from the ERC MPG Consortium event in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

1 May 2018

East and West Haraghe Multi-Sector Cash Based Response Guidance Note

Guidelines and Tools

Multi-sector cash assistance for IDPs in East and West Haraghe zones of Oromia region has been proposed as unrestricted cash transfers to conflict IDP recipients to meet their basic needs with flexibility and choice. Where the use of cash is feasible, unrestricted cash transfers can be implemented in...

May 2018

Market Information Framework

Guidelines and Tools

The Market Information Framework aims to clearly spell out the most common questions related to humanitarian programming for which market information is needed and to indicate what types of market-related data are needed to answer each of these questions. It explains why various types of market...

May 2018

Multi-Sector Market Assessment Fafan Zone, Ethiopia


This report covers the findings of the Multi-Sector Market Assessment (MSMA) conducted in Fafan Zone, Ethiopia in February and March 2018. The assignment formed part of the ERC-MPG Consortium on Approaches to Transformative Humanitarian Cash Transfer programming and is intended to support joint,...

February 2018

Cash and Markets Working Group Strategic Workshop Report – Libya


On the 6th and 7th of February 2018, a two days meeting opened to the members of the CMWG, Sector Leads, World Bank, UNSMIL, OCHA and Donors was held in Tunis to review the achievements, gaps and challenges of cash programing and articulate the 2018 humanitarian Cash Strategy for Libya. Supported by a...

February 2018