When designing a humanitarian intervention and deciding whether to use CVA, a market analysis should be part of the overall response analysis. Supporting markets to function well has been shown to lead to faster recovery and increased resilience in disaster affected areas.
Many organizations have invested in the development of tools to support market analysis and are considering market-based programming more holistically. This includes interventions that use the market (such as cash transfers to affected populations), as well as interventions that directly support markets (such as conditional grants to traders to get their market back up and running).
Related initiatives
Featured content
Introduction to Market Analysis
This 30 minute online course provides an introduction to the analysis of markets in emergency contexts, with input from some of the world’s leading thinkers on the topic.
A Practical Guide to Market Analysis in Humanitarian response
A three to four hour online course designed to provide future humanitarian market assessment team members with a solid understanding of theory and steps of market assessments so that they can join assessment teams prepared with a basic understanding of what they will be doing and why.
Market Support Interventions in Humanitarian Contexts – a Tip Sheet
Guidelines and Tools
This tip sheet defines what market support programming in humanitarian contexts is, and what it can look like in practice. It enables humanitarian practitioners to systematically consider market support interventions alongside other programme activities. The scope includes support interventions focusing on supply/availability and on demand/access. The tip sheet is based on secondary data...
Market Based Programming (MBP)
Guidelines and Tools
Market Based Programming (MBP) in Oxfam’s work means we always consider existing markets – through assessments, analysis and programming – across all phases of a response and across all technical sectors. You can also watch the videos below which are available in English, Spanish, Arabic and French.
Thematic lead
How to Incorporate Cash and Voucher Assistance into a Nutrition Response
Guidelines and Tools
There is a growing recognition that Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA), i.e. the provision of cash transfers and vouchers to targeted beneficiaries, can contribute to improving maternal and child nutrition by impacting on the underlying determinants of adequate nutrition. The main purpose of this Guidance...
Multi-Sector Market Assessment Guidance and Toolkit
Guidelines and Tools
Markets play a vital role in the lives of displaced persons and their host communities. Humanitarian actors increasingly rely on market-based programme responses to help crisis affected populations meet their needs through local markets. Market assessments should be an essential and integral part of the...
Evidence Building for Cash and Markets for WASH in Emergencies
Webinar recording
This webinar was co-hosted by the Global WASH Cluster, Pro-WASH and the CALP Network in December 2020. The webinar presented findings from a systematic review (“Evidence building for cash and markets for WASH in emergencies”) conducted by the Global WASH Cluster (GWC), which examined how WASH actors...
Cash Barometer Nigeria
After more than a decade of conflict and violent insurgency by the non-state armed group Boko Haram, some 7.9 million people in Nigeria’s Borno, Adamawa and Yobe states (collectively known as the BAY states) were expected to be in need of humanitarian assistance in 2020. Since the onset of Covid-19,...
EMMA: Relying on Markets for the Beirut Blast Shelter Response – Emergency Market Mapping and Analysis of Selected Construction Material Markets in Lebanon
The EMMA focused specifically on those markets that are critical for supporting the reconstruction materials needs of Beirut Port Blast-affected people:
• cement and hollow blocks
• flat glass, transparent 6mm
• medium-density fibreboard (MDF) 8mm
• aluminium window frames
The report concludes...
Understanding the Impacts of COVID-19 in Nigeria Using The Household Economy Analysis Framework
Analysis of impact of COVID-19 on household food and income sources.
Understanding the Impacts of COVID-19 in Mauritania Using the Household Economy Analysis Framework
Analysis of Impacts of COVID-19 on household income and food security.
Market Assessment in Bandua, Inanjou and Buzi in Mozambique
This report presents the outcome of an assessment in three markets following the impact of cyclone Idai.
Tropical cyclone Idai made landfall in Mozambique on 14 March 2019 causing a huge damage to human lives and the physical properties. The official death toll remained at 603 people and the number of...
Understanding the Impacts of COVID-19 in Chad Using the Household Economy Analysis Framework
Analysis of COVID-19 impacts on household income and food security.
Responding to the COVID-19 Crisis: Linking humanitarian Cash and Social Protection in practise
This paper seeks to demonstrate practical ways in which NGOs are linking their humanitarian work to social protection and the added importance of this in the context of COVID-19, following from the earlier work of CCD outlining the role of NGOs to
improve the access to and delivery of social protection in...
Analysis of key value chains (wheat and wool), with a special focus on the light manufacturing sector in Mosul
DRC has commissioned this study with the end objective of providing access to market opportunities for privately-owned small and medium enterprises and job opportunities for conflict-affected men, women and youth. For that purpose, DRC has taken a marketsystem and value-chain approach to development and...
Introduction to Market based Programming in Emergency Wash
Guidelines and Tools
In May-June 2020, PRO-WASH, the Global WASH Cluster and the CALP Network co-organised a webinar series on Introduction to Market-Based Programming (MBP) in Emergency WASH. Recordings and Powerpoint presentations from this series are available on the FSN Network in English, Spanish, French and Arabic....
COVID-19 impacts on Prices and Markets in Iraq
The COVID-19 crisis in Iraq has caused severe economic disruptions in Iraq that will affect vulnerable households the most. The Cash Consortium for Iraq (CCI) has two streams of ongoing data collection on prices and markets, monitoring the retailer and the consumer perspective across five governorates....
CVA in COVID-19 Contexts: Guidance from the CALP Network
Guidelines and Tools
This is a summary of the key points from the many resources you shared on CVA and COVID through this document. This is a living document and we will continue to update this summary as new resources are added. The below is intended to help organisations understand and prepare for likely impacts of COVID-19...
Water, Markets, Cash and Drought Resilience in Somaliland
This learning brief looks Cash to Access Water (CAW) in Somaliland. Water markets exist, and they exist everywhere. In Somaliland, these markets are the ‘first responders’ to critical water needs during severe dry seasons and droughts. For decades, humanitarian agencies have been focusing on the use...
Cash Crash: Syria’s economic collapse and the fragmentation of the state
The Syrian economy is currently witnessing unprecedented volatility. To date, analysts have predominantly focused on the impact this crash has had on Syrian households, which are now facing acute financial pressure as poverty rates climb toward 90 percent, food insecurity skyrockets, and famine becomes an...
COVID-19: Invest now in cash/voucher-social protection scale-up or children pay the price later
Read the article here. Only socially accountable Social Protection Assistance beyond humanitarian cash/voucher programmes – if properly and quickly implemented – will protect generations of children from the aftershocks of COVID-19. Despite cash and voucher transfers becoming the tool of choice of...
CVA & COVID-19: Remote Market Assessment and Monitoring
Blog Post
As field practitioners adapt their programmes to COVID-19, colleagues across our membership and Cash Working Groups are identifying multiple challenges. The CALP Network is working with others to develop a series of short, field-focused recommendations for such practitioners. The purpose of this series is...
Examples and Good Practices on the Use of Multi-Purpose Cash in the Food Security Sector
Guidelines and Tools
This global Food Security Cluster (gFSC) document was produced by the Cash and Markets Working Group (CMWG) to highlight the role and engagement of food security actors through different country experiences and good practices.
In recent years, multi-purpose cash (MPC) has been adopted more widely to...
Introduction to Market Based Programming in Emergency WASH