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Mapping of Cash and Voucher Assistances (CVAs) in Türkiye in 2023
Cash-Based Interventions Technical Working Group (CBI TWG) published this document to
share a summary of the findings of Mapping of CVAs in Türkiye in 2023, along with the
background information and purpose (Annex A). Further findings...
East and Southern Africa Cash Working Group Leads and Co-Leads Workshop 2024 Report
This report provides a detailed summary of the strategic discussions at the East and Southern Africa Leads and Co-Leads Workshop 2024. It highlights efforts to enhance cash coordination, improve quality, and promote unified approaches in the region. The document analyzes collaborative planning aimed at...
Mejora de la salud a través de los programas de transferencias monetarias: serie de tutoriales en video
El derecho a la salud significa que todas las personas deben tener acceso a los servicios de salud que necesitan, cuándo y dónde los necesitan, sin sufrir dificultades financieras.
Cash & Voucher Assistance (CVA) & Child Protection (CP) Global Study – Research Report in the DRC, Egypt, Lithuania and the Philippines
Since 2022, Save the Children has been scaling up its use of CVA for Child Protection (CP) programming through various pilot projects.
Research was commissioned in four countries in 2022-23 to generate evidence and learning to inform the design of future programming but also to design a robust...
Cash and Vouchers Assistance (CVA) and Child Protection: Summary of practice and evidence from Save the Children programmes 2023 Edition
In an effort to increase global knowledge and learning, Save the Children conducted a global review of twenty Country Offices and their programs in order to assess and highlight the impact that different forms of Cash and Vouchers Assistance (CVA) have on Child Protection (CP) outcomes, to identify...
Rapport du panier de depenses minimum et valeur de transferts Mali (decembre 2023)
Ce panier de dépenses minimales (MEB) et valeur de transferts entre en vigueur en décembre 2023. Les coordonnateurs des clusters ont été consultés pour contribuer au MEB multisectoriel qui comprend divers paniers sectoriels important pour répondre aux besoins de bases des ménages. La valeur de...
Minimum Expenditure Basket (MEB) Overview
“The Minimum Expenditure Basket (MEB) is defined as what a household requires in order to meet basic needs – on a regular or seasonal basis – and its average cost.”
Calcul de l’empreinte GES de Paniers de Dépenses Minimum
Case Study
Début 2021, Action contre la Faim (ACF) France a lancé une évaluation des émissions de GES avec d’autres membres du Réseau Environnement Humanitaire (REH). La portée de la comptabilisation cible toutes les émissions, et très rapidement certaines activités, pouvant générer une variabilité...
Calculating the GHG Footprint of Food Aid using Cash Transfers
Case Study
In early 2021, Action Against Hunger (ACF) France is launching a GHG emissions assessment with other members of the Humanitarian Environment Network (REH). The scope of accounting target all emissions, and very quickly some activities, which can generate considerable variability in the results, are...
Rapid Reflection on the Optimal Use of CVA for the Ukraine Response by DEC Member Charities and their Partners
Since February 2022, Ukraine and the neighbouring countries are facing a humanitarian crisis of unparalleled scale, ranking among the fastest-growing crises observed in the past decade and the largest in Europe since the end of World War II. In the first two months of conflict, more than 30 percent of...
Cash Coordination in Poland: Early lessons learnt from the humanitarian response for Ukrainian war refugees
Case Study
This thesis was submitted for obtaining the Master’s Degree in International Humanitarian Action. By submitting the thesis, the author certifies that the text is from his hand, does not include the work of someone else unless clearly indicated, and that the thesis has been produced in accordance with...
Will our Opinion Matter? Community consultations on the design of multi-purpose cash programmes in Lebanon
Since late 2019, Lebanon has been grappling with a severe economic and financial crisis. The Lebanese lira has lost more than 98 percent of its value, and over half of the Lebanese population is estimated to be living in poverty. The Government of Lebanon and development and humanitarian agencies have...
Joint Market Assessment Round 2
This report assesses the feasibility of implementing Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA), specifically Multipurpose Cash Assistance (MPCA), to support individuals impacted by the February 6 earthquakes. The evaluation focuses on the acceptance of various forms of cash modalities, availability of key items,...
Feasibility study on CVA in Tigray Region, Ethiopia_October 2023
The two years of conflict in Tigray has fueled a large-scale humanitarian crisis and resulted in loss of livelihoods and widespread food insecurity of the population especially Internally Displaced Populations and agrarian communities in the region.
The crisis affected the livelihoods of the...
Global Cash Working Group Meeting – October 2023
This slide deck was presented at the October meeting of the Global Cash Working Group meeting.
During the October meeting, we:
Launched the process to update the Terms of Reference of the GCWG to clarify its purpose and linkages to other structures, particularly given the role out of the 2022...
Adjusting CVA Transfer Values for Inflation: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) for Food Security Cluster Coordinators
Guidelines and Tools
Over the past 3 years, the global community has experienced a series of unanticipated, challenging, and interrelated shocks: COVID-19, conflict, climate change, and rising costs. A significant number of countries experienced substantial levels of local currency depreciation coupled with high inflation,...
Beneath the Surface: Exploring the economic dynamics of Sudan’s crisis for humanitarians.
This report has been produced to provide NRC Sudan with a diagnostic of the current macroeconomic challenges in Sudan and the state of the financial system, and an analysis of the key risks that these problems pose for humanitarian programming and operations. The first section of the document provides...
Tajikistan Minimum Expenditure Basket, Gap Analysis and Transfer Value Consideration for CVA: Technical guidance note
Guidelines and Tools
This document explains the steps and processes adopted for the construction of the Minimum Expenditure Basket for Tajikistan. The objective of this document is to provide guidance to the Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA) community of Tajikistan on the Minimum Expenditure Basket (MEB), gap analysis and the...
What’s Next for Cash: Mercy Corps’ approach to cash and voucher assistance
The brief outlines Mercy Corps' CVA approach & standards applied across our CVA portfolio and sets the direction for CVA in Mercy Corps moving forward.
The approach outlines how CVA contributes to Mercy Corps Pathway to Possibility strategy by focusing on areas that drive impact & sector leadership,...
Asistencia en efectivo en contextos de alta inflación y depreciación: Retos, dilemas y próximos pasos
Case Study
Muchos países de todo el mundo se enfrentan a tasas de inflación y depreciación de la moneda muy elevadas, con un enorme aumento de los precios de los productos básicos y del coste de vida. Las elevadas tasas de inflación y depreciación de la moneda, junto con las medidas aplicadas por los gobiernos...