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41 – 60 sur 207 résultats

Canasta Básica y programas de transferencias monetarias: experiencias y reflexiones para América Latina y el Caribe


El principal objetivo de este evento fue crear un espacio de intercambio de experiencias y conocimientos sobre el cálculo y aplicación de la Canasta Básica de Gastos Mínimos (MEB por sus siglas en inglés) para continuar contribuyendo a PTM de mayor calidad en la región de América Latina y el Caribe.

20 mai 2022 14:00 / Virtual / Español

Minimum Expenditure Basket & Cash and Voucher Assistance: experiences and reflections for Latin America and the Caribbean


The main objective of this event was to create a space to exchange experiences and knowledge about the calculation and implementation of the Minimum Expenditure Basket (MEB) to contribute to better Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA) in the Latin American and Caribbean region.

20 mai 2022 14:00 / Virtual / Español

Implementing CVA in Inflation Environments, Including Tackling Liquidity Challenges: Actions and Learning Outcomes

Guidelines and Tools

The economical context in Afghanistan is financially unstable, however, the functionality of markets at a local level is relatively stable. Despite the challenges, the use of Cash & Voucher Assistance (CVA) has scaled up during the last 3 months. The Afghanistan Cash and Voucher Working Group (CVWG) is...

26 avril 2022

The Use of Cash Assistance in DEC’s Coronavirus Appeal: Key Learning, Best Practices and Recommendations


The purpose of this report is to provide insight into the learnings, future improvements and best practices in cash programming. The 2020 DEC Coronavirus Appeal was analysed to determine the opportunities for collective learning about cash programming. The countries investigated include, Afghanistan,...

29 mars 2022

DG ECHO Thematic Policy Document on Cash Transfers

Policy paper

DG ECHO released its Thematic Policy document on Cash Transfers in March 2022. The document provides guidance primarily to DG ECHO’s partners and staff, but also to the wider cash community with the objective of collectively enhancing the quality and efficiency of cash programmes and of humanitarian...

22 mars 2022

Uganda Refugee Response Cash And Voucher Assistance (CVA) User Perspectives – Research Brief


This brief presents the summarised findings of the study on Financial Services and Humanitarian Mechanisms in the Uganda Refugee Response: An Assessment of User Perspectives in Uganda.
The assessment intends to inform actors and key stakeholders in Uganda’s refugee response about peoples’ existing...

4 mars 2022

East and Southern Africa Regional Cash Working Group Leads and Co-Leads Workshop Report


Cash Working Group Leads and Co-Leads from different countries in East and Southern Africa came together to exchange learning, share experiences and discuss global and regional trends in cash and voucher assistance. The topics covered which are available in this report were; Minimum Expenditure Baskets...

25 janvier 2022