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21 – 40 sur 207 résultats
What’s Next for Cash: Mercy Corps’ approach to cash and voucher assistance
The brief outlines Mercy Corps' CVA approach & standards applied across our CVA portfolio and sets the direction for CVA in Mercy Corps moving forward.
The approach outlines how CVA contributes to Mercy Corps Pathway to Possibility strategy by focusing on areas that drive impact & sector leadership,...
Asistencia en efectivo en contextos de alta inflación y depreciación: Retos, dilemas y próximos pasos
Case Study
Muchos países de todo el mundo se enfrentan a tasas de inflación y depreciación de la moneda muy elevadas, con un enorme aumento de los precios de los productos básicos y del coste de vida. Las elevadas tasas de inflación y depreciación de la moneda, junto con las medidas aplicadas por los gobiernos...
المساعدات النقدية في سياقات التضخم المرتفع وانخفاض قيمة العملة: التحديات والمعضلات وسبل المضي قُدُمًا
دراسة حالة
تصارع العديد من البلدان في جميع أنحاء العالم مع ارتفاع معدلات التضخم وانخفاض قيمة العملة مع ارتفاع أسعار السلع الأساسية وتكلفة المعيشة بشكل هائل. تؤثر المعدلات...
Post-Distribution Monitoring (PDM) – Multi-Purpose Cash Assistance
Case Study
Starting August 2022, WFP collaborated with the Ministry of Social Policy (MoSP) to serve people who had registered for humanitarian assistance through the E-dopomoga platform. Using the E-dopomoga registry, WFP oriented its cash assistance towards parts of the country closest to the frontline and most...
Adapter les transferts monétaires à l’inflation, à la dépréciation et à la volatilité économique
Case Study
Le CALP Network a soutenu les groupes de travail nationaux sur les transferts monétaires (CWG) dans cinq pays africains - le Burkina Faso, le Malawi, le Nigeria, le Sud-Soudan et le Zimbabwe - afin qu'ils conviennent de processus clairs et prévisibles pour adapter les transferts monétaires à la...
Adapting Cash Programming to Inflation, Depreciation and Economic Volatility
Case Study
The CALP Network supported country cash working groups (CWGs) in five African countries – Burkina Faso, Malawi, Nigeria, South Sudan and Zimbabwe – to agree on clear and predictable processes for adapting CVA programmes to economic volatility. These reports capture the resulting recommendations,...
Shelter Considerations for Minimum Expenditure Basket Development and Multi-Purpose Cash Assistance Program Design: A Guidance Note
Guidelines and Tools
This tip sheet was developed by the Global Shelter Cluster and CRS, co-facilitator of the Shelter, Cash and Markets Community of Practice (CoP), and was reviewed by various coordinators and several CoP members, for use by country-level Shelter Cluster Coordinators and other practitioners who are requested...
Cálculo de la canasta básica de gastos mínimos: Guía de mejores prácticas
Guía y herramientas
Si desempeña un papel en la elaboración o revisión de la canasta básica de gastos mínimos (MEB por sus siglas en inglés), esta herramienta es para usted. Esta guía es la versión revisada y reestructurada de la Herramienta para la toma de decisiones sobre la canasta básica de gastos mínimos (MEB)...
Calculer le panier de dépenses minimum : un guide des meilleures pratiques
Guides et outils
Si vous jouez un rôle dans l’élaboration ou la révision du panier de dépenses minimum, cet outil est fait pour vous. Ce guide est la version révisée et restructurée de l’outil de prise de décision sur le panier de dépenses minimum (MEB) publiée en 2020. Le panier de dépenses minimum est...
Recommendations for Food Assistance Food Security and Agriculture/Livelihoods Sector – Humanitarian Response Plan 2022-23
Guidelines and Tools
This guidance is developed following consultation with partners and technical working groups across hubs and should be used with sector HRP strategy and supplementary guidance on activity 1.2 – monthly food rations – for background and context. This guidance is an effort to ensure harmonized response...
Coordinating with the Petrol Sector to Enhance Early Warning
Case Study
For far too long humanitarian actors and coordination mechanisms have witnessed sharp price variations of core commodities without the capacity to forecast them. While to date some Cash and Vouchers Working Groups (e.g., Afghanistan) establish mechanisms to continue monitoring and adapt transfer values in...
مراقبة برامج المساعدات النقدية: إرشادات المراقبة الخاصة ببرامج المساعدات النقدية في الحالات الطارئة
إرشادات وأدوات
يوفر هذا الدليل مورداً مركزياً لتعزيز فهم مشترك لأهم اعتبارات المراقبة للمشاريع الإنسانية باستخدام برامج التحويلات النقدية (CTP). الجمهور الرئيسي لهذا الدليل هو...
تحسين الصحة من خلال المساعدات النقدية والقسائم: سلسلة فيديوهات تعليمية
الحق في الصحة لجميع الناس يعني أنه يجب أن يحصل كل فرد على الخدمات الصحية التي يحتاجون إليها، متى وأينما يحتاجون إليها، دون معاناة مالية.
Survival minimum expenditure basket, minimum expenditure basket, gap analysis and transfer values for cash programming
Case Study
The CWG in Iraq has updated the SMEB and has designed a new MEB and gap analysis to inform the transfer values for cash programming in 2023. This document is a technical note with the summary of the values and the methodology.
With the coordination and technical support of CashCap and the Data analysis of...
Feasibility study on cash and voucher assistance in Borena zone, Oromia and Gambela regions, Ethiopia
Case Study
The report indicates the feasibility of cash and voucher assistance in Borena, Oromia and Gambela regions of Ethiopia conducted in December 2022.
The following key determinants, were used to arrive at a conclusion if the CVA modality will be feasible to achieve the set outcomes to provide integrated...
Doing Cash in a context of economic volatility: What to do and what to keep in mind
Guidelines and Tools
This interim WFP guidance was issued in 2022 to provide support to cash operations in contexts of economic volatility, be it when there is inflation, depreciation or currency volatility, parallel exchange rates, liquidity issues and changes in financial regulation, among others.
حساب سلة الحد الأدنى من الإنفاق: دليل لأفضل الممارسات
إرشادات وأدوات
إذا كنتم ممن يساهمون في تطوير أو مراجعة سلة الحد الأدنى من الإنفاق، فهذه الأداة مناسبة لكم. هذا الدليل هو النسخة المعدلة والمعاد هيكلتها من أداة اتخاذ القرار لسلة الحد...
Calculating the Minimum Expenditure Basket: A Guide to Best Practice
Guidelines and Tools
If you play a role in developing or revising MEB, then this tool is for you. This guidance is the revised and restructured version of the 2020 Minimum Expenditure Basket (MEB) Decision Making Tool. The MEB has emerged as a key tool in humanitarian action in situations where cash and voucher assistance...
Briefing Note on Panel Discussion between DCF and Partners on Exchange Rates and Cash Assistance
Meeting minutes
This briefing note summarises the key points from a discussion held between the Donor Cash Forum (DCF) and partners on 4th April 2022. The rationale for this session is the increasing number of humanitarian contexts experiencing inflation and/or depreciation, with significant impacts on humanitarian...
Improving Health Through Cash and Voucher Assistance: Video Tutorial Series
The right to health for all people means that everyone should have access to the health services they need, when and where they need them, without suffering financial hardship.