East and Southern Africa
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The Changing Landscape of Cash Preparedness: Lists, Risks and Relationships
What are feasible lead times to deliver CVA to recipients in the Horn of Africa? What are the barriers and enablers to ensuring a timely and high quality humanitarian response? What does it take for organizations to be effectively prepared?
Community Reflections: The Cumulative Impact of Keeping People Informed
This briefing note presents an overview of the findings from Ground Truth Solutions’ in-depth, qualitative interviews with community representatives of displaced people and aid recipients in Nigeria and Somalia in May and June 2022. As part of the Cash Barometer initiative, we invited youth leaders, women’s leaders, traditional community leaders and community members in Nigeria and Somalia...
Outsmarting La Niña: Lessons and Recommendations for Strengthening Resilience Through the Drought Response in the Horn of Africa
Policy paper
One of the worst droughts in a generation is currently unfolding in the Horn of Africa. The impacts of the drought are exacerbated by, and in some cases further fueling, increases in conflict in the region. As a result, more than 13 million people in Ethiopia, Kenya, and Somalia are already experiencing extreme hunger. In many ways, those living in the drylands of the Horn are more prepared...
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361 – 379 of 379 results
Money Matters: An evaluation of the use of cash grants in UNHCR’s voluntary repatriation and reintegration programme in Burundi
To access another publication available in this series, titled ‘The Use of Cash Grants in UNHCR Voluntary Repatriation Operations: Report of a Lessons Learned Workshop’, please click here. There has been growing interest in recent years in the use of cash grants as a humanitarian assistance and...
Winners and losers among a Refugee Hosting Population: Consumption, economic activities and agglomeration
Every year, thousands of refugees are forced to leave their countries of origin and are hosted by their neighboring countries. However, very few is known about the impact of these refugees on the local economy and its inhabitants. Based on hypothesis formulated during a two-month iterative field...
Cash Transfers through Mobile Phones: An Innovative Emergency Response in Kenya
Case Study
Kenya was the first country in the world to use mobile phones for cash transfers; through a service called M-PESA, developed by Safaricom Limited. Concern Worldwide has pioneered the use of M-PESA for
emergency cash transfers in Kenya. This paper highlights Concern’s experience, which shows that despite...
Cash transfers in emergencies: A synthesis of World Vision’s experience and learning
This HPG study report, commissioned by World Vision, looks at the shifting view towards cash programming by the humanitarian community, and focuses on the specific challenges and needs which World Vision would have to address when considering the use of cash in emergencies. A general background of cash...
Choice, dignity and empowerment? Cash and food transfers in Swaziland: An evaluation of Save the Children’s emergency drought response
Case Study
This evaluation report looks at the Save the Children’s cash transfer project, which was a response to the 2007/8 food crisis in Swaziland, with the aim of not only providing humanitarian assistance but also as a way to break the dependency of rural families on food aid. Selected beneficiaries were...
Cash Transfers, Gender and Generational Relations: Evidence from a Pilot Project in Lesotho
Food aid has been the main response to repeated and protracted humanitarian crises in Lesotho since 2002, and during that time it has also been the major part of World Vision’s emergency responses. Along with the government, donors and NGOs, World Vision is increasingly interested in the role that cash...
Cash Transfers in Lesotho: An evaluation of World Vision’s Cash and Food Transfers Pilot Project
The Cash and Food Transfers Pilot Project (CFTPP) was designed and implemented as World Vision‟s contribution to the humanitarian response to the 2007/08 food crisis in Lesotho. This crisis was triggered by Lesotho‟s worst drought in 30 years, which reduced maize yields by 42% and left an estimated...
Evaluation of Concern Kenya’s Kerio Valley Cash Transfer Pilot (KVCTP)
The Kerio Valley Cash Transfer Pilot (KVCTP) was Concern and its local partner the Catholic Diocese of Eldoret’s short-term and targeted response to the food security problems that affected communities in four Sub-locations in Baringo North and Pokot East Districts as a result of the post election...
Direct Cash Transfer to Post Election Violence affected Host Population: Nakuru, South Rift Valley, Kenya. Internal Evaluation
Post-election violence in Kenya started in late December 2007 and led to a large-scale destruction of property, disruption of transportation and labour markets, and displacement of an estimated 250.000 to 300.000 people throughout the country. Homes and shops were burnt or looted; farms were affected as...
Dowa emergency cash transfer, Malawi
Case Study
This case study looks at the innovative Concern Worldwide project which provided monthly cash transfers to beneficiary households using smartcards utilising mobile ATMs to deliver the cash. The report examines the choice of programme delivery mechanism, the targeting of beneficiaries, coordination, cost...
Evaluation of The Cash Component of the Oxfam Zambia Flood Response 2007
Oxfam Zambia responded to the flooding in Western Province by providing unconditional cash grants to 2100 households over a four month period (May – August 2007) in two wards of Mongu District Ushaa and Lumbo. The grant was designed to prevent malnutrition and harmful levels of asset depletion and...
Is cash a feasible alternative to food aid for post-drought relief in Lesotho
Case Study
This report summarises the findings from a study undertaken to assess whether or not a cash based response by World Vision to the current drought in Lesotho would be an appropriate and feasible response. It looks at the potential problems which could affect the feasibility of cash interventions and...
No small change: Oxfam GB Malawi and Zambia emergency cash transfer projects: A synthesis of key learning
Case Study
This learning document uses Oxfam GB’s experience of emergency cash transfer programming in Malawi and Zambia to draw out some important lessons in using cash. It examines the two programmes and the findings of the evaluations and asks the question, “Is cash more cost-effective than food aid?”...
Independent Evaluation of Oxfam GB Malawi’s Emergency Cash – Transfer Programme
Case Study
Poor rainfall in Malawi in the 2004/2005 growing season resulted in significantly reduced cereal and non-cereal food production in the country, leaving up to 4 million people in need of assistance. In response, Oxfam planned a programme in southern Malawi, which included a ‘pilot’ cash-transfer...
DFID/NOVIB Funded NGO Consortium Response to Drought in Togdheer, Sool, Bari/ Nugaal Regions
Case Study
This is a summary of the June 2005 evaluation of the NGO Consortium response to drought in Togdheeer, Sool, Sanaag and Bari/ Nugaal in Somaliland. The consortium response to drought was meant to provide cash to targeted drought-affected households to help them meet their basic needs. Important among the...
Evaluation of OFDA Cash for Relief Intervention in Ethiopia: Final Report
As a result of insufficient rainfall in 2002 and 2003, the Ethiopian Disaster Prevention and Preparedness Commission (DPPC) issued an international appeal for food assistance in December 2003. Some 7.2 million people were estimated to be at risk in 2004. An OFDA/DART’s response to this crisis resulted...
Seed vouchers and fairs: A manual for seed-based agricultural recovery in Africa
Guidelines and Tools
This manual describes a new (2002) approach to post-emergency seed distribution in Africa, where farmers receive not free seed but vouchers that can be exchanged for seed at a specially organized seed fair. Seed fairs rely on commercial seed firms (where they are in operation), as well as local seed...
Cash Transfers in Emergencies: Evaluating Benefits and Assessing Risks
In terms of both theory and practice, there appears to be a strong case for cash-based responses to food emergencies where the supply and market conditions are appropriate. Amartya Sen’s work on entitlements offers a solid theoretical base for cash transfers, and the practical experience so far, limited...
Walking the Talk Presentation to the Zimbabwe CTWG May 2011
Presentation accompanying the report ‘Walking the Talk – the Impacts of Cash Transfers on Gender Relations’ commissioned by Oxfam & Concern.