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The CALP Network East Africa Members Consultative Discussion
East and Southern Africa Cash Working Group Leads meeting
Harmonising Data Systems for Cash Transfer Programming: Three key steps for Somalia
Blog Post
Cash and voucher assistance (CVA) is gaining traction as a transformative tool for addressing humanitarian needs in Somalia, with people living in crisis reporting that transfers of this kind helped to build resilience and diversify livelihoods. Delivery, however, is plagued by data challenges around the identification and registration of recipients, identity authentication, prevention of...
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1 – 20 sur 3603 résultats
Senior Advisor Social Protection & Cash Assistance
Member job
Action Against Hunger leads the global movement to end hunger. We innovate solutions, advocate for change, and reach 28 million people every year with proven hunger prevention and treatment programs. As a nonprofit that works across 55 countries, our 8,990...
Cash and Voucher Assistance Lead
Member job
The Cash and Voucher Assistance Lead will be responsible for leading CORE's cash and voucher assistance programming in Los Angeles, California in support of wildfire-affected communities. This role involves strategic planning and assessments, program design and implementation, supporting monitoring,...
CALP Online: Core CVA Skills for Programme Staff – Key Aid Consulting – April
Members training
Discussion regarding the US freeze on humanitarian funding
The agenda will focus on the following:
1. Context Update
2. Impact of the freeze your organizations and your CVA programming including sectoral CVA
3. What is CALP doing?
4. What are local organizations doing? – NEAR network to discuss what they are doing
5. Questions and open discussions
CALP Online: Core CVA Skills for Programme Staff – Key Aid Consulting – February
Members training
Formation de formateurs(trices) face à face Compétences de base en transferts monétaires pour le personnel programme en français
Le bureau du CALP pour l’Afrique de l’ouest et du centre organise une formation de formateurs(trices) face à face du 24 au 28 février 2025 à Dakar au Sénégal. Cette formation a pour but d'ajouter à une cohorte de formateurs(trices) doté(e)s de la compétence et de la confiance nécessaires pour...
Eastern Africa Regional CWG Meeting
Join us for the Eastern Africa Regional Cash Working Group (CWG) Meeting, where stakeholders from across the region will come together to explore the critical theme: “CVA and Social Protection in Conflict Situations.” This timely session will delve into the intersection of CVA and social protection...
Safety Net and Humanitarian Cash in the Emergency Response in Lebanon – What can we learn?
Lebanon is facing a severe humanitarian crisis exacerbated by economic turndown, widespread poverty, and displacement resulting from the escalation of the hostilities into war between Hezbollah and Israel on September 23, 2024. 1 A ceasefire was reached in the early hours of November 27, 2024, for a...
Payment Solution Seekers – Hearing from WFP Feb 2025
Members event
Juhi Kumar, from WFP, a payments group veteran is going to take us through WFP's search, assessment and contracting for their Global payments procurement. Why is this important? An increasing number of agencies (DRC just last week) are looking for global payment solutions, and WFP being one of the biggest...
Le suivi des transferts monétaires
Insights into Refugee Financial Inclusion/Financial Health Surveys–a Jordan example
Members event
Are you curious about how to measure financial inclusion & financial health?
Interested in learning from UNHCR’s experience conducting a national survey among refugees in Jordan on this subject?
Join us for a webinar 6 February (14:00-15:30 Amman time UTC+3) that delves into the technical...
Le Suivi pour les transferts monétaires
Ce cours d'un jour vise à développer les connaissances, les compétences et la confiance des praticiens sur le terrain pour soutenir et entreprendre le suivi des programmes humanitaires de transferts monétaires. Le cours est basé sur le guide du suivi du CALP pour les transferts monétaires en cas...
MENA SP Linkages to CVA- Community of Practice Meeting
Members event
Event Details:
Date: 05 February 2025
Time: 3 PM (Amman time)
Location: MS Teams
Draft Agenda:
• Presentation of the Draft Workplan for 2025: Based on the feedback collected via the survey launched at the end of 2024, we drafted a new workplan. Share your thoughts and help shape the CoP’s...
Compte-rendu et présentation du CWG régional – Afrique de l’Ouest et du Centre – Janvier 2025
Meeting minutes
Compte-rendu, présentations et enregistrement de la réunion régionale du groupe de travail sur les transferts monétaires du 25 janvier 2025. Regarder l’enregistrement ci-dessous ou directement sur YouTube
Francisco Hernandez
Francisco is a bilingual (English-Spanish) industrial engineering professional with 10+ years of progressive experience. His diversified skills include program management, cash transfer programming, public policies management, humanitarian aid and migratory flow interventions, and excellent organizational...
Les transferts monétaires sont « vitaux » : il est urgent d’en faire la démonstration
Blog Post
Seule l'aide « vitale » est couverte par la dernière dérogation de l'USAID au gel des financements. Nous devons continuer à défendre l'idée que les transferts monétaires font partie de cette catégorie.
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MENA Regional Technical Forum Meeting
Members event
Join us for our upcoming MENA Regional Technical Forum meeting where we will be sharing the results of the thematic survey which we ran at the end of 2024, plans for our communities of practice in 2025, and presentations and discussion around anticipatory action and cash in the MENA region.
The meeting...
Fondamentaux des transferts monétaires – Présentiel
Ce cours s'adresse à toutes celles et ceux qui souhaitent en savoir plus sur les transferts monétaires humanitaires. Ne vous inquiétez pas si vous n'avez aucune expérience ou connaissance préalable sur les transferts monétaires, ce cours est fait pour vous !
Compétences de base en transferts monétaires pour le personnel programme
La formation « - Compétences de base en transferts monétaires pour le personnel programme » est une formation de cinq jours destinée au personnel du programme chargé de la conception, de la mise en œuvre et du suivi des programmes intégrant des transferts monétaires. Ce cours est structuré...