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Cash 101: Cash and Voucher Assistance Explained

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101 – 120 of 410 results

Somalia CVA Case Study: Cash and Voucher Assistance and Gender-Based Violence Risk Mitigation


In order to better understand the potential risks for women and girls that may be created by the provision of humanitarian cash assistance, Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA) and Gender-Based Violence (GBV) experts from Somalia worked closely together to evaluate existing CVA interventions in Somalia and...

1 June 2021

GBV Risk Mitigation: An Analysis of the CARE Somalia Integrated Relief &Recovery Program (ISRP) Multipurpose Cash.


This is a learning brief that highlights the GBV risk mitigation analysis of CARE’s ISRP Project (Economic Recovery Sector ) funded by USAID’s Bureau for Humanitarian Assistance (BHA), The CARE Project was applied as one of the case studies for the inter-agency Somalia GBV Risk mapping in CVA projects.

31 May 2021

Minding the (financial and digital) gap! – How informal social safety nets leverage digital & cash enablers in COVID-19 pandemic


Minding the (financial and digital) gap! – How informal social safety nets leverage digital & cash enablers in COVID-19 pandemic: In every context, strengthening the links between cash transfers, savings groups and digitisation contributes to resilient recovery from COVID-19. Representatives of...

17 May 2021

مســاعدات النقــد والقســائم للصحــة الجنســية واإلنجابيــة والحقــوق المتعلقــة بهــا


اسـتعرضت الدراسـة البرنامـج فـي أربعـة سـياقات )كولومبيـا، واإلكـوادور، لبنـان، والصومـال(. أجـرى الدراسـة األوليـة مستشـاران، ركـز أحدهمـا علـى
لبنـان والصومـال...

12 May 2021

الصومال: تحويالت نقدية عبر Money Mobile لخدمات صحة األم والطفل


اســتخدمت منظمــة كيــر الصومــال مســاعدات النقــد والقســائم )CVA )فــي
برامجهــا ألكثــر مــن عشــر ســنوات. يشــمل ذلــك مســاعدات النقــد والقســائم
)CVA )لألمـن...

12 May 2021

Estudio de caso de Burundi: Revolución #GenderCash

Guía y herramientas

La asistencia en efectivo y vales (AEV) se ha convertido en un instrumento valioso y cada vez más utilizado en la respuesta humanitaria en Burundi. Se ha comprobado que la AEV contribuye a la resiliencia de las poblaciones vulnerables, pero para maximizar su eficacia, los agentes humanitarios deben...

12 May 2021

Transferts monetaires pour des resultats en matiere de sante et des droits sexuels et reproductifs


L’étude a examiné la programmation dans quatre contextes (Colombie, Équateur, Liban et Somalie). L’étude initiale a été réalisée par deux consultantes, l’une s’est concentrée sur le Liban et la Somalie et l’autre sur la Colombie et l’Équateur. La collecte de données a inclus 25...

12 May 2021

Programas de transferencias monetarias para salud sexual y reproductiva


El estudio analizó los programas en cuatro contextos (Colombia, Ecuador, Líbano y Somalia). Dos asesores emprendieron el estudio inicial, uno se enfocó en el Líbano y Somalia y el otro en Colombia y Ecuador. La recolección de datos incluyó 25 entrevistas con informantes clave con el personal de CARE...

12 May 2021

Somalie : Argent Mobile pour la Santé Maternelle et Infantile


Des Résultats En Matière De Santé Et Des Droits Sexuels Et Reproductifs : Enseignements Tirés De L’équateur, La
Colombie, Le Liban Et la Somalie”. Dans ses programmes, CARE Somalie a eu recours aux transferts monétaires depuis plus de dix ans. Cela comprend
les transferts monétaires pour la...

12 May 2021

Somalia: transferencias monetarias a través de dinero móvil para servicios de salud materno-infantil


Este estudio es parte de un estudio multipaís más amplio realizado por CARE titulado “Programas de Transferencias
Monetarias para Salud Sexual y Reproductiva: Aprendizajes de Ecuador, Colombia, Líbano y Somalia”. CARE Somalia ha utilizado los PTM en sus programas durante más de diez años. Esto...

12 May 2021

Use Of Cash Assistance To Address Maternal, Newborn And Child Health Outcomes



30 April 2021

Brief: Towards shock-responsive social protection: lessons from the COVID-19 response in Uganda

Policy paper

This policy brief presents highlights from the Uganda country case study on the social protection responses to COVID-19. The brief summarizes the key findings and sets out recommendations to strengthen the foundational social protection systems and enhance the ability of the sector to respond to future...

22 March 2021

Towards shock-responsive social protection: lessons from the COVID-19 response in Kenya


The stringent lockdown measures and global economic slowdown, due to COVID-19, are likely to push more than 2 million people into poverty in Kenya. This study documents the Government of Kenya’s social protection response to mitigate the negative impact of the pandemic on vulnerable households and...

8 March 2021

Brief: Towards shock-responsive social protection: lessons from the COVID-19 response in Ethiopia

Policy paper

COVID-19 and national and international measures to curb its spread, may have pushed 15 million more people below the poverty line in Ethiopia. This policy brief draws on key learnings from the Ethiopia country case study, focused on the social protection response to COVID-19 and identifies...

8 March 2021

2020 Cash and Voucher Programming (CVP): Roadmap and milestone achieved


In 2020, World Vision has implemented cash and voucher programming like never before – not least due to the COVID-19 pandemic and related social protection transfer scale-ups. From 2019 to 2020, we have seen a 28 % increase of our cash, voucher based programming, moving towards enabling affected...

22 January 2021

Somalia Social Protection Donor Working Group – Terms of Reference (ToR)

Guidelines and Tools

Large-scale cash and voucher transfers have long formed the basis of the humanitarian response to crises in Somalia and successfully so. While sporadic small scale cash transfer projects in the past lacked coordination and coherence, this time a great deal of effort has been expended by donors and...


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