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261 – 280 of 598 results

المساعدات النقديّة والقسائم في سياق فيروس كورونا المستجدّ : إرشادات من شبكة شراكة التعلّم النقدي

إرشادات وأدوات

هذا ملخص للنقاط الرئيسية من العديد من الموارد التي شاركتها على المساعدة النقدية والقسائم و كوفيد-19 من خلال هذا المستند. هذه وثيقة حية وسنواصل تحديث هذا الملخص عند إضافة...

13 July 2020

Review and analysis of identification and registration systems in protracted and recurrent crises


This report presents findings from a study regarding Management and Information Systems (MIS) used to identify and register target populations in cash transfer and social protection programming. The research was conducted by DAI and Caribou Digital, and commissioned through DFID’s BASIC programme. The...

13 July 2020

Cash Transfers and Social Protection: From Alignment to Integration

Policy paper

As the use of cash transfer programming grows in response to COVID-19, demands on the aid community’s own interventions and capacity to support state-led measures continue to grow in equal measure. Originally envisioned as a means of better coordinating parallel and remarkably similar humanitarian and...

10 July 2020

CVA in COVID-19 Contexts: Guidance from the CALP Network

Guidelines and Tools

This is a summary of the key points from the many resources you shared on CVA and COVID through this document. This is a living document and we will continue to update this summary as new resources are added. The below is intended to help organisations understand and prepare for likely impacts of COVID-19...

9 July 2020

SPACE – Options for rapid delivery (payment) of cash transfers for COVID-19 responses and beyond

Guidelines and Tools

This note describes the main strategies used by, and available to, countries to deliver cash support in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. The objective of the note is to inform both ongoing responses to COVID-19 and medium to long term investments in delivery mechanisms that could be used to respond to...

1 July 2020

Programming Guidance: Embedding Localisation in the Response to COVID-19

Guidelines and Tools

This guidance note describes key considerations for integrating local actors into the COVID-19 social protection and/or humanitarian cash response. Local actors are defined as national and sub-national entities and can include civil society organisations (CSOs), government, private sector actors, and...

1 July 2020

Social Protection Responses to the COVID-19 Crisis in the MENA/ Arab States Region

Policy paper

This paper reflects on an ongoing initiative of the Regional UN Issue-Based Coalition on Social Protection (IBC-SP). The Group, co-chaired by ILO and UNICEF, was established in June 2020, bringing forward the activities started under the previous Regional UNDG group. The IBC-SP gathers regional experts...

July 2020

Linking Humanitarian Cash and Social Protection for an Effective Cash Response to the Covid-19 Pandemic


The Grand-Bargain (GB) Sub-group on Linking Humanitarian Cash and Social Protection issues a 1-pager calling on all GB signatories to use all means at their disposal to deliver on their commitment to link humanitarian cash and social protection where appropriate for an effective cash response to the...

July 2020

L’association de la protection sociale et ses transferts monétaires humanitaires


De plus en plus de voix s’élèvent pour affirmer la nécessité de renforcer les liens entre la protection sociale et les transferts monétaires humanitaires. Les travaux à ce sujet sont également de plus en plus nombreux. Ce document d’information conçu pour le CALP Network s’appuie sur une...

26 June 2020

Linking Social Protection and Humanitarian Cash and Voucher Assistance


There is a growing momentum and body of work around the idea of developing stronger links between humanitarian cash and voucher assistance (CVA) and social protection (SP). This Briefing Paper for the CALP Network, based on a literature review, a survey, and interviews, is intended to inform the CALP...

26 June 2020

COVID-19: Invest now in cash/voucher-social protection scale-up or children pay the price later


Read the article here. Only socially accountable Social Protection Assistance beyond humanitarian cash/voucher programmes – if properly and quickly implemented – will protect generations of children from the aftershocks of COVID-19. Despite cash and voucher transfers becoming the tool of choice of...

25 June 2020

COVID-19 & Urgent Need for Child-Sensitive Social Protection

Policy paper

The COVID-19 pandemic is negatively affecting children’s lives in a myriad of ways. Well-intentioned government containment and response efforts such as movement restrictions and school closures have disrupted education for more than 1.5 billion students, leaving some of the most vulnerable children...

25 June 2020

Collaborative Cash Delivery Network – Grand Bargain – Collaboration Agreement Accomplishments 2020


The Collaborative Cash Delivery (CCD) Network is pleased to present its achievements against the commitments made by our global members’ CEOs at the 2019 Grand Bargain Summit as part of our global collaboration agreement. We know we are better together, and in this time of increasing pressure on the...

24 June 2020

10 Things you Wish you’d Always Known About Shock-responsive Social Protection

Guidelines and Tools

Download the publication file and the one-page summary here Improving the ‘shock-responsiveness’ of social protection—in other words, its relevance to large-scale natural, economic and political shocks—is an appealing prospect both for governments and for their partners working in social...

15 June 2020

Systematization document regional learning event: Linking cash and voucher assistance with social protection systems


The purpose of this document is to systematize the process of organizing the Regional Learning Event on “Linking Cash and Voucher Assistance with Social Protection Systems”, convened by REDLAC and the Regional Cash Working Group -R4V for May 20th, 2021.
The Grand Bargain’s Working Cash Workstream,...

11 June 2020

Examples and Good Practices on the Use of Multi-Purpose Cash in the Food Security Sector

Guidelines and Tools

This global Food Security Cluster (gFSC) document was produced by the Cash and Markets Working Group (CMWG) to highlight the role and engagement of food security actors through different country experiences and good practices.
In recent years, multi-purpose cash (MPC) has been adopted more widely to...

1 June 2020

Les transferts monétaires dans le contexte du COVID-19 : conseils du réseau le CALP Network

Guides et outils

Voici un résumé des points clés des nombreuses ressources que vous avez partagées sur les transferts monétaires et le COVID par le biais de ce document. Il s’agit d’un document évolutif et nous continuerons à mettre à jour ce résumé au fur et à mesure que de nouvelles ressources seront...

29 May 2020

Le lien entre la protection sociale et les transferts monétaires humanitaires

Blog Post

L’utilité de la protection sociale pour les personnes ayant fait face à des chocs n’a jamais été aussi claire et évidente que lors de la crise actuelle de la COVID-19. Ces problématiques se développent sous nos yeux, alors que les gouvernements, les bailleurs et les organisations humanitaires...

15 May 2020