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681 – 700 sur 722 résultats
Watan Card Project – Pakistan National Disaster Relief Program
Presentation to the CALP Network 4th Global Learning Event (Bangkok, February 2011) from the National Disaster Management Authority of the Government of Pakistan. The presentation reviews the WATAN card cash transfer programme implemented by the Government to transfer money to flood affected people. The...
Cash Delivery Service Providers in Zimbabwe
Over the past few years Zimbabwe has witnessed a significant increase in the use of cash transfers within policies and programs providing humanitarian aid. This has resulted is an increasing desire on the part of humanitarian agencies to partner with private sector financial service providers in the...
Learning from Cash Responses to the Tsunami: Case Studies
These case studies form part of a project to document learning around cash based responses to the Indian Ocean tsunami. The project was funded by the British Red Cross, Save the Children UK, Oxfam GB, Mercy Corps and Concern Worldwide.
Niger: Unconditional cash transfers in Tanout
This case study documents the one time unconditional cash transfer programme carried out by the British Red Cross, for households vulnerable to food insecurity, as part of its overall emergency and recovery project following the 2004/5 Food crisis in Niger. It details the context, situational analysis,...
Key Challenges and Lessons Learned in Interagency Cash Coordination in Pakistan
A presentation from the CALP Network’s former focal point Loreto Palmaera on ‘Key Challenges and Lessons Learned in Interagency Cash Coordination in Pakistan’
Helpdesk Research Report: Financing and Cost-effectiveness of Cash Transfer Schemes
Query: What does the evidence base on the costing, financing and cost effectiveness of cash transfer schemes tell us? Cash transfers are a form of social assistance in which money or cash-like instruments (e.g. vouchers) are distributed to vulnerable individuals or households. They can vary in targeting...
Rapport de l’évaluation finale de cash transfert dans les Départements de Tessaoua et Aguié 2010
Ceci est le rapport final d’un programme de « cash for training » (argent contre formation) qui a eu lieu en 2010 dans les départements de Tessaoua et Aguié au Niger. Le rapport résume les activités realisés, les objectifs, les résultats attendus et la méthodologie du programme, et...
Construyendo Comunidades: Apoyo integral a las familias realojadas y sus comunidades de acojida: vivienda, apoyo para mejorar los medios de vida y proyectos comunitarios
Este estudio de caso analiza el programa de la Cruz Roja Española de reconstrucción de viviendas que tuvo lugar entre 2007-09 en Sri Lanka, tras el devastador tsunami. Además de albergar esta intervención tuvo dos enfoques principales: subvenciones a nivel de hogar para volver a iniciar, apoyar el...
The Haiti Earthquake: An Urban Solution
This case study looks at the Oxfam economic and livelihood recovery programme following the devastating earthquake in early 2010. A range of cash transfer programming was implemented after a detailed assessment was carried out. The report goes through the assessment stages, details the programme...
Integrated Community Based Response for Vulnerable Conflict and Flood Affected Population of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KPK), Pakistan
A presentation discussing objectives, modalities, target beneficiaries and best practices of integrated community-based response for vulnerable conflict and flood-affected population of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KPK), Pakistan.
Analyse et suivi des marches dans le cadre d’interventions de transferts monétaires
Objectifs principaux de l’analyse et du suivi des marchés: Analyser la capacité des marchés à absorber un surplus de demande généré par les activités de transferts monétaires. Emettre des recommandations en temps réel, c’est- à-dire dans le cours du programme. Evaluer l’impact des...
Les transferts monétaires dans les situations d’urgence en milieu urbain: boîte à outils (Annexe 2)
Guides et outils
Cette boîte à outils a été rassemblée dans le cadre de la recherche « Les transferts monétaires en situation d’urgence urbaine« . Vous pouvez soit télécharger l’ensemble de la boîte à outils (fichier .zip) soit sélectionner un outil de la liste ci-dessous: Outil 1: Exemple de...
Intervenciones de Transferencias Monetarias
Este manual está dirigido principalmente a personas con poca experiencia en el tema de las intervenciones de transferencia monetaria, aunque los implementadores más experimentados la encontrarán igualmente útil. Su objetivo principal es proporcionar una guía práctica para el diseño, la...
Nairobi Urban Social Protection Programme
This case study of an Oxfam urban cash transfer programme in Kenya looks at how cash can be used as part of a national social protection programme to improve access to food of the most vulnerable households, at the same time as developing longer term food and income security initiatives. The report looks...
Financial Considerations in Cash Transfer Programming
OBJECTIVES OF THE PRESENTATION • Finance considerations and challenges in CTP • Delivery Mechanisms used in the Flood Response. • Oxfam’s Experience with Order Cheques – Challenges and Innovation. • Delivery Mechanism’s – the selection dilemma.
Evaluation of OGB and HR Cash Consortium in Southern Somalia
In response to the humanitarian emergency of 2006 in southern Somalia, a consortium of five agencies – Oxfam GB, Horn Relief, AFREC, WASDA and Development Concern – implemented the Emergency Drought Response Action (EDRA) programme. This was a cash-based intervention using an innovative approach with...
The Voucher programme in the Gaza Strip – Mid-term review
The WFP voucher project is part of the emergency operation (EMOP 10817.0) to assist the recovery of the population affected by the conflict in Gaza Strip. WFP emergency operation has the following objectives: Meet urgent needs and improve the food consumption for conflict-affected people targeted...
Informe de Buenas Prácticas (GPR) 11: Programas de transferencias de efectivo para emergencias
Este GPR sintetiza directrices sobre transferencias de efectivo previas, concentra conclusiones extraídas de ciertas investigaciones y evaluaciones y añade ejemplos prácticos de intervenciones basadas en efectivo. Una de las dificultades que entraña escribir sobre respuestas basadas en efectivo es...
Inter-Agency Impact Assessment of the Cash Transfer Programs in West Sumatra
Following the 2009 earthquake in West Sumatra, cash transfer programming (CTP) has proven successful in delivering a fast and effective recovery response—providing households the opportunity to recover shelter and basic needs for their livelihoods. Success of these CTPs has been supported well by the...
Paying attention to detail: How to transfer cash in cash transfers
This policy working paper looks at various delivery mechanisms which can be used to transfer cash to people in cash interventions. It discusses how these affect the costs, and the barriers, faced by those receiving cash as well as the costs and risks to implementing agencies of successful programme...