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661 – 680 sur 722 résultats
Cash Programming in Haiti – Lessons Learned in Disbursing Cash
The following report is the result of an initial 2 week mission to Haiti to investigate cash programming (including cash for work) amongst 17 organizations. It is not intended as an exhaustive review of 17 organizations’ practices, but attempts to look at what were some of the critical stages in cash...
Cash transfer programming in emergencies: The Cash Learning Partnership’s 5th Global Learning Event
The CALP Network’s 5th Global Learning Event was organised in partnership with the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC). The learning event took place in Nairobi, Kenya, and focused on three topics of emerging importance not only to cash transfer programming, but to...
Hard Cash in Hard Times: Cash transfers versus food aid in rural Zimbabwe
This case study looks at Concern Worldwide’s pilot project to provide cash, instead of traditional food aid, to food insecure communities in Zimbabwe. The document briefly describes the conditions making it suitable for such a response, positive outcomes for the cash recipients, the cost effectiveness,...
Cash Learning Bulletin August 2011
This newsletter includes articles and updates on: Smart cards used for the first time in Zimbabwe cash transfers Philippines cash learning group starts up Technical forum on cash transfers in Kenya & Somalia CALP Ivory Coast cash guidelines and details of forthcoming research for the period.
Gender issues in Cash transfer programmes
Purpose of the study: To assess the changes in gender power relations within households and in the community, as a result of emergency cash transfer programmes. To review the processes followed by agencies in emergency cash transfer programming and analyse their adequacy from a gender perspective
Cash Learning Bulletin: East Africa drought special edition
A CALP Network bulletin with articles and information on: Cash transfer programming in the drought response Kenya Cash Transfer Working Group Somalia Cash Transfer Working Group Training on Cash Transfers in Emergencies and a list of appropriate links and resources.
Cash transfer mechanisms and disaster preparedness in the Philippines
The use of cash to deliver assistance in case of humanitarian emergency remains a relatively new approach in the Philippines, and aid agencies are at the early stages of developing guidelines, policies and organizational capacity to implement cash projects. Project managers lack support and guidance with...
Delivering Cash Through Traders – A Quick Delivery Guide (booklet)
Guidelines and Tools
A Quick Delivery Guide to delivering money through local traders. Prepared as a practical tool, this guide provides a brief synthesis of the necessary preconditions and advantages and disadvantages of using cheques. It also provides practical implementation tips. This version of the Quick Delivery...
Cash Transfers in Emergencies Good Practice Review: Presentation
Powerpoint presentation on the then-forthcoming Good Practice Review on cash transfer programming in emergencies.
The CALP Network Newsletter supplement Zimbabwe cards Aug 11
Supplement to the CALP Network August 2011 newsletter, focusing on the topic of ‘Reconnecting Zimbabweans to financial services through cash transfers’. Includes sections on: Piloting of smart cards in Zimbabwe Combining cash transfers for basic needs with livelihood support
Cash Delivery Service Providers in Zimbabwe
Over the past few years Zimbabwe has witnessed a significant increase in the use of cash transfers within policies and programs providing humanitarian aid. This has resulted is an increasing desire on the part of humanitarian agencies to partner with private sector financial service providers in the...
Learning from Cash Responses to the Tsunami: Case Studies
These case studies form part of a project to document learning around cash based responses to the Indian Ocean tsunami. The project was funded by the British Red Cross, Save the Children UK, Oxfam GB, Mercy Corps and Concern Worldwide.
Watan Card Project – Pakistan National Disaster Relief Program
Presentation to the CALP Network 4th Global Learning Event (Bangkok, February 2011) from the National Disaster Management Authority of the Government of Pakistan. The presentation reviews the WATAN card cash transfer programme implemented by the Government to transfer money to flood affected people. The...
Rapport de l’évaluation finale de cash transfert dans les Départements de Tessaoua et Aguié 2010
Ceci est le rapport final d’un programme de « cash for training » (argent contre formation) qui a eu lieu en 2010 dans les départements de Tessaoua et Aguié au Niger. Le rapport résume les activités realisés, les objectifs, les résultats attendus et la méthodologie du programme, et...
Construyendo Comunidades: Apoyo integral a las familias realojadas y sus comunidades de acojida: vivienda, apoyo para mejorar los medios de vida y proyectos comunitarios
Este estudio de caso analiza el programa de la Cruz Roja Española de reconstrucción de viviendas que tuvo lugar entre 2007-09 en Sri Lanka, tras el devastador tsunami. Además de albergar esta intervención tuvo dos enfoques principales: subvenciones a nivel de hogar para volver a iniciar, apoyar el...
Niger: Unconditional cash transfers in Tanout
This case study documents the one time unconditional cash transfer programme carried out by the British Red Cross, for households vulnerable to food insecurity, as part of its overall emergency and recovery project following the 2004/5 Food crisis in Niger. It details the context, situational analysis,...
Key Challenges and Lessons Learned in Interagency Cash Coordination in Pakistan
A presentation from the CALP Network’s former focal point Loreto Palmaera on ‘Key Challenges and Lessons Learned in Interagency Cash Coordination in Pakistan’
Helpdesk Research Report: Financing and Cost-effectiveness of Cash Transfer Schemes
Query: What does the evidence base on the costing, financing and cost effectiveness of cash transfer schemes tell us? Cash transfers are a form of social assistance in which money or cash-like instruments (e.g. vouchers) are distributed to vulnerable individuals or households. They can vary in targeting...
Analyse et suivi des marches dans le cadre d’interventions de transferts monétaires
Objectifs principaux de l’analyse et du suivi des marchés: Analyser la capacité des marchés à absorber un surplus de demande généré par les activités de transferts monétaires. Emettre des recommandations en temps réel, c’est- à-dire dans le cours du programme. Evaluer l’impact des...
Les transferts monétaires dans les situations d’urgence en milieu urbain: boîte à outils (Annexe 2)
Guides et outils
Cette boîte à outils a été rassemblée dans le cadre de la recherche « Les transferts monétaires en situation d’urgence urbaine« . Vous pouvez soit télécharger l’ensemble de la boîte à outils (fichier .zip) soit sélectionner un outil de la liste ci-dessous: Outil 1: Exemple de...