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601 – 620 sur 711 résultats
Humanitarian Exchange: Special feature. New learning in cash transfer programming
The special feature of this issue of Humanitarian Exchange, co-edited with Sarah Bailey and Breanna Ridsdel, focuses on new learning in cash transfer programming. While cash is now an accepted tool, and is increasingly being used in humanitarian response, most programmes are small and gaps in analysis and...
Review of Cash-transfer Coordination in Haiti following the Earthquake of January 2010
Case Study
This study, commissioned by the CALP Network, aims to review and document the coordination of cash transfer programmes (CTP) implemented from the emergency phase in Haiti. It is part of a wider review of CTP coordination in emergency situations which includes three case studies (Pakistan, Haiti and the...
Cash-For-Work in Somalia: Linking relief to recovery
Policy paper
In complex emergency situations such as that in Somalia, marred by violence, destitution and famine, the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations has managed to implement a large cash-for-work (CFW) programme. The programme provides emergency relief while building the base for...
Unconditional Cash Grants for Relief and Recovery in Rizal and Laguna, The Philippines (Post-Typhoon Ketsana)
In response to rapid onset flooding in Laguna and Rizal provinces in the Philippines, Oxfam International implemented a Cash Transfer Programme (CTP) in three phases: 1) Unconditional cash transfers for individuals to provide for basic needs; 2) Conditional cash transfers for individuals resuming income...
ICT/mobile Phone Technology: A shift in the right direction
Blog Post
Thirteen African nations came together for the AgriKnowledge Share Fair in Addis Ababa at the end of October 2012 to learn about approaches for quicker and more efficient humanitarian response. Government representatives, researchers, UN agencies and NGOs gathered for a three day symposium on best...
Cash transfer programming in urban emergencies: a toolkit for practitioners
Guidelines and Tools
In recognition of the increasing urban populations around the world and their increasing vulnerability to disasters, the the CALP Network endeavored to investigate the current status and impact of urban emergency response programs that utilise cash transfer programming. This study aims to better...
FAO Policy on Cash-Based Transfers
This document articulates FAO’s roles with respect to supporting and implementing CTs linked to agriculture and food security in line with the Organization’s mandate and comparative advantages. It is based on FAO’s experience and expertise in supporting CT programming and details various CT...
Plaidoyer en Faveur des Transferts Monetaires: Guide Pratique
Guides et outils
Ce mini-guide résume les arguments en faveur de l’utilisation des programmes de transferts monétaires (PTM) en situations d’urgence. Le guide propose des idées sur comment répondre aux craintes des parties prenantes qui hésitent a adopter les PTM, et quelles stratégies peuvent être utiles pour...
Cash Transfer Programming in Urban Emergencies: Tools (Annex 2)
Guidelines and Tools
This file contains the following tools referenced as Annex 2 of the the CALP Network Urban Toolkit:
1. Sample Focus Group Discussion Questionnaire to Establish Urban-Specific Vulnerability Criteria
2. Sample Urban Household Survey
3. Template in PowerPoint of Commodity Market Map
4. Template in PowerPoint...
Haiti – Unconditional Cash Transfers: Lessons Learnt
The challenges of responding to the catastrophic earthquake in Haiti were huge and varied, prompting agencies to think and act creatively. Christian Aid’s partners were at the forefront of the humanitarian response, distributing cash to people affected by the disaster two weeks after the earthquake...
Transferts monétaires en espèces: Guide pratique des transferts monétaires en situations d’urgence
Guides et outils
Ce mini-guide présente quelques informations pratiques sur les transferts monétaires en espèces dans les situations d’urgence. Le guide comprend les informations suivantes: – Conditions préalables – Description de la méthode de paiement – Avantages et inconvénients – Conseils pratiques –...
Vouchers for Flood Relief in Cotobato City and Sultan Kudarat, ARMM (Mindanao), the Philippines
Case Study
In response to a rapid-onset emergency, Action Against Hunger / ACF International, with funding from AECID, implemented a cash transfer program in Cotobato City, situated in the Autonomous Region of Muslim Mindanao in the Philippines. The project established a cash voucher program through local...
Cash & Voucher Learning Event / Goma – Rapport Final
L’atelier d’échange et d’apprentissage sur l’assistance monétaire en RDC a été organisé et facilité par les organisations suivantes : ACF USA, Care International, Oxfam GB et l’UNICEF. Il était financé par le CALP Network (Cash Learning Partnership) et UNICEF. Cet atelier est parti...
Étude analyse coûts-bénéfice. Intervention "Cash for Work" dans la réponse précoce à la crise alimentaire dans le Sahel.
En Mauritanie, comme dans plusieurs pays du Sahel, les populations ont été menacées sévèrement par le choc de la sécheresse en 2012, suite aux mauvaises récoltes de la saison agricole 11-12, conduisant à une crise alimentaire de très grande envergure. Pour faire face à cette crise, Intermón...
Afghanistan: Hawala cash transfers for food assistance and livelihood protection
Case Study
In response to repeated flooding, ACF implemented a cash-based intervention in the Samangan and Day Kundi Provinces of Afghanistan. The project applied cash for work activities as well as unconditional cash transfers and made use of the local Hawala system to securely transfer money to beneficiaries. The...
Tracking Spending on Cash Transfer Programming in a Humanitarian Context
This briefing paper provides a brief overview of cash transfers by situating them within official development assistance (ODA) analysis. However, the core of this analysis concentrates on tracking cash transfer programme spending in humanitarian aid. For analysis of cash transfer spending in crisis...
Étude comparative des mécanismes de coordination des programmes monétaires en situation d’urgence
Principalement basée sur trois études de cas (Pakistan, Haïti, et la Corne de l’Afrique), cette étude comparative a pour objectif de tirer les leçons pour une meilleure coordination des programmes de transfert d’argent (CTP) lors des urgences à venir et d’aider à construire une stratégie de...
Uganda: Cash grants to strengthen returnee livelihoods
Case Study
In support of the return and recovery effort of formerly war affected populations, ACF implemented a cash-based intervention in Otuke District of Northern Uganda. This programme assisted internally displaced persons (IDPs) with the return home and re-establishing their livelihoods. Vulnerable households...
Emerging Good Practice in the use of Fresh Food Vouchers
The purpose of this Good Practice Review is to provide practitioners with information on emerging good practice in the use of Fresh Food Vouchers (FFV), as well as practical examples from the field. In the Introduction, the GPR reiterates the nature of a fresh food voucher and explains some advantages and...
A Practical Guide to Cash-Based Response
Guidelines and Tools
A Practical Guide to Cash-based Responses is a manual developed by Adeso to share the organisation’s experience in developing and implementing appropriate cash-based responses. The manual highlights some practical problems that are faced by implementation teams around the world and it is intended to...