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Travailler avec les banques: un guide pratique de négotiation

Guides et outils

Ce mini-guide donne des conseils pratiques sur comment négotier et travallier avec les banques pour la planification et mise en oeuvre des programmes de transferts monétaires en urgence.


Étude de cas : opérations de transferts monétaires sans condition après le passage du cyclone Haiyan (Yolanda)


Le cyclone Haiyan, le plus puissant jamais mesuré, a d’abord touché Guiuan (province de Samar oriental) le 8 novembre 2013 au matin, causant de nombreuses pertes humaines et de graves dégâts matériels (logements, moyens de subsistance et infrastructures) dans neuf provinces philippines. Les îles...


Is Cash Transfer Programming ‘Fit for the Future’? – Final Report


This report presents the results of a 2013 research study entitled, Is Cash Transfer Programming ‘Fit for the Future’? The research was commissioned by the the CALP Network and undertaken by the Humanitarian Futures Programme (HFP), King’s College London. The project intends to understand...


Is Cash Transfer Programming ‘Fit for the Future’? – Annexes


This Annex Package contains the full set of products developed in the course of a 2013 research study entitled, Is Cash Transfer Programming ‘Fit for the Future’? The research was commissioned by the Cash Learning Partnership (the CALP Network) and undertaken by the Humanitarian Futures Programme...


Transfert monétaire par l’intermédiaire de commerçants: Guide pratique des transferts monétaires en situations d’urgence

Guides et outils

Ce mini-guide présente quelques informations pratiques sur l’utilisation des cartes pour effectuer des transferts monétaires par intermédiaire de commerçants. Le guide comprend les informations suivantes: – Conditions préalables – Description de la méthode de paiement – Avantages et...


Scaling Up Existing Social Safety Nets to Provide Humanitarian Response: A case study of Ethiopia’s Productive Safety Net Programme and Kenya’s Hunger Safety Net Programme

Policy paper

A case study of Ethiopia’s Productive Safety Net Programme and Kenya’s Hunger Safety Net Programme. This thematic report has been undertaken as part of a 2013 research study entitled, Is Cash Transfer Programming ‘Fit for the Future’? The research was commissioned by the the CALP Network and...


Coordination and Cash Transfer Programming

Policy paper

This thematic report has been undertaken as part of a 2013 research study entitled, Is Cash Transfer Programming ‘Fit for the Future’? The research was commissioned by the the CALP Network and undertaken by the Humanitarian Futures Programme (HFP), King’s College London. The overall...


CTP factsheet – Chilean Red Cross – cash transfer preparedness pilot


The IFRC worked with four pilot countries between May 2012 and December 2013 to enable the National Societies to use cash transfer programming to address relief needs at scale, implementing it more rapidly and targeting a larger number of households. The Chilean Red Cross was one of the four...


CTP factsheet – Philippine Red Cross – cash transfer preparedness pilot


The IFRC worked with four pilot countries between May 2012 and December 2013 to enable the National Societies to use cash transfer programming to address relief needs at scale, implementing it more rapidly and targeting a larger number of households. The Philippine Red Cross was one of the four...


Étude de cas : préparation de la mise en oeuvre à grande échelle des programmes de transferts monétaires dans les situations d’urgence

Case Study

La Fédération internationale des Sociétés de la Croix-Rouge et du Croissant-Rouge (Fédération internationale) a collaboré, entre mai 2012 et décembre 2013, avec les Sociétés nationales de quatre pays pilotes – Croix-Rouge philippine, Croix-Rouge du Viet Nam, Croix-Rouge sénégalaise et...


Guidance for DFID country offices on measuring and maximising value for money in cash transfer programmes

Guidelines and Tools

This document is a revised edition of Guidance for DFID country offices on measuring and maximising value for money in cash transfer programmes which DFID published in October 2011. The guidance is in two linked parts:
1. Part 1 provides a toolkit which sets out key concepts and metrics for analysing...


Theories of Change for Cash Transfers


While there is a large body of literature examining social protection and cash transfers’ (CT) impacts on poverty reduction and development, there is much less on understanding the mechanisms and pathways by which this happens. This report gathers together examples from the literature which attempt to...


Evaluation of Concern Worldwide’s Emergency Response in Masisi, North Kivu, DRC (2012-2013)


Populations in eastern DRC have faced serious humanitarian consequences resulting from years of conflict and instability. In Masisi territory in the province of North Kivu, Concern Worldwide has provided emergency assistance since 2008 in order to respond to humanitarian needs created by cycles of...