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101 – 120 sur 346 résultats
Les transferts monétaires dans la réponse à la pandémie de COVID-19 Leçons apprises d’un programme multi-pays de CARE
CARE a mis en œuvre un programme multi-pays, dans le but de réduire les impacts négatifs de la COVID-19 sur les populations vulnérables, en particulier les femmes et les jeunes filles, en utilisant des approches complémentaires et multimodales, y compris les transferts monétaires aux populations...
Cash and Voucher Assistance in Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic Lessons Learned from a CARE Multi-Country Program
CARE implemented a multi-country program with the aim of reducing the negative impacts of COVID-19 on vulnerable populations, especially women and girls, using complementary and multimodal approaches, including the provision of cash and voucher assistance (CVA). Given the nature and scale of this program...
CVA for Child Protection Outcomes: Case study from Cambodia
Save the Children Cambodia and seven partner organizations are working to improve households’ ability to care for their children and achieve positive child protection outcomes. With support from USAID Cambodia and European Union in Cambodia, FCF|REACT is providing monthly cash transfers and supporting...
Facilitadores y brechas: Igualdad de Género, Respuesta y Mitigación de Violencia de Género en los Programas de Transferencias Monetarias a nivel de respuesta: análisis sobre tres estudios de caso
Lograr integrar género y el Programa de Transferencias Monetarias (PTM) fue establecido como una acción prioritaria para el Grupo de Trabajo de PTM- Gran Pacto en 2018. Aunque los proyectos con PTM son típicamente implementados por actores o consorcios humanitarios, hay oportunidades para crear...
L’égalité de genre, l’atténuation et la réponse à la violence basée sur le genre dans les transferts monétaires : leviers et lacunes Analyse de trois études de cas
L’intégration du genre dans les Transferts Monétaires (TM) a été définie comme une action prioritaire dans le cadre du Grand Bargain Cash Workstream en 2018. Bien que les projets avec TM soient généralement mis en œuvre par des acteurs humanitaires pris individuellement ou en consortiums, il...
Cash and Voucher Programming in COVID-19, Lessons Learnt from Asia Pacific
COVID-19 has left an indelible adverse impact on all aspects of life not just health but also on livelihood, food security, protection, and many others. After the WHO declared a global pandemic in March 2020, World Vision mindfully scaled up its response to support most vulnerable households through...
Enablers and Gaps: Gender Equality, Gender-Based Violence Response and Mitigation in Cash and Voucher Assistance at Response levels: analysis on three case studies
The Gender and Cash Sub-Workstream identified three case studies that illustrate how Cash Working Groups, GBV Sub-Clusters, gender focal points (e.g. Gender in Humanitarian Action Working groups at country and regional level) and humanitarian partnerships can enable meaningful and wider engagement on...
CVA for Health Outcomes: Learnings from Jordan, Burkina Faso and Bangladesh
Webinar recording
How can Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA) support the goal of improved health outcomes in conditions of extreme poverty and vulnerability? During this webinar, we shared learning from three programmes that used cash and vouchers to improve access to and utilization of health services. This...
Cupones de salud y nutrición para la población urbana en situación de exclusión y pobreza extrema en Bangladesh
En Bangladesh, las personas en situación de pobreza en contextos urbanos se enfrentan a necesidades médicas de carácter complejo, incluida la elevada prevalencia de enfermedades no transmisibles, junto a un acceso insuficiente a servicios de salud y unos altos gastos médicos por cuenta propia. Las...
Coupons de santé et de nutrition pour les personnes vivant dans l’extrême pauvreté dans les zones urbaines du Bangladesh
Cette étude porte sur l’utilisation expérimentale de coupons au Bangladesh par trois organisations, avec le soutien financier de l’Union européenne, pour répondre aux besoins de santé des populations vivant en zone urbaine dans une extrême pauvreté. Des partenariats public-privé ont pour but...
Health and Nutrition Vouchers for Marginalized Urban Extreme Poor in Bangladesh
The urban poor in Bangladesh face many complex health needs, including a high prevalence of non-communicable diseases, with insufficient access to health care, and high out of pocket payments. High user fees and distance to travel are further barriers to accessing services and are a major reason why...
Brief: Towards shock-responsive social protection: lessons from the COVID-19 response in Pakistan
Policy paper
This policy brief draws on key learnings from the Pakistan research report and microsimulation report on the social protection responses to COVID-19. The brief provides analysis of the factors that enabled and constrained the effectiveness of the delivery of social protection in Pakistan and also provides...
Towards shock-responsive social protection: lessons from the COVID-19 response in Bangladesh – Policy brief
Policy paper
This policy brief presents the key findings of the Bangladesh country report, exploring the social protection response to COVID-19 from the Government of Bangladesh. Considering factors that have both helped and hindered the effectiveness of policy responses at various levels, the brief presents...
2020 Cash and Voucher Programming (CVP): Roadmap and milestone achieved
In 2020, World Vision has implemented cash and voucher programming like never before – not least due to the COVID-19 pandemic and related social protection transfer scale-ups. From 2019 to 2020, we have seen a 28 % increase of our cash, voucher based programming, moving towards enabling affected...
Towards shock-responsive social protection: lessons from the COVID-19 response in Bangladesh
The COVID-19 crisis is likely to have a staggering impact on poverty in Bangladesh. This report documents the social protection responses by the Government of Bangladesh to mitigate the impact of the pandemic on vulnerable populations. Analysing factors that enabled and constrained the effectiveness of...
Towards Shock-Responsive Social Protection: Lessons from the COVID-19 Response in Bangladesh – Estimates from the Microsimulation
Case Study
This report presents the methodology and results of a microsimulation based on a partial equilibrium modelling framework using nationally representative household-level data for Bangladesh. The findings include an estimate of the potential impact of COVID-19 on poverty in the country based on a model that...
Cash and Voucher Assistance Guidelines for Lao PDR
Guidelines and Tools
Cash and voucher assistance is becoming increasingly popular in Lao PDR in delivering humanitarian assistance, rehabilitation and development focused projects. In supporting the cash and voucher assistance agenda in Lao PDR, the Cash Working Group was established as a working group for local and regional...
The Unblocked Cash Experience in Vanuatu
Case Study
This report provides details of the Vanuatu Business Resilience Council’s (VBRC) role and approach to supporting the businesses in the Oxfam UnBlocked Cash humanitarian programme in 2020-2021 in Vanuatu. While this report documents the learnings using blockchain technology, by sharing the key details...
ASP Gap Analysis Template
Guidelines and Tools
This tool was developed to support the development of a roadmap for Adaptive Social Protection(ASP)in Indonesia. The goal of the “GapAnalysis” is to help governments and partners understand how far the current situation, that is current efforts in the context of ASP, aligns or diverges from the...
Gender Equality and Gender-Based Violence Risk Mitigation in Cash and Voucher Assistance: Vanuatu Case study
The case study was created with the inputs of Oxfam Vanuatu and UNFPA Vanuatu. It demonstrates the meaningful connection of cash and voucher assistance and gender at a response level. Vanuatu is one of the world’s most remote locations and particularly vulnerable to cyclones and other natural hazards....