CVA TC Harold Response
ADRA Fiji mobilized a team to monitor the efficiency and impact of cash assistance distributed by the organization in partnership with the I-Taukei Affairs Board (TAB) and their respective local partners in the island to respond to TC Harold.
At the height of the intervention the agency distributed F$ 266,400 worth of cash assistance to a total of 2,506 beneficiary households, across nine districts in Kadavu Province one of the worst affected by TC Harold. It is estimated that by the end of the exercise, the cash assistance distributed by the group went over 85% of the households in ‘crisis’ according to the TAB records.
The monitoring tools were designed to provide up-to-date information on market behavior, the ease with which cash were received by beneficiaries, how resources were used, and the overall viability of a large-scale cash distribution programme operating in insecure and remote areas. A sizable quantitative data collection system was supplemented by independent qualitative surveys and loosely held talanoa sessions with key government partners, village elders, women’s group and some teachers. All data were collated and analyzed by the MEL Team, giving project stakeholders access to a wide range of information on a range of programme issues from targeting to impact.
Distribution was carried out in June 2020. The same cohort of NGOs and TAB embarked on the same in Vatulele and Lau in November 2020. This report describes the findings of monitoring carried out on phase 1 in Kadavu.