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Le b.a.-ba des transferts monétaires : tout ce que vous devez savoir

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Le CALP Network permet le renforcement des capacités, offre un soutien technique et facilite la coordination afin de consolider la communauté de pratique en Amérique du Nord, en Amérique latine et aux Caraïbes. Le bureau du CALP Network en Amérique est situé à Washington.


3301 – 3320 sur 3389 résultats

Les Filets de Sécurité Sociale au Niger


L’étude a été commandite par la Cellule de Crises Alimentaires (CCA) du Cabinet du Premier Ministre, qui a délégué le Secrétariat Exécutif de la Stratégie du Développement Rural à la supervision. Il fait partie d’une série d’études coordonnées par un comité national de pilotage et...

December 2009

The Role of Cash Transfers in Post-Conflict Nepal


Nepal is in the midst of a transformational process: the end of the eleven year conflict in 2006 has given way to the end of the monarchy, the development of a new Constitution, and a democratically elected government which emphasises an inclusive Nepali society. However, the peace process has been slow,...

April 2009

Strategies for Development in Conflict Affected Countries in the ESCWA Region: The role of the state and private sector


This study on private sector resilience in conflict-affected countries in the ESCWA region is part of a series of publications, which examines mechanisms and policies for development in spite of conflict. The studies include policy recommendations that are aimed at enhancing the capacity of policymakers...


Can Cash Transfers Promote Food Security in the Context of Volatile Commodity Prices? A Review of Empirical Evidence


This working paper synthesizes the theoretical and empirical literature on the use of cash transfers in response to food crisis situations, with particular attention to their use in situations that are exacerbated by volatile, often inflationary, commodity prices. The paper is designed for policymakers...


Innovations in International Humanitarian Action


This document forms the third chapter of ALNAP’s 8th Review of Humanitarian Action, for more information and access to other chapters, please click here. Critics of humanitarian aid, many from within the sector, complain that humanitarian evaluations and other learning exercises repeatedly highlight...


Le b.a.-ba des transferts monétaires : tout ce que vous devez savoir

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