Le réseau CALP fournit un soutien en matière de renforcement des capacités, technique et de coordination pour renforcer la communauté de pratique en Amérique du Nord, en Amérique latine et dans les Caraïbes. L’équipe du réseau CALP travaillant dans les Amériques est basée aux États-Unis et en Colombie.
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Un vent de renouveau : Enseignements et recommandations en matière d’utilisation des transferts monétaires (TM) lors de la saison des ouragans de l’Atlantique dans les Caraïbes.
Cette note d’information a été commanditée par le CALP Network pour rassembler des données probantes de bonnes pratiques et les enseignements tirés afin de formuler des recommandations à destination des praticien-ne-s humanitaires et autres acteurs et actrices dans le cadre de la conception des transferts monétaires (TM) dans la région des Caraïbes.
Le présent document s’appuie...
Cartographier une approche des transferts monétaires fondée sur les routes : Faisabilité dans certains contextes des Amériques
Les schémas de mobilité humaine sont complexes et en constante évolution, et ils sont influencés par toute une série de facteurs. Pour répondre efficacement aux besoins variables des personnes en déplacement, les transferts monétaires doivent être conçus en tenant compte de l’ensemble du spectre de la mobilité humaine et être suffisamment souples pour s’adapter à la nature...
Déplacement de personnes : Les transferts monétaires Peuvent-ils soutenir le rythme ?
Analyse du recours aux transferts monétaires dans le contexte de la mobilité des personnes dans les Amériques
Rétrospective pour aller encore plus loin : les transferts monétaires humanitaires dans les Amériques 2018–2023
Entre 2018 et 2023, le paysage de l'aide humanitaire s'est transformé dans les Amériques, notamment avec la mise en œuvre accrue des transferts monétaires dans la région.
1 – 20 sur 197 résultats
Francisco Hernandez
Francisco is a bilingual (English-Spanish) industrial engineering professional with 10+ years of progressive experience. His diversified skills include program management, cash transfer programming, public policies management, humanitarian aid and migratory flow interventions, and excellent organizational...
The Use of Multisectoral Electronic Vouchers to Reduce Protection Risks for People in Transit in Colombia
This best practice document describes ZOA Colombia's journey towards better protection programming for people in transit in the migration setting in Colombia. By using multisectoral e-vouchers, people in transit are served as quickly as possible to cover their most urgent protection needs along the...
Social protection in emergencies: Strengthening the normative framework for cash transfer delivery
This document reflects the process and results of the collaborative analysis carried out between humanitarian and government actors on the normative framework for the use of Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA) to respond to emergencies and disasters through the social protection (SP) system in...
Empowering Communities: Village Saving and Loan Associations (VSLAs) and Gender-Based Violence (GBV) Prevention in Southern Haiti
Since 2019, Haiti’s economy has deteriorated for five consecutive years, attributed to a confluence of factors such as ongoing political instability deepened by the assassination of its former President and coordinated gang violence, socioeconomic crises, and high vulnerability to frequent natural...
Documentary – Palabras para Luciana – Delivering people-centered CVA to people on the move in Colombia
This documentary shows the innovative CVA work of ZOA and RedRose with people on the move along the migration trails in Colombia. Innovative technology, human centered design and impact come together in this project that is implemented in a complex displacement setting.
The documentary tells the...
USA & Canada Community of Practice Meeting
CALP will host a meeting with members of the USA & Canada Community of Practice on Wednesday October 16, 2024, from 14:00 to 15:30 (EST). The event will be online. The meeting will explore the topic of CVA cash risks under scrutiny. We will be discussing how cash is being put under fire in some...
Focusing on the Journey – The need for a regional approach to migration monitoring
A cross-border approach to humanitarian research and response in Latin America is necessary given the nature of movements.
Funding local capacities for migration information management is key to strengthen evidence-based programming and response..
Programming should prioritise fostering greater...
Aller de l’avant : les transferts monétaires humanitaires dans les Amériques au cours des cinq prochaines années
Contexte Les transferts monétaires humanitaires ont considérablement augmenté en volume et en portée au cours de la période 2018-2023. Avec au moins cinq ans de transferts monétaires humanitaires généralisés dans les Amériques, il est possible d’examiner la maturité de l’utilisation des...
Rétrospective pour aller encore plus loin : les transferts monétaires humanitaires dans les Amériques 2018–2023
Entre 2018 et 2023, le paysage de l'aide humanitaire s'est transformé dans les Amériques, notamment avec la mise en œuvre accrue des transferts monétaires dans la région.
Simulation Exercises: Shock Responsive Social Protection – Key insights from the first iteration
This document is about a Shock Responsive Social Protection (SRSP) simulation exercise conducted in Anguilla in June 2024. It details key insights and lessons learned from this first iteration of the simulation, which was designed to improve disaster preparedness and response capabilities in the...
Report series of events – Cash Week in Colombia
Considering the level of interest and influence of Colombia in the Americas region, CALP and the local CWG of Colombia developed a series of joint « Cash Week » events in the cities of Cucuta, Medellín and Bogotá, on 6-10 of May 2024, to identify specific topics of interest for each territory. This...
GBV Risk Mitigation in CVA Programming: Key takeaways from a UNFPA regional Latin American workshop
In May 2024 UNFPA held a 2-day regional workshop Panama to enhance collaboration and skills related to the mitigation of GBV risks in CVA interventions in Latin America. The workshop brought together 24 GBV and CVA experts, including GBV specialists, GBV coordinators and CWG coordinators under the two...
Cash Assistance within GBV Case Management in Honduras: Saving lives and meeting the urgent needs of GBV survivors
Honduras is facing a multidimensional crisis, exacerbating widespread violence against women and individuals with intersecting vulnerabilities. As part of its efforts to better support those affected by gender-based violence (GBV) in Honduras, UNFPA provides cash assistance to GBV survivors through...
USA & Canada Community of Practice Meeting
CALP will host a meeting with members of the USA & Canada Community of Practice on Wednesday July 10th, 2024, from 14:00 to 15:30 (EST). The event will be online. The meeting will explore the topic of CVA in contexts with fast changing security contexts with presentation from: Panos Navrozidis, BHA...
User Journeys of Cash + Entrepreneurship Participants: A journey mapping case study from Colombia
The VenEsperanza Consortium’s latest report showcases the real experiences of participants who received cash assistance and complementary entrepreneurship programming though journey mapping. Inspired by human-centered design, journey mapping aims to understand diverse users’ needs, behaviors, and...
User Journeys of Cash + Savings Group Participants: A journey mapping case study from Colombia
The VenEsperanza Consortium’s latest report showcases the real experiences of participants who received cash assistance and complementary savings group programming though journey mapping. Inspired by human-centered design, journey mapping aims to understand diverse users’ needs, behaviors, and...
IOM Cash-Based Interventions: Annual Report and Case Studies 2023
In recent years, IOM has placed special attention on increasing the use and coordination of cash-based interventions (CBI) across the organization in line with the Grand Bargain commitments and the IOM CBI Strategy 2022–2026.
In 2023, IOM continued to increase the use of CBI modalities to empower aid...
Reculer pour mieux sauter : les transferts monétaires dans les Amériques
Contexte Bien que les transferts humanitaires ne soient pas nouveaux dans les Amériques, leur utilisation à grande échelle et dans divers contextes à travers la région est un phénomène récent. Avec au moins cinq ans d’expérience dans l’utilisation des transferts monétaires humanitaires dans...
Experience in Piloting the AccessRC Self-Registration Tool in Colombia
The Colombian Red Cross (CRC) in conjunction with the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) developed a pilot project to validate the AccessRC self-registration application in Colombia.
This report documents the experience of using the application, the challenges faced,...
Route-based Programming in Latin America and the Caribbean. Mid-term report. May 2024
This document serves as a mid-term report of CashCap’s
Route-Based Programming deployment in Latin America
and the Caribbean, exploring the fundamental question:
How might we design humanitarian interventions
that effectively address the critical needs of mobile
populations, and mitigate protection...