Le réseau CALP fournit un soutien en matière de renforcement des capacités, technique et de coordination pour renforcer la communauté de pratique en Amérique du Nord, en Amérique latine et dans les Caraïbes. L’équipe du réseau CALP travaillant dans les Amériques est basée aux États-Unis et en Colombie.
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Un vent de renouveau : Enseignements et recommandations en matière d’utilisation des transferts monétaires (TM) lors de la saison des ouragans de l’Atlantique dans les Caraïbes.
Cette note d’information a été commanditée par le CALP Network pour rassembler des données probantes de bonnes pratiques et les enseignements tirés afin de formuler des recommandations à destination des praticien-ne-s humanitaires et autres acteurs et actrices dans le cadre de la conception des transferts monétaires (TM) dans la région des Caraïbes.
Le présent document s’appuie...
Cartographier une approche des transferts monétaires fondée sur les routes : Faisabilité dans certains contextes des Amériques
Les schémas de mobilité humaine sont complexes et en constante évolution, et ils sont influencés par toute une série de facteurs. Pour répondre efficacement aux besoins variables des personnes en déplacement, les transferts monétaires doivent être conçus en tenant compte de l’ensemble du spectre de la mobilité humaine et être suffisamment souples pour s’adapter à la nature...
Déplacement de personnes : Les transferts monétaires Peuvent-ils soutenir le rythme ?
Analyse du recours aux transferts monétaires dans le contexte de la mobilité des personnes dans les Amériques
Rétrospective pour aller encore plus loin : les transferts monétaires humanitaires dans les Amériques 2018–2023
Entre 2018 et 2023, le paysage de l'aide humanitaire s'est transformé dans les Amériques, notamment avec la mise en œuvre accrue des transferts monétaires dans la région.
21 – 40 sur 197 résultats
USA & Canada Community of Practice Meeting
The overall objective of the meeting is to create a space for exchange for CVA actors working in the USA and Canada. Interested CVA professionals based in the USA and Canada are welcome to attend.
Integrating Livelihoods Support into Emergency Assistance Programming
Guidelines and Tools
This report draws on research and learning to advocate for broader consideration of expanded humanitarian response programming, especially in situations of prolonged crises. Livelihoods programs have a crucial role to play in emergency settings, especially when combined with and aligned with cash...
From Emergency to System Strengthening: WFP Caribbean cash transfer responses through social protection (2018-2023)
This document presents an overview of the World Food Programme’s efforts from 2018 to 2023 in the Caribbean, focusing on enhancing social protection systems through cash transfers in response to emergencies, highlighting key lessons learned and the path forward. This paper provides an overview of WFP...
Colombia and Lebanon Evaluation Report: Measuring the impact of cash on child protection outcomes
As humanitarian crises break down traditional protection mechanisms and the loss of income restricts access to basic resources, children become increasingly vulnerable to abuse, neglect, exploitation, and violence. Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA) is a critical modality that is increasingly being adopted...
Cash and Vouchers Assistance (CVA) and Child Protection: Summary of practice and evidence from Save the Children programmes 2023 Edition
In an effort to increase global knowledge and learning, Save the Children conducted a global review of twenty Country Offices and their programs in order to assess and highlight the impact that different forms of Cash and Vouchers Assistance (CVA) have on Child Protection (CP) outcomes, to identify...
Cash & Voucher Assistance (CVA) for Health Outcomes: a case study in Peru
This case study is drawn from Save the Children CVA operations in Peru between 2021 and 2023, focusing on the achievement of health outcomes for vulnerable Venezuelan migrants.
Following an overview of the contexts and of the needs, it deep dives into the technical design of the integrated program,...
Cash and Voucher Assistance: Breaking down barriers to SRH care in humanitarian settings
Global commitments to universal health coverage mean that all people should have access to a full range of quality health services without financial hardship. Despite these commitments, populations affected by emergencies often face heightened barriers to accessing health services due to disruptions to...
Payment Solutions for CVA Implementers
This report explores how CVA implementers can leverage developments in payment technology to empower recipients, offering them a choice of CVA delivery mechanisms.
Empowering Communities: Reducing Stigma and Harm Amidst the Opioid Crisis in Robeson County, North Carolina
Overdose deaths related to opioids have soared in almost all of the United States every year since 2002, and in 2024 the opioid crisis continues to be declared a national public health emergency. The COVID-19 pandemic exacerbated the crisis, reducing access to prevention and treatment services, harm...
Table ronde régionale des Amériques – Réponses locales
Le CALP Network s’est engagé à soutenir les acteurs locaux pour qu’ils dirigent les réponses humanitaires, y compris la distribution des transferts monétaires (TM), et à soutenir le mouvement en faveur d’une réponse humanitaire centrée sur les personnes. Suite aux discussions mondiales et aux...
Impact Evaluation of Cash-Based Transfers on Food Security and Gender Equality in El Salvador
1. Gender inequality is pervasive, particularly in developing countries such as El Salvador, and its potential welfare implications are concerning. In El Salvador, only 45.4 percent of women participate in the labour market, in contrast to 74.4 percent of men. 2. Economic development, gender equality in...
Empowering Communities: Multi-purpose cash assistance to wildfire-affected households in Maui
On August 8, 2023, catastrophic wildfires in Maui County, Hawaii spread rapidly due to intense winds brought on by Hurricane Dora, devastating the town of Lahaina and causing widespread displacement across communities. It ranks as one of the 10 deadliest wildfires in US history since 1871 and the largest...
Understanding how Cash and Voucher Assistance Programs for Nutrition are Implemented: A review of programmatic case examples from Burkina Faso, Mali, Niger, Somalia, and Colombia
The purpose of this review was to identify and document case examples of programs in different countries and contexts that use cash, vouchers, or in-kind food assistance with nutrition activities to understand why and how these programs are implemented, and identify innovations that may inform and support...
Empowering Communities: Examining CORE’s Delivery of Food Vouchers to Immigrant and Refugee Households in Brazil
In 2022 alone Brazil hosted more than 560,000 refugees, asylum-seekers, stateless individuals and other individuals needing international protection. With year-on-year increase this trend is likely to continue. Although the government of Brazil does extend several protections to refugees—including...
WVI Cash Roadmap 2.0 – New Avenues – Leveraging, multiplying “Nexus” cash to take children and their families further than imagined
WVI's strategic global Cash Roadmap 2.0 (2024-2027) speaks to the organisations' commitment that amidst polycrises and resourcing constraints, there is urgency to maximise and multiply World Vision's capabilities, assets and cash voucher programming (CVP=CVA) is a powerful tool to do so.
Working with Financial Service Providers to Provide Emergency Cash Assistance
Guidelines and Tools
This report, prepared and published as part of VenEsperanza’s research and learning agenda, presents lessons learned and best practices related to the collaboration between humanitarian actors and financial service providers (FSPs) in delivering multi-purpose cash assistance in emergency contexts. Using...
It’s time for a route-based approach in CVA programming: Unpacking the criteria to meet the needs of people on the move
Webinar recording
During this event, we discussed the key findings and proposals from our recent study “Mapping a Route-Based Approach to CVA: Feasibility in Select Contexts in the Americas”, including which are the benefits of adopting such an approach.
Exploring GBV Risk Mitigation in Iraq and Colombia
In 2022, UNFPA and the Global Women’s Institute (GWI) at George Washington University undertook operational research in Iraq and Colombia with the goal of developing proxy indicators for mitigating GBV risk to women who receive cash assistance. Proxy indicators for detecting GBV risks to women in cash...
Cartographier une approche des transferts monétaires fondée sur les routes : Faisabilité dans certains contextes des Amériques
Les schémas de mobilité humaine sont complexes et en constante évolution, et ils sont influencés par toute une série de facteurs. Pour répondre efficacement aux besoins variables des personnes en déplacement, les transferts monétaires doivent être conçus en tenant compte de l’ensemble du...
Open Partner Survey for Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA) in Response to a Crisis
The open partner survey for cash and voucher assistance (CVA) in response to a crisis is a collaborative effort between REDLAC and the Regional Cash Working Group (R4V), with technical support from CashCap/NORCAP and the participation of multiple organizations. This report provides an analysis of the...