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Cash Enthusiast’s Guide to Humanitarian Networks and Partnerships Week
Blog Post
The fifth Humanitarian Networks and Partnerships Week (HNPW) will be held at the International Conference Centre (CICG) in Geneva, Switzerland from 4-8 February 2019.
Networks and Collective Action : Hard-truths and top tips
Blog Post
In this guest blog, independent humanitarian consultant and former programme coordinator for the CALP Network, Isabelle Pelly, shares her advice for leveraging the power of networks for collective action.
Celebrating Three Years of Membership and 10 New Members
Blog Post
It has been three years since the CALP Network first expanded its membership beyond its 'founding five' members. We welcome in the new year with the addition of 10 new members, bringing our total number to more than 80.
Words Matter: A brief overview of the cash terminology debate
Blog Post
In this guest blog, Oxfam GB's cash adviser Steph Roberson looks back on #CashWeek2018 and how the key debates over terminology have fed into the revision of the CALP Network Glossary.
Join our Building Individual Expertise Programme in West Africa
Blog Post
The BIEP offers individuals the opportunity to benefit from a range of capacity building activities, including training, job placement and mentoring. Apply now to be part of the 2019-20 cohort in West Africa.
The CALP Network’s 2018 Glossary: The key updates you need to know
Blog Post
The CALP Network Glossary is a comprehensive list of the terminology used in cash and voucher assistance, updated annually to reflect evolutions in which terms are used and how. The CALP Network's Ruth McCormack summaries the major revisions in the 2018 edition.
The CALP Network Publishes Collection of Research Papers to Fill the Evidence Gap Around Gender and Cash
Blog Post
UN Women, Concern Worldwide and World Food Programme are the first to contribute research to this ongoing series of papers.
New Common Cash System Announced by WFP, UNHCR, UNICEF and OCHA
On 5 December 2018 WFP, UNHCR, UNICEF and OCHA announced the launch of a joint system for the design, delivery and monitoring of cash assistance.
What I learned at the CALP Network’s Celebrating Digital Humanitarian Cash Event
Blog Post
This workshop was a triumphant but sad goodbye to ELAN, the Electronic Cash Transfer Learning Action Network. This was their closing event after four years of hard work, and they leave behind a rather magnificent legacy of tools, guidance, learning, webinars, resources and case studies on how to best...
Cash Week 2018: Looking around and looking ahead
Blog Post
Cash Week 2018 aimed to do two things: challenge us all to think differently about our work and to carve out a space to do so. In this blog, the CALP Network's Sophie Tholstrup reflects on the key debates from the week, and asks how we can build on this momentum and identify new ways of working to meet...
Standards on Cash and Markets: Time to raise the bar
Blog Post
Humanitarian action is changing fast, and an updated set of shared standards will be crucial in upholding quality among a new generation of responders. The launch of the new Sphere Handbook on November 6th represents the most comprehensive effort to date review the humanitarian standards, to keep...
It’s humanitarian planning season! Ten tips for strengthening the inclusion of cash assistance as part of the HRP process
Blog Post
It’s November and humanitarian planning season is in full swing. To its advocates, the Humanitarian Needs Overview (HNO) and Humanitarian Response Plan (HRP) process is a critical opportunity to collectively allocate resources and capacities to meet the most urgent humanitarian needs in a given context....
The CALP Network’s Karen Peachey in Devex: “For cash transfers to work, we can’t ignore gender”
Blog Post
Our interim director Karen Peachey is featured on discussing the need to build the evidence around the relationship between gender and cash transfers. The CALP Network’s ‘Collected Papers on Gender and Cash Transfers’ is out now.
The CALP Network Presents Cash Week 2018: Networking, learning, visioning
Blog Post
Join us in London from 15-19 October 2018 to advance issues, reflect and prepare for the future of cash transfer programming.
Three Takeaways from the ECOSOC-HAS Discussion on Linking Cash Transfers with Social Protection Systems
Blog Post
There is growing interest from governments and donors alike in building or strengthening social protection systems to protect the poorest and most vulnerable people. The CALP Network's Lynn Yoshikawa joined a panel with representatives from governments, UN agencies, NGOs and donors to discuss the...
New Markets Support Tip Sheet and Webinar
Blog Post
Have you heard about market support programming but don’t quite understand what it is or how to put it into practice? The CALP Network has developed a tip sheet with Catholic Relief Services (CRS) and our Markets Working Group, and will share tips and tricks from the community of practice in a launch...
The Grand Bargain Cash Meetings: what did we learn, how are we doing, where next?
Blog Post
After cash focal points from Grand Bargain signatory organisations gathered in Rome for the second annual meeting of the Grand Bargain cash workstream, we ask how much progress has been made towards commitments, and what remains to be done.
#SOWC2018 Launch Event and Webinar for the Asia Region, 16 May
Blog Post
The CALP Network will launch the State of the World’s Cash report in the Asia region through a dedicated event with the Regional Cash Working Group. More information and details of how to join here.
Upcoming Event: Learning from CTP in the Ebola response
Blog Post
Join us for a dissemination event on May 29 in Dakar, Senegal, to explore the findings from the CALP Network's research on the use of cash transfers in the Ebola response, and how this can inform our responses in future epidemics.
ERC Learning Event: Scaling up our tools and approaches for multi-purpose cash grants
Blog Post
Watch the videos and read the recommendations from the ERC MPG Consortium event in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.