The CALP Network’s Cash Learning Hub is Now Live!
What is the Cash Learning Hub?
The Cash Learning Hub is a one-stop-shop for Cash Transfer Programming (CTP) learning and training resources, and our course catalogue has over 30 resources in English, French Arabic, and Spanish. By partnering with the Humanitarian Leadership Academy, the CALP Network is able to bring its course catalogue to a wide range of practitioners via their learning platform, Kaya.
Who is the Cash Learning Hub for?
The Cash Learning Hub is for anyone working in the humanitarian sector who would like to increase their skills, knowledge, and competences in Cash Transfer Programming.
What can I do on the Cash Learning Hub?
To undertake a competency-based approach to capacity building, you can…
- Identify your job family and find out which CTP-specific competences apply to your role.
- Take a competency self-assessment to identify key topic areas you wish to improve or develop.
- Find out which training courses are available to help you build specific competence areas.
To take part in online learning, you can:
- Access a wide range of e-learning courses, ranging from basic introductory courses on CTP (such as The Fundamentals of Cash Transfer Programming) to advanced level courses on specialised subjects (such as Designing CTPs that are linked to Social Protection, or Urban CTP and Livelihoods).
- the CALP Network currently has over 20 e-learning courses available on a range of topics linked to Cash and Markets, developed by the CALP Network and other agencies such as the International Rescue Committee (IRC), the Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC) and & DanChurchAid (DCA).
- Recently launched – 2 new online practical scenarios that allow learners to test their CTP knowledge and skills, make programmatic decisions, and learn from the outcomes, Practical Scenario: Coordinating multi-sector cash transfer programmes and Practical Scenario: Monitoring and Adapting Cash Transfer and Voucher Programmes.
To register for a Face to face training, you can…
- View the CALP Network’s training calendar and book a wide range of face to face courses in multiple locations around the globe.
To browse a wide range of video & Webinar resources, you can.,,
- View our selection of short 1-2 minute videos which can be used for advocacy or to support learning, and to introduce some basic concepts of CTP
- Watch a range of in-depth webinar recordings on CTP-related topics, such as markets, coordination, monitoring, and digital payments.
- Find out the latest trends and debates in CTP by watching the recordings of the Global Cash Forum held in June 2017 in Geneva.
- View country-specific case studies and videos relating to how CTP has been used in different countries and contexts
Coming soon – Learning Pathways
- Take a structured approach to learning about CTP, starting with the introductory courses, and increasing your skills and knowledge using a pathway approach, combining online learning with face to face training, and incorporating a space to test out knowledge and skills via online scenarios.
Take a look at the Cash Learning Hub now.
Main image: Ilvy Njiokiktjien – Oxfam Novib