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241 – 260 of 412 results

Community Baseline: A Survey On Resilience In South Central Somalia


A comprehensive understanding of the socio-economic and environmental context of intervention is essential to the success of any resilience-building program. Based on this premise, the BRCiS has taken a series of steps to strengthen its knowledge and understanding of key variables and dynamics in its...


Mobile Money Systems for Humanitarian Delivery: World Vision cash transfer project in Gihembe refugee camp, Rwanda


One of the factors driving the steady shift towards employing technology is the rapid expansion of the mobile telecommunications system and its potential to reach even remote areas of the world. According to global statistics, there are almost 7 billion mobilecellular subscriptions, three-quarters of them...


Étude de cas du CALP Network – Soutien au relèvement économique des foyers urbains dans la ville de Karoi, au Zimbabwe


Dans la zone urbaine de Karoi, au Zimbabwe, Save the Children a allié des programmes d’argent contre travail au soutien des moyens de subsistance pour répondre aux besoins alimentaires immédiats et soutenir le relèvement économique des familles en situation de pauvreté. Le projet a utilisé des...


Pilots, principles or patronage: what makes social protection succeed in southern Africa?


The Regional Hunger and Vulnerability Programme (RHVP) has commissioned studies of 20 social transfer schemes and a range of thematic papers on the conceptualisation, design, implementation and impacts of social protection programmes in six southern African countries: Lesotho, Malawi....


Combating gender-based violence and enhancing economic empowerment of women in Northern Uganda through cash transfers


The aim of this evaluation is to assess the relevance, sustainability, effectiveness and efficiency of the programme. Moreover, the evaluation will assess the impact of the programme on women and girls in relation to livelihoods and economic empowerment and access to social services, including education,...


Community Baseline: A Survey On Resilience In South Central Somalia Summary


A comprehensive understanding of the socio-economic and environmental context of intervention is essential to the success of any resilience-building program. Based on this premise, the BRCiS has taken a series of steps to strengthen its knowledge and understanding of key variables and dynamics in its...


Atelier d’échange régional « Liens entre programmes de transferts monétaires d’urgence et filets sociaux de sécurité dans le Sahel » – Rapport de l’atelier


Les transferts monétaires sont aujourd’hui largement utilisés dans les réponses aux crises alimentaires et nutritionnelles du Sahel. Au-delà des situations d’urgence, les instruments de type « transferts monétaires » sont également de plus en plus considérés par les gouvernements et les...


Support to Lesotho HIV and AIDs Response: Empowerment of Orphans and Other Vulnerable Children


Oxford Policy Management (OPM) has been contracted by UNICEF Lesotho to undertake the final evaluation of the Project “Support to Lesotho HIV and AIDS Response: Empowerment of Orphans and Vulnerable Children”. The main objective of this evaluation is to provide decision makers in the Government of...


Humanitarian crises, emergency preparedness and response: The roles of business and the private sector – final report and case studies from Indonesia, Kenya, Jordan and Haiti


The private sector has long been a major contributor to humanitarian action. At the community level, businesses frequently use their materials and resources to aid people affected by crises. As local markets recover and supply chains are repaired, crisis-affected people are once again able to access basic...


A Guide to Calculating the Cost of Delivering Cash Transfers in Humanitarian Emergencies – With reference to case studies in Kenya and Somalia


The emergence of cash transfers as a viable alternative to in-kind aid – such as food or shelter materials – for households affected by humanitarian disasters has been documented for some years now. Under certain conditions, when local markets are able to accommodate increased demand and prices will...


Facteurs affectant l’optimisation des coûts des transferts électroniques dans les programmes humanitaires


Ce travail de recherche propose une méthodologie pour évaluer les coûts et présente des études de cas détaillées sur les coûts liés à l’exécution des récents programmes faisant appel aux transferts monétaires en situation d’urgence menés au Kenya et en Somalie, s’inspirant des...


Social protection in developing countries – The Lesotho Old Age Pension (MSc Thesis)


By using the example of the noncontributory pension scheme in Lesotho, the author explores the process of implementing social protection in developing countries, looking at how constraints can be overcome and what consequences can be found. This paper also looks at the justification for directing such...


Étude de cadrage: les transferts monétaires d’urgence dans les secteurs WASH et du logement


Ces dernières années, les discussions au sujet des transferts monétaires ont cessé de remettre en cause la validité de la distribution d’argent et de coupons en tant que modalité d’intervention, comme c’était le cas initialement. Aujourd’hui, leur valeur ajoutée dans les contextes...


Africa Social Protection Policy Briefs – Affordability and Financing of Social Protection Systems


Social protection spending as a share of each national economy tends to increase as the country’s per capita income rises and as the coverage and scope of its social protection programs increase. Overall spending on social protection in Africa is low by international standards (see box below), and these...


Policy brief – Policy options for the Lesotho Child Grants Programme

Policy paper

The Lesotho Child Grants Programme (CGP) is an unconditional social cash transfer targeted to poor and vulnerable households. The objective of the CGP is to improve the living standards of Orphans and Vulnerable Children (OVC) so as to reduce malnutrition, improve health status and increase school...


Cash Transfers and HIV Prevention


This paper proposes some initial principles on how to optimize HIV impacts of cash transfers, by encouraging targeting that: focuses on communities with high rates of new HIV infections, particularly acquired via sexual transmission; reduces local or community levels of economic inequalities between men...


What is social protection?


This presentation was made on behalf of UNICEF at the social protection framework validation meeting that took place at the Jacaranda Hotel in Nairobi, Kenya on 26 September 2014. It looks at components and dimensions of social protection, lessons from global experiences and some limitations of the...


Scaling Up Existing Social Safety Nets to Provide Humanitarian Response: A case study of Ethiopia’s Productive Safety Net Programme and Kenya’s Hunger Safety Net Programme

Policy paper

A case study of Ethiopia’s Productive Safety Net Programme and Kenya’s Hunger Safety Net Programme. This thematic report has been undertaken as part of a 2013 research study entitled, Is Cash Transfer Programming ‘Fit for the Future’? The research was commissioned by the the CALP Network and...


Designing Social Protection Frameworks for Somalia: Findings and Ways Forward in SCS


This presentation was made on behalf of Development Pathways at the social protection framework validation meeting that took place at the Jacaranda Hotel in Nairobi, Kenya on 26 September 2014. It looks at designing social protection frameworks for Somalia and covers: 1.Activities and Methods 2.Macro...