Adapting Cash Programming to Inflation, Depreciation and Economic Volatility
Many countries across the world are grappling with very high rates of inflation and currency depreciation with prices of commodities and the cost of living rising tremendously. The high rates of inflation and currency depreciation, along with the measures implemented by governments to curb them impact cash assistance by complicating how the programmes need to be designed, implemented, and delivered to remain effective.
The CALP Network supported country cash working groups (CWGs) in five African countries – Burkina Faso, Malawi, Nigeria, South Sudan and Zimbabwe – to agree on the actions needed to develop clear predictable processes for adapting cash programming to the economic trends at country level.
The reports capture the key points from discussions with stakeholders, recommendations and the actions to be taken forward at country level. The recommendations and action points are a product of extensive consultations with a variety of actors within these countries as well as at regional and global levels. A learning brief discusses the key dilemmas and challenges identified during the work done in the five countries, as well as some of the recommendations that are applicable to all CWGs in contexts of high inflation and depreciation. A summary paper capturing different scenarios and corresponding recommendations has also been included.