Le rapport « La situation mondiale des transferts monétaires » du CaLP Network indique que l’idée selon laquelle les transferts monétaires seraient plus risqués que d’autres formes d’aide est l’une des barrières principales à l’utilisation fréquente de cette modalité. Ces craintes sont liées à l’insistance de plus en plus franche des bailleurs concernant la lutte contre le terrorisme et contre le blanchiment d’argent, et à l’amenuisement des budgets destinés à l’assistance humanitaire. Le travail du CALP Network sur cette problématique vise à combattre les idées reçues, à faciliter la collaboration et à partager les apprentissages afin de veiller à ce que les transferts monétaires soient systématiquement considérés, tout comme d’autres modalités, en fonction des données probantes disponibles sur les risques réels de toutes les modalités.
Priorités actuelles
Plusieurs organisations travaillent actuellement sur les risques entraînés par les transferts monétaires. Le CALP Network cherche à identifier les synergies entre acteurs, à éviter les duplications et à définir des priorités communes sur lesquelles nous pourrions agir plus efficacement en groupe. Avec le PAM, le CALP Network co-dirige l’élément Risques, priorité du chantier du Grand Bargain sur les transferts monétaires.
Contenu présenté
Podcast: Will risk aversion hold us back from realizing the potential of CVA?
Episode 1 of the CashCast, exploring how attitudes to risk have impacted the use of CVA in the Middle East and North Africa region.
Transferts monétaires et risques : ce qui se passe sur le terrain, reste sur le terrain (et pourquoi c’est un problème)
Blog Post
En octobre 2019, le CALP Network a facilité à Douala, au Cameroun, une réunion de partage d’expériences sur les risques liés à la protection des bénéficiaires dans les interventions monétaires. Cette réunion restreinte, organisée dans le cadre d’une série de rencontres dans différentes régions, a permis à 25 travailleurs humanitaires d’Afrique de l’Ouest et du Centre,...
Webinar: Data sharing in CVA: ethics, ownership and privacy
Thematic lead
Contenu récent
Cash Transfers: An Effective Tool for International Development and Humanitarian Aid
In the last 20 years direct payments to recipients have emerged as an effective way to deliver aid to vulnerable people. Evidence from 200 studies shows that direct cash transfers (CTs) have a strong impact on poverty reduction, and that they are particularly efficient in emergency situations. This...
Risk-verse to Risk-willing: Learning from the 2011 Somalia Cash Response
In 201 the humanitarian community faced a difficult question. Could large-scale cash transfers provide an effective alternative to food aid delivery in South Central Somalia to avert a famine? Ultimately, between August 2011 and May 2012, more than 81 million US dollars in the form of unconditional cash...
Introducing the ELAN Data Starter Kit
Blog Post
Electronic cash transfers (e-transfers) often necessitate the transfer of personal data, some of which is sensitive, between humanitarian and private sector actors, such as financial service providers (FSPs). As use of e-transfers increases, having strong data management and protection practices in place...
Using Cash for Shelter: Displaced and Recent Returnee Households Invite Recovery in Eastern DRC (DRIVE) Internal Conflict and Displacement
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The Democratic Republic of Congo, or DRC, has endured multiple conflicts since 1996, including armed conflict in Eastern DRC in 2012 and 2013. In December 2014, the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs in the DRC reported that the armed conflict had internally displaced 2.72...
Policy on Cash-Based Interventions
UNHCR’s Policy on Cash-Based Interventions (CBIs) is introduced herewith to expand and systematise the use of CBIs as a modality of assistance and service delivery across the organization and its operations worldwide. The Policy reconfirms UNHCR’s commitment to the increased use of CBIs and sets out...
Using Cash for Shelter: Malawi Floods and Rains Recovery Program
Case Study
In January 2015, heavy rainstorms and floods affected 630,000 people in Malawi. Protracted immersion or flow of water damaged or destroyed dwellings and displaced over 170,000 people, with timber and roofing material also lost to the floods. Catholic Relief Services conducted a physical survey of...
Using Cash for Shelter: Cash Transfer for Transitional Shelter
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An earthquake measuring 7.6 magnitude struck near the coast of West Sumatra, Indonesia, on September 30, 2009, affecting over 1.25 million people. Catholic Relief Services conducted rapid needs assessments in October 2009, identifying shelter as the most urgent need. Over 80 percent of the houses in some...
Using Cash for Shelter: Project Daijok ("Helping Each Other")
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After a major earthquake in the Philippines in October 2013, Catholic Relief Services reached 5,000 families with emergency shelter materials, water and hygiene kits, and emergency latrines. In November 2013, CRS staff conducted a housing and market assessment in three of the worst‑hit municipalities of...
Les transferts monétaires et la programmation à distance en situation d’urgence
Guides et outils
Dans des situations d’urgence où les acteurs humanitaires rencontrent de grandes difficultés d’accès, l’utilisation de programmes de transferts monétaires (PTM ou CPT en anglais pour Cash Transfer Programmes) présente un fort potentiel pour aider à fournir un soutien vital aux personnes les...
Guide pour la protection dans le cadre des interventions monétaires
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Recommandations clés pour assurer la protection dans le cadre d’interventions monétaires
Guides et outils
Recommandations clés pour assurer la protection dans le cadre d’interventions monétaires
Conseils pour assurer la protection dans le cadre des interventions monétaires
Guides et outils
Conseils pour assurer la protection dans le cadre des interventions monétaires
Using Cash for Shelter: An Overview of CRS Programs
Cash continues to gain prevalence as a modality for humanitarian agencies to help people meet multiple and diverse needs in the wake of a crisis. It provides people with the dignity of choice, and is often significantly more cost-efficient than the delivery of in-kind aid. In programs with a shelter...
What to know: working with humanitarians on e-cash programs
International humanitarian assistance rose to a record US$24.5 billion in 2014. The 2015 Global Humanitarian Assistance Report indicated that over US$200 million of this was used in cash and voucher programs. An increasing number of humanitarian actors have begun to deliver cash electronically, through...
Using Cash for Shelter: Flood Emergency Response in Serbia
Case Study
The devastating floods that affected the Balkans in May 2014 affected 1.6 million people, 22 percent of Serbia’s population, and have set the country’s economic development back decades. Catholic Relief Services (CRS) conducted rapid assessments in 13 villages in the municipalities of Šabac, Valjevo,...
Scale Right: Coordinating Improved Cash Assistance in Greece
Europe is still reeling from the largest refugee crisis it has experienced since World War II. During the first half of 2015 Greece saw an average of 3,000 refugees arriving daily by sea onto the island of Lesvos. While the number of new arrivals—fleeing war in Syria, conflicts in Iraq, Afghanistan and...
Using Cash for Shelter: Windows of Slovyansk
Case Study
After pro-Russian separatists declared republics in Eastern Ukraine in April 2014, Slovyansk became a focal point of fighting between government forces and rebels until the Ukrainian military retook the city in early July. Slovyansk saw the heaviest fighting of any urban area and many city dwellers fled....
Using Cash for Shelter: Winter Resilience for IDPs in Eastern Ukraine
Case Study
Continued conflict in Eastern Ukraine during 2014 caused internal displacement of over 1.46 million people by September 2015, and another 1,123,800 fled to other countries, according to the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees. Rapid assessments carried out by Catholic Relief Services found that...
The Politics of Cash: A Case Study on Humanitarian Cash Transfers in Ukraine
This case study examines the evolution of cash transfers in the humanitarian response in Ukraine. The use of cash transfers in Ukraine brought out the best and worst aspects of the international humanitarian system. Uncertainty over where cash fits into the humanitarian architecture – and whether...
Outil d’analyse des risques et bénéfices en matière de protection
Guides et outils
Outil d’analyse des risques et bénéfices en matière de protection.