El informe del Estado Global de los Programas de Transferencias Monetarias de la CALP Network encontró que uno de los principales obstáculos para la utilización sistemática de los PTM es la percepción de que éstos incurrirían en más riesgos que otras formas de asistencia. Esta preocupación está vinculada a un mayor énfasis por parte de los donantes a la lucha contra el terrorismo y el blanqueo de dinero, así como a la reducción de los presupuestos para la asistencia humanitaria. El trabajo de la CALP Network bajo este tema tiene como objetivo desmentir mitos, facilitar la colaboración y compartir el aprendizaje para garantizar que los PTM sean considerados sistemáticamente y con igualdad, de acuerdo con las evidencias de riesgos reales que existen a través de las diferentes modalidades.
Prioridades actuales
Varias organizaciones están trabajando actualmente en materia de PTM y riesgo. La CALP Network se encuentra trabajando para identificar sinergias entre actores, evitar la duplicación de esfuerzos y definir prioridades comunes que puedan abordarse mejor de forma colectiva. Junto con el Programa Mundial de Alimentos (PMA), la CALP Network colidera la prioridad de riesgo dentro del grupo de trabajo del Gran Pacto sobre la asistencia en efectivo.
Contenido destacado
Podcast: Will risk aversion hold us back from realizing the potential of CVA?
Episode 1 of the CashCast, exploring how attitudes to risk have impacted the use of CVA in the Middle East and North Africa region.
CVA and Risks: What happens in the field, stays in the field?
Blog Post
In October 2019 in Douala, Cameroon, the CALP Network facilitated a learning event exploring the risks to beneficiary protection in Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA). This closed-door workshop, held as part of series of meetings and webinars on theme of CVA and risk in different regions, convened 25 humanitarian workers from West and Central Africa representing local and international NGOs, UN...
Webinar: Data sharing in CVA: ethics, ownership and privacy
Líder temática
Últimos recursos
CALP Online: Core CVA Skills for Programme Staff – Key Aid Consulting – April
Members training
Comunidad de práctica Programas de Transferencias Monetarias en las Américas
Evento miembro
La comunidad de practica busca promover un espacio sobre PTM basado en el intercambio de aprendizajes, innovación y buenas prácticas para fortalecer la coordinación y el flujo de información, desde las diferentes realidades locales, nacionales y regionales de los...
Discussion regarding the US freeze on humanitarian funding
The agenda will focus on the following:
1. Context Update
2. Impact of the freeze your organizations and your CVA programming including sectoral CVA
3. What is CALP doing?
4. What are local organizations doing? – NEAR network to discuss what they are doing
5. Questions and open discussions
CALP Online: Core CVA Skills for Programme Staff – Key Aid Consulting – February
Members training
Eastern Africa Regional CWG Meeting
Join us for the Eastern Africa Regional Cash Working Group (CWG) Meeting, where stakeholders from across the region will come together to explore the critical theme: “CVA and Social Protection in Conflict Situations.” This timely session will delve into the intersection of CVA and social protection...
Safety Net and Humanitarian Cash in the Emergency Response in Lebanon – What can we learn?
Lebanon is facing a severe humanitarian crisis exacerbated by economic turndown, widespread poverty, and displacement resulting from the escalation of the hostilities into war between Hezbollah and Israel on September 23, 2024. 1 A ceasefire was reached in the early hours of November 27, 2024, for a...
Payment Solution Seekers – Hearing from WFP Feb 2025
Members event
Juhi Kumar, from WFP, a payments group veteran is going to take us through WFP's search, assessment and contracting for their Global payments procurement. Why is this important? An increasing number of agencies (DRC just last week) are looking for global payment solutions, and WFP being one of the biggest...
Insights into Refugee Financial Inclusion/Financial Health Surveys–a Jordan example
Members event
Are you curious about how to measure financial inclusion & financial health?
Interested in learning from UNHCR’s experience conducting a national survey among refugees in Jordan on this subject?
Join us for a webinar 6 February (14:00-15:30 Amman time UTC+3) that delves into the technical...
MENA SP Linkages to CVA- Community of Practice Meeting
Members event
Event Details:
Date: 05 February 2025
Time: 3 PM (Amman time)
Location: MS Teams
Draft Agenda:
• Presentation of the Draft Workplan for 2025: Based on the feedback collected via the survey launched at the end of 2024, we drafted a new workplan. Share your thoughts and help shape the CoP’s...
Minutes and presentations from the WCAF regional CWG – January 2025
Meeting minutes
Minutes and presentations from the WCAF regional CWG – 25 January 2025 Watch the recording here or on YouTube
Los Programas de Transferencias Monetarias “son vitales»: necesitamos urgentemente defender los argumentos
Blog Post
Solo la ayuda "vital" está cubierta por la última exención de USAID sobre la congelación de fondos. Debemos seguir argumentando claramente que los Programas de Transferencias Monetarias (PTM) encajan firmemente en esta categoría.
RUTAS DE ESPERANZA: Bienestar y Protección Familiar
Rutas de Esperanza: Bienestar y Protección Familiar - Informe del Proyecto Piloto de Transferencias Monetarias
Este informe presenta los resultados del proyecto piloto "Rutas de Esperanza", una iniciativa de “Esperanza sin Fronteras” de World Vision en colaboración con CALP Network. Este proyecto...
MENA Regional Technical Forum Meeting
Members event
Join us for our upcoming MENA Regional Technical Forum meeting where we will be sharing the results of the thematic survey which we ran at the end of 2024, plans for our communities of practice in 2025, and presentations and discussion around anticipatory action and cash in the MENA region.
The meeting...
Congelación de fondos por parte de EE. UU. – Un mensaje de la Directora de CALP
Blog Post
La Directora del CALP, Cate Turton, comparte un mensaje de solidaridad con todos los socios y miembros de CALP y los trabajadores humanitarios.
CALP staff share some of their plans for 2025
Blog Post
We asked seventeen members of the CALP staff team to highlight at least one thing they had in store for the year ahead.
Regional Cash Working Group Meeting
This is a Save the Date for the next Regional Cash Working Group meeting that will take place on Wednesday January 22nd, 2025 from 9:00 to 11:00 (GMT) face to face and online.
The meeting will be interpreted simultaneously into English and French.
The agenda for this meeting is as follows:
¿Tienes 30 minutos? Descubre algo nuevo sobre PTM
CALP Network es una red de profesionales dedicados que están entusiasmados por aprender y compartir. La red también está ocupada con las demandas que competentes. ¿Cómo podemos fomentar el aprendizaje cuando se dispone de poco tiempo?
Para ello, ofrecemos una nueva serie de sesiones...
Cash and Voucher Assistance’s Unfinished Business: CALP’s role in delivering on the big promise
This report explores the opportunities cash presents to catalyze change in the humanitarian system, examining CVA's journey and highlighting its potential to drive positive change.
How can we Distinguish a ‘supporting community led response’ from a Group Cash Transfer?
This document aims to contribute to our understanding of the similarities and differences of supporting community led response (sclr) and Group Cash Transfers (GCTs), given their increased use in recent years. This is an evolving space and not every practitioner will agree with every nuance presented.
CALP Online: Core CVA Skills for Programme Staff – Key Aid Consulting – January
Members training