El informe del Estado Global de los Programas de Transferencias Monetarias de la CALP Network encontró que uno de los principales obstáculos para la utilización sistemática de los PTM es la percepción de que éstos incurrirían en más riesgos que otras formas de asistencia. Esta preocupación está vinculada a un mayor énfasis por parte de los donantes a la lucha contra el terrorismo y el blanqueo de dinero, así como a la reducción de los presupuestos para la asistencia humanitaria. El trabajo de la CALP Network bajo este tema tiene como objetivo desmentir mitos, facilitar la colaboración y compartir el aprendizaje para garantizar que los PTM sean considerados sistemáticamente y con igualdad, de acuerdo con las evidencias de riesgos reales que existen a través de las diferentes modalidades.
Prioridades actuales
Varias organizaciones están trabajando actualmente en materia de PTM y riesgo. La CALP Network se encuentra trabajando para identificar sinergias entre actores, evitar la duplicación de esfuerzos y definir prioridades comunes que puedan abordarse mejor de forma colectiva. Junto con el Programa Mundial de Alimentos (PMA), la CALP Network colidera la prioridad de riesgo dentro del grupo de trabajo del Gran Pacto sobre la asistencia en efectivo.
Contenido destacado
Podcast: Will risk aversion hold us back from realizing the potential of CVA?
Episode 1 of the CashCast, exploring how attitudes to risk have impacted the use of CVA in the Middle East and North Africa region.
CVA and Risks: What happens in the field, stays in the field?
Blog Post
In October 2019 in Douala, Cameroon, the CALP Network facilitated a learning event exploring the risks to beneficiary protection in Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA). This closed-door workshop, held as part of series of meetings and webinars on theme of CVA and risk in different regions, convened 25 humanitarian workers from West and Central Africa representing local and international NGOs, UN...
Webinar: Data sharing in CVA: ethics, ownership and privacy
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Últimos recursos
CALP Board Meeting
The CALP Board provides strategic leadership and operational oversight of CALP. It operates on the basis of the Operational Framework and Code of Conduct. The CALP Board meets a minimum of four times a year, online. For more information, go to the Board page.
CALP F2F: Core CVA Skills for Programme Staff in Paris – Key Aid Consulting
Members training
Humanitarian Cash and Voucher Assistance in the USA: Community of Practice
Objective To provide a once off space that facilitates exchange and learning for the actors implementing humanitarian Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA) in the United States. We aim to provide an environment to share knowledge, experiences, and best practices to enhance the effectiveness of their...
Trusting People with a Large Cash Payment – Exploring evidence on cash lump sums vs flow payments
Members event
This webinar will bring together social protection policy specialists and researchers to discuss the evidence base around lumpsum payments for poverty reduction versus regular social assistance payments. GiveDirectly will share the initial findings from the world’s longest Universal Basic Income (UBI)...
Hacia delante: los PTM humanitarios en las Américas en los próximos cinco años
Contexto Los programas de transferencias monetarias (PTM) humanitarios crecieron en volumen y alcance considerablemente en 2018-2023. Con al menos cinco años de PTM humanitarios generalizados en las Américas, existe la oportunidad de revisar la madurez del uso de las modalidades, las tendencias y...
Fundamentos de programas de transferencias monetarias (PTM) para el personal de programas en Tapachula, México
Contexto La CALP Network, Save the Children y el GTM de México brindará una capacitación del curso de Fundamentos de programas de transferencias monetarias (PTM) para el personal de programas es una capacitación de 5 días dirigida al personal técnico responsable de diseñar, implementar y monitorear...
AIDONIC In-person Event in Washington, DC on CVA and Localisation
Members event
AIDONIC is a Swiss-based award-winning fintech focused on digital solutions for cash and voucher assistance and localisation in the humanitarian and development sectors.
We're excited to invite you to our exclusive in-person event on September 19th at 10 AM in Washington DC, hosted by our esteemed...
Global Cash Forum meeting
Members event
The Global Cash Forum (GCF; formerly the Global CWG) will meet Wednesday, 18 September from 12:30 to 2 pm UTC.
The tentative agenda is below:
-Re-introducing the GCF and new Steering Committee members
-Understanding CVA and anticipatory action, including a walk through tools, guidance and best...
Regional Cash Working Group – WCAF
This is a Save the Date for the next Regional Cash Working Group meeting that will take place on Wednesday 11 of September 2024 from 9am to 11am (GMT) face to face and online. The meeting will be interpreted simultaneously into English and French. The draft agenda for this meeting is as follows: New...
Lo que realmente está sucediendo con los PTM en las Américas: cambiar la narrativa
Blog Post
Las narrativas humanitarias pueden ayudar, pero ¿y si nos equivocamos? La CALP Network emprendió un viaje para cambiar las narrativas sobre los programas de transferencias monetarias (PTM) en las Américas y descubrió que no se trataba solo de evidencia, sino de cómo aprendemos como comunidad.
CALP Online: Core CVA Skills for Programme Staff – Key Aid Consulting
Members training
CALP Board Meeting
The CALP Board provides strategic leadership and operational oversight of CALP. It operates on the basis of the Operational Framework and Code of Conduct. The CALP Board meets a minimum of four times a year, online. For more information, go to the Board page.
Guidance on Provision of Cash and In-kind Support for Protection
Guidelines and Tools
Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA) has emerged as an increasingly utilized modality of assistance in humanitarian contexts, delivering greater choice, dignity, and rights realization to conflict and crisis. This type of assistance aims to reduce the risk of harm to households and groups by providing them...
Cash Advisory Group briefing to LNNGOs: Application process to become a LNNGO representative or observer on the CAG
Context The global Cash Advisory Group (CAG) provides technical support and capacity building for cash coordination at the country level, with the overall aim of enhancing the quality and effectiveness of cash coordination efforts. It currently meets online every 3 weeks and in-person once a year. In...
Cash Advisory Group briefing to LNNGOs: Application process to become a LNNGO representative or observer on the CAG
Context The global Cash Advisory Group (CAG) provides technical support and capacity building for cash coordination at the country level, with the overall aim of enhancing the quality and effectiveness of cash coordination efforts. It currently meets online every 3 weeks and in-person once a year. In...
Paving the Way Towards At-Scale Cash Assistance in South Africa
Case Study
Climate change presents severe threats in South Africa where droughts, floods, storms, and fires are becoming more frequent and intense, exposing vulnerable populations to heightened risks. After storm surges caused severe flooding of the KwaZulu and Free State provinces in January and April 2024, the...
CALP’s Core Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA) Skills for Programme Staff Training – Papua New Guinea
This is a five-day face-to-face course, which intends to gather CVA implementers working in Papua New Guinea only.
CALP TAG (Technical Advisory Group) Meeting
Background The TAG helps shape and steer the CALP Network’s technical and policy priorities within the overall strategic vision for the network. All TAG Representatives are from CALP member organizations or are independent members of CALP. The TAG meets quarterly to: Review and provide feedback on key...
Dar pasos intencionados con la IA en CALP
Autores: Juliana Asprilla, Karen Peachey, Rory Crew
Empowering Communities: Group Cash Transfers to Women’s Response Rooms in Khartoum, Sudan
Case Study
On April 15th, 2023, violent conflict erupted in Sudan resulting in many deaths, a public health crisis, and the ongoing, large-scale displacement upwards of 8 million people, making Sudan the current largest displacement crisis in the world. The ongoing fighting between the Sudan Armed Forces (SAF) and...