El informe del Estado Global de los Programas de Transferencias Monetarias de la CALP Network encontró que uno de los principales obstáculos para la utilización sistemática de los PTM es la percepción de que éstos incurrirían en más riesgos que otras formas de asistencia. Esta preocupación está vinculada a un mayor énfasis por parte de los donantes a la lucha contra el terrorismo y el blanqueo de dinero, así como a la reducción de los presupuestos para la asistencia humanitaria. El trabajo de la CALP Network bajo este tema tiene como objetivo desmentir mitos, facilitar la colaboración y compartir el aprendizaje para garantizar que los PTM sean considerados sistemáticamente y con igualdad, de acuerdo con las evidencias de riesgos reales que existen a través de las diferentes modalidades.
Prioridades actuales
Varias organizaciones están trabajando actualmente en materia de PTM y riesgo. La CALP Network se encuentra trabajando para identificar sinergias entre actores, evitar la duplicación de esfuerzos y definir prioridades comunes que puedan abordarse mejor de forma colectiva. Junto con el Programa Mundial de Alimentos (PMA), la CALP Network colidera la prioridad de riesgo dentro del grupo de trabajo del Gran Pacto sobre la asistencia en efectivo.
Contenido destacado
Podcast: Will risk aversion hold us back from realizing the potential of CVA?
Episode 1 of the CashCast, exploring how attitudes to risk have impacted the use of CVA in the Middle East and North Africa region.
CVA and Risks: What happens in the field, stays in the field?
Blog Post
In October 2019 in Douala, Cameroon, the CALP Network facilitated a learning event exploring the risks to beneficiary protection in Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA). This closed-door workshop, held as part of series of meetings and webinars on theme of CVA and risk in different regions, convened 25 humanitarian workers from West and Central Africa representing local and international NGOs, UN...
Webinar: Data sharing in CVA: ethics, ownership and privacy
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Últimos recursos
CALP Online: Core CVA Skills for Programme Staff – Key Aid Consulting – April
Members training
CALP Online: Core CVA Skills for Programme Staff – Key Aid Consulting – February
Members training
¿Tienes 30 minutos? Descubre algo nuevo sobre PTM
CALP Network es una red de profesionales dedicados que están entusiasmados por aprender y compartir. La red también está ocupada con las demandas que competentes. ¿Cómo podemos fomentar el aprendizaje cuando se dispone de poco tiempo?
Para ello, ofrecemos una nueva serie de sesiones...
CALP Online: Core CVA Skills for Programme Staff – Key Aid Consulting – January
Members training
Cash Bytes: Data and Digital Developments in CVA – December Session
We kick off with our first ever "Cash Bytes" this December. A space to share views and information about all things CVA and digital related, this webinar series will take place twice a year.
CVA Design, Payment Size and Frequency: Effect on recovery and resilience
Join us for a stimulating discussion around CVA design, drawing on recent research findings. We will explore innovative practices, consider up-to-date evidence, and identify context-specific solutions.
Transformative Pathways to Resilience and Well-being in Cash and Voucher Programming – Middle East and Eastern European Regions
Members event
World Vision Middle East & Eastern Europe (WV MEER), in partnership with the CALP network in MENA, will be launching its new regional report entitled "Cash Waves: Transformative Pathways to Resilience and Well-being in Cash and Voucher Programming within World Vision’s Middle East and Eastern European...
Post-COP 29 in Baku: Successes, challenges and next steps – Asia friendly time
COP 29 in Baku is concluded on November 22nd, 2024. COP is the most important climate decision-making forum, whose agreements and commitments can have potentially huge impacts for the people most affected by climate change. However, for the many humanitarian stakeholders who don’t directly work in the...
Eastern Africa Regional Cash Working Group Meeting
Join us for an insightful and engaging session as we delve into key developments and best practices in cash programming in the region. This meeting will focus on two important topics that are critical to the future of cash and voucher assistance (CVA) in the region:
1.)The new cash for protection...
CALP Board Meeting
The CALP Board provides strategic leadership and operational oversight of CALP. It operates on the basis of the Operational Framework and Code of Conduct. The CALP Board meets a minimum of four times a year, online. For more information, go to the Board page.
«Whats Good Enough?» Webinar Series 3/3: Quality Standards
The LLR & CVA Global Working Group kicked off a webinar series titled "What's Good Enough?" in September 2024, that aimed to discuss and have open conversations around key components of localization and locally led CVA responses. Each webinar brings together the insights and expertise of different...
Lessons Learned and Best Practices for Delivering Cash Assistance at Scale in Famine-like Situations» Hybrid Workshop
Members event
In collaboration with Eastern Africa Regional Cash Working Group (RCWG)and key implementing Partners, the ECHO Regional Office and Country Offices (Sudan-Somalia) have organized an open session to present some of the lessons learned and best practices from the ongoing ECHO funded consortia in the region. ...
Rutas de Esperanza: Inclusión y Protección a través de Transferencias Monetarias
Evento miembro
Este webinar explorará los avances y lecciones aprendidas del Proyecto Piloto Rutas de Esperanza de World Vision, una iniciativa diseñada para responder a la crisis migratoria en Colombia, Ecuador y Perú. El proyecto se centra en brindar apoyo integral a familias migrantes en situación de alta...
Global Cash Forum
Agenda to be confirmed in November.
Post-COP29 in Baku: Successes, challenges and next steps – Americas friendly time
COP 29 in Baku is concluded on November 22nd, 2024. COP is the most important climate decision-making forum, whose agreements and commitments can have potentially huge impacts for the people most affected by climate change. However, for the many humanitarian stakeholders who don’t directly work in the...
Endline 2023 Report Multipurpose Cash Assistance for Syrian Refugees in Lebanon: Post Distribution and Outcome Monitoring
This report presents the endline post distribution and outcome monitoring (PDOM) results for the UNHCR multi-purpose cash assistance program (MCAP) targeting Syrian refugees in Lebanon implemented between January and November 2023.
Strengthening Market Monitoring Workshop in Kenya
Members event
The Kenya Cash Working Group (KCWG), in collaboration with the CALP Network, invite you to a half-day workshop to facilitate discussions by members of the group with the aim of strengthening the Kenya Joint Market Monitoring Initiative (JMMI). The face-to-face event is designed to set the stage for...
Reflexiones del Foro sobre protección social en contextos de fragilidad y conflicto
Principales conclusiones del Foro Mundial sobre Protección Social celebrado en octubre en Roma, en el que se analizó cómo la protección social puede ser una herramienta vital para hacer frente a las crisis agudas y los conflictos prolongados.
CALP da la bienvenida al nuevo Coordinador de Ayuda de Emergencia, Tom Fletcher
La Directora y los Copresidentes de la CALP Network han dirigido una carta de bienvenida a Tom Fletcher al asumir su nuevo cargo como Secretario General Adjunto de Asuntos Humanitarios y Coordinador de Ayuda en Emergencia en la OCHA. La carta completa puede consultarse a continuación.
¿Cómo podemos implicar mejor a las fundaciones en las iniciativas de los PTM?
Blog Post
Según el nuevo estudio de la CALP, los actores que trabajan con los PTM pueden estar pasando por alto y excluyendo a un grupo clave de actores influyentes a la hora de ampliar el alcance de los PTM. Este blog explora el potencial desaprovechado de las fundaciones en los PTM y lo que los agentes que...