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61 – 80 sur 190 résultats
Evaluación Rápida de Mercado (RAM) – Cali y Yumbo, Valle del Cauca
La mayoría de población migrante venezolana está ubicada en las áreas urbanas más vulnerables. La población en condición de movilidad humana está dispersa por toda ciudad de Cali en especial la zona oriente, en los barrios del Distrito de Agua Blanca: Manuela Beltrán, Puertas del Sol y El Guabal....
Evaluación Rápida de Mercado (RAM) – Conurbación Bogotá-Soacha, Colombia
La población migrante se encuentra en las Comunas, 3, 4, 5 del municipio de Soacha (tanto zona céntrica como barrios periféricos). Lo mismo sucede en la ciudad de Bogotá aunque las localidades con mayor presencia son: Kennedy, Engativá, Suba, Fontibón y Bosa. Objetivos
1. Identificar cadena de valor...
Evaluación Rápida de Mercado (RAM) – Cúcuta y Villa del Rosario, Colombia
La población migrante se encuentra dispersa por toda la ciudad de Cúcuta (tanto zonas céntrica como barrios periféricos). En el municipio de Villa del Rosario están más concentrados en el área de frontera (La Parada) y centro. En ambos casos son áreas urbanas. Objetivos:
1. Identificar cadena de...
Consulta sobre Asistencia en Efectivo y Cupones a las Principales ONG Españolas Financiadas por la AECID
Este informe resume los resultados obtenidos de un estudio de las prácticas de programas de transferencias monetarias (PTM) de ocho ONG españolas en el ámbito de la asistencia humanitaria.
Cash and Voucher Assistance for Education in Emergencies. Synthesis Report and Guidelines
The Global Education Cluster (GEC) developed in 2018-19 the Synthesis and Guidelines on Cash and Voucher Assistance for Education in Emergencies (EiE). The document was developed with financial support from ECHO and technical support from CashCap. The research focused on current CVA practices for...
Displaced & Disconnected – Connectivity for Refugees
UNHCR recognizes that one of the ‘hard stops’ in facilitating mobile connectivity and access to finance for displaced populations is non-conducive regulatory environments. In particular, ID-related legal requirements have proven a significant barrier to access. For example, a refugee who cannot...
3rd Grand Bargain Cash Work Stream Workshop – Co-Conveners’ Report
The third Grand Bargain (GB) Cash work stream Workshop was held at WFP Headquarters in Rome on 16th-17th May 2019, hosted by WFP and DFID. Over 85 participants attended the workshop, representing 60 donor and humanitarian organisations and multilateral agencies, and including representatives from the...
The Grand Bargain Cash Meetings: what did we learn, how are we doing, where next?
Blog Post
After cash focal points from Grand Bargain signatory organisations gathered in Rome for the second annual meeting of the Grand Bargain cash workstream, we ask how much progress has been made towards commitments, and what remains to be done.
Cost Efficiency and Cost Effectiveness in Humanitarian Assistance Workshop Report
A report of the Cost Efficiency and Cost Effectiveness workshop held on 9-10 April and organized by USAID, IRC and the CALP Network. The recommendations of the workshop was fed into the Grand Bargain cash workstream.
A Meeting of Cash Working Group Leads: Sharing Experiences and Learning from Burundi, Ethiopia, Kenya, Madagascar, Tanzania, Somalia, South Sudan, Sudan and Tanzania
Cash Working Group (CWG) leads from nine countries came together to share experiences and learn from one another. This report brings together observations and reflections from the meeting. It provides insights that are likely to be of interest to anyone involved in CWGs or discussions about the...
Measuring Cash Transfer Programming – Scoping study
This scoping study explores technical and policy issues that are constraining progress towards better measurement and reporting of Cash Transfer Programming (CTP) and addresses these to identify ways forward. The study was developed with the following objectives: • Map and document how different...
Measuring Cash Transfer Programming – Scoping study – Executive Summary
This is the Executive Summary of the study. The full report can be also be accessed through the library.
Cost-Effectiveness in Humanitarian Work: Cash-Based Programming
There is consensus in the literature that giving people cash in humanitarian contexts provides greater choice and dignity while at the same time stimulating local markets. In comparison to in-kind approaches, cash emerges as more efficient to deliver and – depending on the particularities of a given...
Impacts of Cash on Nutrition outcomes
Following the presentation of the Grand Bargain agreement at the 2016 World Humanitarian Summit, the use of cash transfers has become a key component of humanitarian assistance and humanitarian actors and policy-makers increasingly recognize the need for more evidence-based interventions to support their...
Cash Coordination in Humanitarian Response – NGO Position Paper
Guidelines and Tools
This document presents an NGO position on cash coordination. It has been compiled from consultations with the Collaborative Cash Delivery (CCD) Platform, representing 15 NGO cash actors, and from a VOICE-convened NGO event held in Brussels in March 2018 which included over 30 NGO representatives and a...
Tracking Cash & Voucher Programming Workshop
The Tracking Cash & Voucher Workshop, convened by the CALP Network and DG ECHO, was held on June 6th 2018. The main objectives of the workshop, as defined by the co-leads, were as follows: Provide a forum to identify best practices and understand mutual objectives regarding measuring Cash and Voucher...
The 1.5 Billion People Question : Food, Vouchers, or Cash Transfers?
Most of the people in low and middle-income countries covered by social protection receive assistance in the form of in-kind food. The origin of such support is rooted in countries’ historical pursuit of three interconnected objectives, namely attaining self-sufficiency in food, managing domestic food...
Overview of Cash Transfers and Vouchers in 2018 Humanitarian Response Plans
Cash transfers have moved from the fringe of humanitarian response to the mainstream. This is reflected in the Grand Bargain commitment made by donors and international organisations in 2016 to ‘increase the use and coordination of cash-based programming’ in humanitarian responses. As a result donors,...
Cash Transfer Programming in Armed Conflict: The ICRC’s Experience
Money is the main means of survival for most people around the world. That remains the case in situations of armed conflict, when having cash to buy essential goods can mean the difference between life and death.
The ICRC’s experience shows that cash is an essential tool in humanitarian action in armed...
Shock Responsive Social Protection Systems Research: Synthesis Report
This synthesis report consolidates the evidence and lessons learned from the research, drawing on all the case studies and other outputs, including the literature review as well as policy briefs on systems development and monitoring and evaluation. It highlights the key ways in which social protection...