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Measuring Cash Transfer Programming – Scoping study

2018 — By Laura Gordon

This scoping study explores technical and policy issues that are constraining progress towards better measurement and reporting of Cash Transfer Programming (CTP) and addresses these to identify ways forward. The study was developed with the following objectives:

• Map and document how different implementing agencies and donors are measuring cash and voucher programming data at the organisational level, including the following:

  • categorisations used to distinguish and cash and voucher programming from other modalities,
  • how and whether more detailed data on interventions is collected
  • which project costs are tracked for other assistance modalities, and if and how these costs are broken down and allocated in multi-modality projects
  • Identify best practices and key obstacles encountered by organisations in terms of measuring cash and voucher programming.
  • Analyse how organisational reporting systems for cash and voucher programming align with interagency reporting systems.
  • Outline options and recommendations for making progress in measuring cash and voucher programming