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Cash Week 2018: Event Report

2018 — By The Cash Learning Partnership

Cash Week 2018 was a series of events aimed at advancing issues, reflecting, and preparing for the future of cash and voucher assistance.

The events, which took place in London and online from 15-19 October 2018, were intended to provide opportunities for:

  • Networking and collaboration between the CALP Network’s members and beyond, including an opportunity to hear from the CALP Network’s Technical Advisory Group,
  • Learning about some of the key themes informing cash and voucher assistance, including advancing crucial debates around cash and gender, tracking cash, and delivering digital payments responsibly,
  • Initiating thinking on the future of financial assistance to meet humanitarian needs.

The events were a mixture of workshops and panel discussions, some of which were exclusively for CALP Members. Overall, 164 individuals attended spanning financial service providers, think tanks, donors, international NGOs, governments, UN agencies and independent consultants.

This report contains information about each event, including videos and agendas, as well as next steps.