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81 – 100 sur 778 résultats
تحسين الصحة من خلال المساعدات النقدية والقسائم: سلسلة فيديوهات تعليمية
الحق في الصحة لجميع الناس يعني أنه يجب أن يحصل كل فرد على الخدمات الصحية التي يحتاجون إليها، متى وأينما يحتاجون إليها، دون معاناة مالية.
Multi-Purpose Cash Assistance vs Foster Care, Disability and Other Protection Considerations in Multi-stakeholder Environment, Ukraine Refugee Response in Poland
This short research paper on strategic linkages between localized cash response, protection and social protection in Poland offers medium dive into the subject matter. The methodology involved both desk-based analysis, visits and interviews as part of a qualitative survey focused on the response in the...
Evidence and practice review of the use of cash transfers in contexts of acute food insecurity
Commissioned by the Global Food Security Cluster Cash and Market Working Group, this piece of operational looks at the use of cash transfers in contexts of extreme food insecurity. With interviews collected with partners in Syria, Nigeria and Somalia it seeks to highlight and understand lessons learned...
Conflict sensitive cash assistance in Lebanon: Conflict sensitivity toolbox 1
Guidelines and Tools
The Conflict Sensitivity Toolbox series is produced under UNDP Lebanon’s Tension Monitoring System. The toolbox forms part of the conflict sensitivity mainstreaming work under the Lebanon Crisis Response Plan (LCRP) and has been produced in collaboration with House of Peace. In 2021, three...
Survival minimum expenditure basket, minimum expenditure basket, gap analysis and transfer values for cash programming
The CWG in Iraq has updated the SMEB and has designed a new MEB and gap analysis to inform the transfer values for cash programming in 2023. This document is a technical note with the summary of the values and the methodology.
With the coordination and technical support of CashCap and the Data analysis of...
Feasibility study on cash and voucher assistance in Borena zone, Oromia and Gambela regions, Ethiopia
The report indicates the feasibility of cash and voucher assistance in Borena, Oromia and Gambela regions of Ethiopia conducted in December 2022.
The following key determinants, were used to arrive at a conclusion if the CVA modality will be feasible to achieve the set outcomes to provide integrated...
مساعدات فعالة تركز على الناس: الحاجة الملحة لتسريع التقدم في المساعدات النقدية والقسائم للأشخاص الذين يعانون من الأزمات
يعرض موجز السياسات هذا حالة واضحة للعمل، ويلخص أحدث الأدلة والمعلومات حول كيفية استخدام المساعدات النقدية والقسائم، وما إذا كان يحقق إمكاناته لدعم الأشخاص في الأزمات....
Increasing the Use of Humanitarian Cash and Voucher Assistance: Opportunities, Barriers and Dilemmas
Through in-depth analysis of the latest data and careful modelling this study maps the current scale of CVA, and unpacks the opportunities and challenges involved towards it fully reaching its potential.
People-focused, effective aid: The urgent need to accelerate progress on cash and voucher assistance for people in crisis
Setting out a clear case for action, this Policy Brief outlines the latest evidence and information around how CVA is being used, and if it is meeting its potential to support people in crisis. It urges us to define and commit to a new collective vision for the development of CVA.
Une aide efficace, centrée sur les personnes : pourquoi il est urgent d’accélérer les progrès en matière de transferts monétaires pour les personnes en situation de crise
Guides et outils
Ce document de politiques générales, qui présente des arguments clairs en faveur de l'action, expose les dernières données probantes et informations sur la manière dont les transferts monétaires sont utilisés, et indique s'ils atteignent leur potentiel en matière de soutien aux personnes en...
Una asistencia eficaz centrada en las personas: la necesidad urgente de acelerar el progreso de los PTM en contextos de crisis
En este informe, que aboga claramente por la acción, se exponen los datos y la información más recientes sobre el uso que se está haciendo de los PTM y si están cumpliendo su potencial de apoyo a las personas en crisis. Nos insta a definir y comprometernos con una nueva visión colectiva para el...
Meeting immediate needs and protecting development gains: Lessons from Ethiopia’s drought response
From April to October 2022, Mercy Corps’ Resilience in Pastoral Areas, North (RIPA-North) program provided a humanitarian drought response in the Somali Region of Ethiopia funded by the activation of a crisis modifier. This drought response was designed to complement and build on the Market Systems...
Cash and beyond – Analysis of extra costs associated with disabilities and disability-specific social protection in Ukraine, in the aftermath of the Russian invasion
Following the escalation of the conflict in Ukraine in February 2022 and the consequent humanitarian crisis, the country has experienced active fighting and massive displacement, both within and outside its borders. Persons with disabilities and older persons have been facing particularly harsh effects,...
Pacific cash learning event 2022: Report
The Pacific Cash Learning Event was held during an important time for the region. The Pacific is highly vulnerable to disasters, which are becoming increasingly frequent and intense as a result of climate change. These disasters threaten health, food and water systems and economic security, while the...
Doing Cash in a context of economic volatility: What to do and what to keep in mind
Guidelines and Tools
This interim WFP guidance was issued in 2022 to provide support to cash operations in contexts of economic volatility, be it when there is inflation, depreciation or currency volatility, parallel exchange rates, liquidity issues and changes in financial regulation, among others.
La guía de entrega: Alcance del panorama de los pagos humanitarios
Guía y herramientas
Mercy Corps ha elaborado una guía de entrega (herramienta de evaluación de los PSF) que ayuda a los trabajadores humanitarios a identificar los mecanismos de entrega apropiados para la programación de las transferencias de efectivo, en particular los subsidios de efectivo multipropósitos (MPG por sus...
حساب سلة الحد الأدنى من الإنفاق: دليل لأفضل الممارسات
إرشادات وأدوات
إذا كنتم ممن يساهمون في تطوير أو مراجعة سلة الحد الأدنى من الإنفاق، فهذه الأداة مناسبة لكم. هذا الدليل هو النسخة المعدلة والمعاد هيكلتها من أداة اتخاذ القرار لسلة الحد...
Transferencias Monetarias: Dignificación, Autonomía y Empoderamiento
Guía y herramientas
Este material tiene el propósito de presentar la manera como World Vision Colombia ha implementado la metodología cash, en la respuesta humanitaria a la población migrante de Venezuela, los aprendizajes y las buenas prácticas de esta experiencia que están determinadas, en gran medida, por la...
Calculating the Minimum Expenditure Basket: A Guide to Best Practice
Guidelines and Tools
If you play a role in developing or revising MEB, then this tool is for you. This guidance is the revised and restructured version of the 2020 Minimum Expenditure Basket (MEB) Decision Making Tool. The MEB has emerged as a key tool in humanitarian action in situations where cash and voucher assistance...
Orientación del consorcio de effectivo: Cómo lanzar y administrator un programa y consorcio de asistencia en efectivo. Lecciones de VenEsperanza, el consorcio humanitario más grande de América Latina
Guía y herramientas
El Consorcio VenEsperanza está trabajando para expandir su investigación e influencia en temas relacionados con la provisión de asistencia humanitaria multipropósito de emergencia y la coordinación entre actores humanitarios en situaciones de emergencia. Con este objetivo en mente, VenEsperanza ha...