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181 – 200 sur 768 résultats

La asistencia monetaria itinerante “adaptación del programas de asistencia monetaria a migrantes en tránsito”


En 2019 y 2020, con el apoyo de la Oficina de Asistencia Humanitaria de USAID (anteriormente FFP y OFDA), Save the Children implementó un programa de Transferencias Monetarias Multipropósito con Programación
Complementaria en respuesta al gran número de migrantes venezolanos que ingresaban a Perú. A...

8 janvier 2021

CASH ON THE MOVE – Adapting Multi-Purpose Cash ‘Plus’ Assistance to support people on the move in Peru


In 2019 and 2020, with the support of USAID´s Bureau for Humanitarian Assistance (formerly FFP and OFDA), Save the Children implemented
a multi-purpose cash ‘Plus’ program in response to the influx of Venezuelan migrants into Peru. Households that were only transiting through the cities where they...

8 janvier 2021

Pinning Down Moving Targets: Research Note Medium-term priorities for cash assistance in Lebanon


Whilst most humanitarian responses across the globe have had to navigate the impact of the Coronavirus pandemic, in Lebanon the challenges related to COVID-19 emerged on top of an unprecedented protest movement, political instability, a rapid deterioration of the economy and the increasingly protracted...

4 janvier 2021

Cash and Voucher Assistance Guidelines for Lao PDR

Guidelines and Tools

Cash and voucher assistance is becoming increasingly popular in Lao PDR in delivering humanitarian assistance, rehabilitation and development focused projects. In supporting the cash and voucher assistance agenda in Lao PDR, the Cash Working Group was established as a working group for local and regional...

1 janvier 2021

WVI Cash and Voucher Programming Indicator Compendium

Guidelines and Tools

This indicator compendium was designed to support World Vision field offices to design and monitor quality cash and voucher programmes. Specifically, the compendium will enable colleagues responsible for designing, implementing and monitoring cash and voucher programming to select appropriate indicators...

1 janvier 2021

“Pinning down moving targets”: Adapting humanitarian cash programmes to the multi-pronged crises in Lebanon


Whilst most humanitarian responses across the globe have had to navigate the impact of the Coronavirus pandemic, in Lebanon the challenges related to COVID-19 emerged on top of an unprecedented protest movement, political instability, a rapid deterioration of the economy and the increasingly protracted...

31 décembre 2020

Les implications environnementales des transferts monétaires


Depuis quelques années, les transferts monétaires (TM) sont utilisés de manière exponentielle dans les programmes humanitaires. À leur sujet, certains acteurs avancent notamment des bénéfices environnementaux, hypothèse reposant principalement sur le fait que si les achats se font localement,...

14 décembre 2020

The Environmental Implications of Cash Transfers


In recent years, the use of the “cash” modality in humanitarian programmes has grown exponentially. Some actors also put forward, among others things, their environmental benefits. The main hypothesis being that if items are purchased locally, humanitarian actors will have a reduced carbon footprint....

14 décembre 2020

3.1 Scénario pratique : Coordination des transferts monétaires multisectoriels


Ce scénario s'adresse aux décideurs stratégiques des agences d'aide et aux autres apprenants intéressés par la pratique des compétences en transferts monétaires. Cela devrait vous prendre environ 1 à 2 heures.

8 décembre 2020 / Français / 3. Application